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  1. jarlrmai

    Reddit thread - Lights filmed from drone in VA

    This post was made to Reddit recently and currently has 600+ upvotes Source: It seems to show a lit object hanging in the sky, it is filmed from a drone, there was some suggestion in the thread...
  2. jarlrmai

    A Gimbal Glare Explainer

    I think I asked this before, do you envisage that a time will come when people like [the Raytheon engineer] will be able to become involved fully? Or is it likely to remain NDA's for the foreseeable future?
  3. jarlrmai

    (Recycled) UFO Video: 2012 TicTacs over the Pacific

    From Micks comment
  4. jarlrmai

    (Recycled) UFO Video: 2012 TicTacs over the Pacific

    Thanks Mick that's the kind of stabilising I wanted to see.
  5. jarlrmai

    (Recycled) UFO Video: 2012 TicTacs over the Pacific

    Wow this is all over Reddit UFOs there are posts with my analysis just copy pasted into an image as well.. @Mick West might be worth a video from you given the prominence this one seems have got, coming back from the dead and all.
  6. jarlrmai

    (Recycled) UFO Video: 2012 TicTacs over the Pacific

    Made a timeline scrub video with grid on in PS
  7. jarlrmai

    (Recycled) UFO Video: 2012 TicTacs over the Pacific

    Yeah stabilising against the background would be interesting, unfortunately I don't have access to the tools.
  8. jarlrmai

    (Recycled) UFO Video: 2012 TicTacs over the Pacific

    Third Phase of Moon, known hoaxer... They are all aligned to the video horizontal in the TPOM video as well
  9. jarlrmai

    (Recycled) UFO Video: 2012 TicTacs over the Pacific

    They'd be clear in the non zoomed version if it were a sensor issue.
  10. jarlrmai

    (Recycled) UFO Video: 2012 TicTacs over the Pacific

    Just want to clarify the aligned UFO objects bit. What I mean is that if we add a grid to the video like below, in every frame I can find the objects align with this grid in the horizontal. Meaning the obects align with the camera angle perfectly, even though the camera is not steady at all
  11. jarlrmai

    (Recycled) UFO Video: 2012 TicTacs over the Pacific

    They stay level and aligned to the horizontal, relative to the video bottom edge.
  12. jarlrmai

    (Recycled) UFO Video: 2012 TicTacs over the Pacific

    This black line down the the right hand side appears at around 00:46.23 Note this is coincidently at the exact same frames that the video ends (during the zoom part) Possible signs of being done in an editor and slight layer alignment issues.
  13. jarlrmai

    (Recycled) UFO Video: 2012 TicTacs over the Pacific

    Also if we are to believe that the zoomed part of the video contains more information than the non-zoomed part then there must be a much higher quality version that this person has and chose not to upload.
  14. jarlrmai

    (Recycled) UFO Video: 2012 TicTacs over the Pacific

    In all frames all the objects are perfectly aligned to the crop of the video, this seems unlikely.
  15. jarlrmai

    (Recycled) UFO Video: 2012 TicTacs over the Pacific

    Short, shaky, low quality video with leading references/terms like "tic tac" and "Nimitz" in the name of the video on YouTube. No chain of custody, no initial attempt to share original video or metadata. All highly suspect, let's get the original video file with metadata posted somewhere and...
  16. jarlrmai

    Long Distance Drones, Maybe Foreign, as Possible UFOs.

    Yes I was looking at this the other day, so this is what they mean when they say unidentified, it's clearly a commercial drone, but what make/model and who owns/operates it? We have had this discussion before, when the report came out and we had the Susan Gough statements, about what the Navy...
  17. jarlrmai

    Bright blue light beyond mountain

    So looking at where that photo is taken, just on the ridge of that hill is a road. Could easily be a vehicle up there with bright headlights. Behind the ridge is an amphitheatre, where people have weddings and other events.
  18. jarlrmai

    Large orb on security camera

    Also along side what JMartJr says, maybe try some debunking yourself to realise the effort that it can take. Especially with the paucity of information on some of those MUFON cases.
  19. jarlrmai

    Bright blue light beyond mountain

    I think this is the location/building in the images.