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  1. jarlrmai

    US Navy "UFO" patent by Salvatore Cezar Pais

    My understanding is that the current view is either the US Military files patents based on highly speculative theoretical physics "just in case." And/or they are misinformation of some kind, written by a qualified physicist (Pais) to give them an aura of realism. But they do not stand-up under...
  2. jarlrmai

    Could The Gimbal Video Show an Atlas V Launch?

    It always confuses me with these videos, the thing is they are not using RADAR to have the ATFLIR track this object. I mean they don't HAVE to they could just point at the IR blob and autotrack but if they have a RADAR signature for anything (say a huge ATLAS rocket) then why not SLAVE? I guess...
  3. jarlrmai

    Could The Gimbal Video Show an Atlas V Launch?

    Yeah I know I am describing Link16 not saying anything about radar signatures.
  4. jarlrmai

    Could The Gimbal Video Show an Atlas V Launch?

    It's 320NM from the JET to appear on the display, its top down, ownship centered, (it may be possible to change this but its not mentioned in the sim manuals.) I.e. you could have a Jet with a RADAR range of 100NM fed a track from 320NM away by a ship/plane either closer to the target or with a...
  5. jarlrmai

    Could The Gimbal Video Show an Atlas V Launch?

    From the sim docs Range Scale Option - The SA Range Scale (SCL) may be selected on the SA format by pressing the SCL/XX option. The range scale decrements on each selection, to 320, 160, 80, 40, 20, 10, and 5 nm ranges. Pressing SCL/320 will wrap around, causing the 5 nm range scale to be...
  6. jarlrmai

    Could The Gimbal Video Show an Atlas V Launch?

    The "fleet of them" refers to the SA (situational awareness) display indicating radar tracks.
  7. jarlrmai

    DHS "Rubber Duck" Footage

    Yup likely the 'opsec' was poor allowing us the small glimpse of the lat/longs. If we had the full video unredacted we could have done a really good track. Cats out of the bag now though and given the flight is on FR24 etc there absolutely no reason what so ever to not release the unredacted...
  8. jarlrmai

    Triangle object filmed / uap or cameraglitch ?

    Glad to hear they agree with ducks as a strong possibility, but generally just accepting single subject matter experts words on this is something we should avoid doing too hastily, I think there is possibly some more confirmation work to be done on knowing that the IR illuminator was on and...
  9. jarlrmai

    Triangle object filmed / uap or cameraglitch ?

    The problem is it takes time to understand what you are looking at, they may not be familiar with IR night vision devices, they may exclude birds because "birds don't glow at night." If they don't ask the questions like what device is being used etc you are also possibly colouring their...
  10. jarlrmai

    Triangle object filmed / uap or cameraglitch ?

    Starlings and Blackbirds are different species.. There's a lot of uninformed ornithology happening on this thread.[12] This list is not comprehensive as it does not cover all birds that fly in V formation. Geese Swans...
  11. jarlrmai

    Triangle object filmed / uap or cameraglitch ?

    Do you see the triangle starts to change shape a bit around 1min (full video) I feel like the bottom rear most dot loses the formation a little, problem is there is so much noise it's hard to tell.
  12. jarlrmai

    Triangle object filmed / uap or cameraglitch ?

    And what context did you provide them? A link to this thread?
  13. jarlrmai

    Historical Satellite Pass Data

    You can do similar in Stellarium but be careful with the databases in use.
  14. jarlrmai

    Triangle object filmed / uap or cameraglitch ?

    Some updates. I asked in the Heavens Above (satellite tracking sub reddit) Not much info there either way but did suggest if we had ruled out birds.. Luna Optics say they use Sony Exmor sensors however there is a lot, only some will match but there is a...
  15. jarlrmai

    Triangle object filmed / uap or cameraglitch ?

    Are you saying 1.3 meters for the triangle formation i.e. corner to corner? Can we get a size for the triangle at 300 -> 600 meters?
  16. jarlrmai

    Triangle object filmed / uap or cameraglitch ?

    600 meters is the stated effective range of the IR illuminator so if we are are saying they are lit by that then they are within/around this distance way, they could be further if they are more reflective to IR than normal. 1.3 meters (if accurate) spread seems pretty tight for some of the...
  17. jarlrmai

    Triangle object filmed / uap or cameraglitch ?

    V flight formation is used for medium distance flights by larger birds, commonly migratory species use V formations but they also fly in V's when not migrating. It's oddly hard to find a reference that states this specifically though most articles are about the wonders of migration, i'm a bird...
  18. jarlrmai

    Triangle object filmed / uap or cameraglitch ?

    They don't need to be migrating, they can just be flying back to the roost, I live right by a major migration destination for pink feet geese, they migrate to here but then each day they fly from the roost spot to fields and back again in V formation sometimes in small groups, when they do this...
  19. jarlrmai

    Triangle object filmed / uap or cameraglitch ?

    Is that the right IR type for the bino's sensor though. Near IR vs MWIR/LWIR The illuminator is at 850nm which is near It would be helpful to know the zoom level being used on the Binos at the time as they have a range • Wide...