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  1. jarlrmai

    Gimbal Blender Simulation with Clouds

    Do your cloud layers follow the Earth's curve? It makes a big difference. Also how confident can we be about the size of the cloud features and the distance surely we run into similar issues with them that we do with the size/distance of the object itself? This was he main issue I had with my...
  2. jarlrmai

    Anti-5G necklaces found to be radioactive

    This always amazes me, surely its easier to just make 'harmless' placebo items to scam people than to go out of your way to make something actively dangerous.
  3. jarlrmai

    Spinning Comb-like UFO in Thunderstorm in Cambridge

    I think we need to see an original file here, the sound on the video is very odd for an indoor recorded phone video. My 1st thought was it looked like interlacing artefacts, but that seems unlikely.
  4. jarlrmai

    Leicester triangle UFO, finding the 3 helicopters...

    The classic case of people thinking that they will get an decent, honest investigation by passing sighting details to a UFO "expert"
  5. jarlrmai

    Evanston, IL: Dual ventral synchronized irregular flash pattern white strobe craft.

    Service helicopters often carry powerful flood lights, and in general even normal aircraft landing etc lights are VERY bright, especially when pointed directly at you. I have been very confused by aircraft flying directly towards me before, the light is so bright you think it is closer than it...
  6. jarlrmai

    Leicester triangle UFO, finding the 3 helicopters...

    Military etc aircraft often do not show up on FR24 The entire thing could be made up, all we have is retelling of a third hand account from someone known to be into ufology. Maybe he saw this plane thought he saw some helicopters as well, maybe the helicopters were actually lights that were...
  7. jarlrmai

    Leicester triangle UFO, finding the 3 helicopters...

    There's also but it only gives 1 year history, but for free. If they were military helicopters they may likely not be on FR24
  8. jarlrmai

    Gimbal distance and Speed Range Estimates using Lines of Bearing and/or DCS

    I do not agree with your assertion that what we are seeing in that picture is jet exhaust, I believe you think it is from the Sukhoi's thrust vectoring but the flare is in 4 directions at once and the nozzle vectoring does not work that way, and you have never fully demonstrated that it does.
  9. jarlrmai

    John Ramirez Ex-CIA On Unidentified Showing An Award

    A low res video is never going to be able to prove/disprove the authenticity of a service medal or document. Unless there was some major design flaw. Which there doesn't appear to be.
  10. jarlrmai

    UFO Sambeek, Noord-Brabant • 10 december 2021

    Important questions to ask Exact date/time (convert to UTC) Exact location and direction of view. A daylight photo of the same view is always a good reference point.
  11. jarlrmai

    Gimbal distance and Speed Range Estimates using Lines of Bearing and/or DCS

    Non of the 3 videos actually show ATFLIR RADAR slaving of any kind, any reference to slaving comes from accounts. Slave and auto track are not exclusive settings as I understand it. You can leave your RADAR slave on and use auto track to smooth the tracking as the radar SLAVE relies on the rate...
  12. jarlrmai

    UFOs from flight deck over South China Sea - Flares?

    Okay so that's easier a "just a light" video, floating in black sky. Third video, the one merged with the ISS footage to make the hoax.
  13. jarlrmai

    UFOs from flight deck over South China Sea - Flares?

    video 1 A hoax of white dots sent from the ISS, video 2 is the video in the this thread I guess it's possible the guy cut out one of the flares from the flare video and added it to the ISS RAW...
  14. jarlrmai

    UFOs from flight deck over South China Sea - Flares?

    If there's ever a video I still think no-one making a hoax from scratch would make it look this much like flares being dropped. They could still possibly have removed/obscured the planes dropping them or cloned one flare drop into 3 or something but I still think it's a genuine video, possibly...
  15. jarlrmai

    UFOs from flight deck over South China Sea - Flares?

    Do aerial display teams ever drop flares, I know they do coloured smoke, likely they wouldn't drop flares over land, but over sea maybe? Not use I'm looking for reasons but it might be a source of comparative footage.
  16. jarlrmai

    UFOs from flight deck over South China Sea - Flares?

    If we had the original footage with the camera spec we could possibly get some approximate distances based on a range of jet speeds and the distance travelled between 2 flare drops. Remember the footage is zoomed on a phone, so likely crop zoom as well affecting the ability to see a jet.
  17. jarlrmai

    Texas Winter Storm and Power Outages

    I think we need to go back a bit as well, even if wind power was the primary reason for what happened, the failure of the system is not because wind power is bad, it's that the power system was badly designed, badly managed, badly maintained or badly monitored or some combination of all 4. The...
  18. jarlrmai

    Texas Winter Storm and Power Outages

    So if the turbines going off crashes the system, what happens when it's not windy?