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  1. jarlrmai

    Even if you think the world's flat your brain knows different

    Things looks smaller when they are far away but this perspective only works because we have other things (that we "know" the size of) to compare it with, your post box is looking big, because we are tricked into associating it with the other objects near it (cars/trees,) remove all those and you...
  2. jarlrmai

    Needs debunking: High altitude flight video with no curvature

    It's a fish eye so it will still curve straight lines, just wont look as curved when it can't see as much of the horizon.
  3. jarlrmai

    Needs debunking: High altitude flight video with no curvature

    A right click in Chrome will let you do a Google Lens search, one of the results is the video Mick linked
  4. jarlrmai

    Needs debunking: High altitude flight video with no curvature

    And had the bottom cropped off to removed any way of identifying the actual source easily.
  5. jarlrmai

    Was Gimbal a drug plane?

    Looks like Star SAFIRE which is a MWIR camera like the one in ATFLIR iirc
  6. jarlrmai

    The Steven Greenstreet UFO ...

    This is the fate of a lot of our investigations, we investigate possibilities and only sometimes find a smoking gun, but in the process we rule out some things and add to the list of possible non-extraordinary explanations and some of them are even likely, perhaps that fire service was getting a...
  7. jarlrmai

    The Steven Greenstreet UFO ...

    I can find mentions of French fire services using this exact model.
  8. jarlrmai

    The Steven Greenstreet UFO ...

    I know, what we are working out is if the photo was digitally zoomed while being taken as this effects FOV calculations. I think the 6.0 zoom indicator in the exif means it was digitally zoomed (cropped in camera) to 6x and then rescaled to be the same pixel dimensions as a non zoomed shot. I...
  9. jarlrmai

    Photos of Planes and Contrails (That you took yourself)

    I saw a really striking one the other day with the full moon and low cloud, didn't have my phone/camera though
  10. jarlrmai

    The Steven Greenstreet UFO ...

    Exiftools output Digital Zoom Ratio : 6 What this actually means I have no idea 6x 28mm FF equiv?
  11. jarlrmai

    The Steven Greenstreet UFO ...

    Just looking at the image quality on the tree branches it looks like digital zoom is occurring, but the pixel count is the full 64MP so does it rescale? I have no idea what phone cameras normally do with digitally zoomed images.
  12. jarlrmai

    The Steven Greenstreet UFO ...

    Sorry I've been slacking on the EXIF, the camera reports the FF (35mm) equivalent as 28mm which fairly standard for phone cameras. However it does list the lens as the "rear telephoto camera" though, which has 'hybrid zoom', it might require some experimentation to workout if the zoom...
  13. jarlrmai

    The Steven Greenstreet UFO ...

    There's a What an insane co-incidence It might not be this specific drone, but could indicate some other drone testing going on..
  14. jarlrmai

    The Steven Greenstreet UFO ...

    Could we get an unaltered jpg from your phone with exif intact I think attaching them here would not remove exif but if so then Google drive or similar will do, or if not I can dm an email address.
  15. jarlrmai

    The Steven Greenstreet UFO ...

    There's also a fire station in the general direction of viewing, could be a fire service observation UAS
  16. jarlrmai

    The Steven Greenstreet UFO ...

    It's not likely a hoax just another phone camera with a TFA object, people just don't have quick access to long lens cameras. The best that happen from this is he goes out and gets a P1000 or something and then see's it again and zooms in and it's a drone or a balloon or something. But we never...
  17. jarlrmai

    The Steven Greenstreet UFO ...

    Yeah unfortunately time is not a solution for a lack of a telephoto lens.
  18. jarlrmai

    The Steven Greenstreet UFO ...

    I think the exact location of the 1st video is inside this park
  19. jarlrmai

    The Steven Greenstreet UFO ...

    I see some debate on battery life, but a lot of these drones are powered by gasoline/petroleum
  20. jarlrmai

    The Steven Greenstreet UFO ...

    I asked on there for the full frame image Police use these coaxial drones, I wonder if the bigger ones have ADSB