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  1. jarlrmai

    Triangle object filmed / uap or cameraglitch ?

    Birds don't just "fly south" there are residents that fly around all year, there are birds that migrate south TO the north of Europe and then fly locally from roosting to feeding areas, the direction of flight has no bearing on them possibly being birds or not. So EU northern hemisphere birds...
  2. jarlrmai

    Triangle object filmed / uap or cameraglitch ?

    Yeah it's more common as an option these days but it's more of a computer display resolution than a cinema/video standard if that makes sense, generally 'video' devices do 720/1080/4k. It's a moot point now anyway as we had the wrong device anyway.
  3. jarlrmai

    DHS "Rubber Duck" Footage

    There also no reason not to release the unredacted version given the flight is on FR24.
  4. jarlrmai

    Triangle object filmed / uap or cameraglitch ?

    2 suggestions, compare angular size to see if unlisted high altitude aircraft is a possibility. Everything from biz jet to military transport size is a possibility. Unlisted satellites triad, extrapolate an orbit and see if it passes over again when expected by finding a reference star like...
  5. jarlrmai

    Triangle object filmed / uap or cameraglitch ?

    Cool so it's a different model, thanks
  6. jarlrmai

    Triangle object filmed / uap or cameraglitch ?

    Put it on a service like google drive unaltered and link it here.
  7. jarlrmai

    Triangle object filmed / uap or cameraglitch ?

    Yeah it's interesting, the high res download is a video file with dimensions of 2560/1440 which is an odd resolution for a video device, also the web site and manual for the device used lists the sensor/video resolution at 1080p (30fps). The video also has an audio track (silent) So something...
  8. jarlrmai

    Triangle object filmed / uap or cameraglitch ?

    I downloaded the 'original' footage (more on that later) I think I have id'd the satellite that is visible at (video time) 20:54:13 moving right to left near HD104459 STARLINK-1478 (NORAD 45755) This seems to show the time on the video...
  9. jarlrmai

    Triangle object filmed / uap or cameraglitch ?

    There's NOSS 2-3 (A) in that area of the sky at 19:41:52 but it's going in the opposite direction.
  10. jarlrmai

    Triangle object filmed / uap or cameraglitch ?

    I watched Stellarium pointed at Markab for the time period shown in the video on the date shown for satellites passing through and did not see any that matched, my DB shows it has NOSS. The date/time could be out on the video I guess. Or it could be a different constellation and I need a better DB.
  11. jarlrmai

    Triangle object filmed / uap or cameraglitch ?

    7/10/21 2053 LOCAL is 18:53 UTC This is a stellarium capture marked for the brightest stars in the starting frame and 23 seconds in when it appears to fade out
  12. jarlrmai

    Triangle object filmed / uap or cameraglitch ?

    This is the sky position at 23 seconds in
  13. jarlrmai

    Triangle object filmed / uap or cameraglitch ?

    This is the part of the sky that the triangle crosses in the 1st part of the video the frame is 7.39 degrees by 4 degrees
  14. jarlrmai

    Triangle object filmed / uap or cameraglitch ?

    The device used as per the OP is a nightvision monocular. Filmed with Luna Optics Gen 3-6x50 So it's a Generation 3 Night Vision Device
  15. jarlrmai

    DHS "Rubber Duck" Footage

    You are right I just read that so removed my post, it was redacted by TBV at the request of the original owner.
  16. jarlrmai

    DHS "Rubber Duck" Footage

    Also it would have to have been re-encoded to do the redaction, looks like it was done on an Apple hard to tell though because of the added Black Vault tag, it could have been sent redacted them and then further re-encoded to add The Black Vault tag. Depending on how this was done there could...
  17. jarlrmai

    DHS "Rubber Duck" Footage

    Imagine a really long stick attached to the camera that reaches the ground, when the camera moves it moves that stick along the ground, it's the speed that the end of the stick would be moving at along the ground.
  18. jarlrmai

    Poll : Which DOD Navy video do you consider debunked ?

    Okay I think I get your minor semantic difference, but do you agree we are being asked by some parties to conclude that they do represent something extraordinary?
  19. jarlrmai

    Poll : Which DOD Navy video do you consider debunked ?

    So you do agree they represent nothing extraordinary then?