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  1. jarlrmai

    FLIR Technician Discusses Navy videos and claims to refute Mick's claims

    Any debunk/explanation necessarily involves the Pentagon/Raytheon disclosing some classified information about the specs/limits/flaws of US Military technology to the public. They are not in the habit of doing so. Even if these flaws are obvious to a person with an understanding of the...
  2. jarlrmai

    FLIR Technician Discusses Navy videos and claims to refute Mick's claims

    Yeah I added a comment as well, I'm always a bit suspicious of some YouTubers though as they will tend to value views over all.
  3. jarlrmai

    FLIR Technician Discusses Navy videos and claims to refute Mick's claims

    They were not taken in the UK according to sources they are in US waters, there are Norfolk's in the US, it's very unlikely a US carrier group would be conducting operations in the North Sea. PRF codes are 4 digit codes the ATFLIR sim claims: "A valid Laser Code is any 4-digit series where...
  4. jarlrmai

    FLIR Technician Discusses Navy videos and claims to refute Mick's claims

    We mostly know because the mission unique PRF code displayed on the ATFLIR overlay in the videos is the same on both videos.
  5. jarlrmai

    FLIR Technician Discusses Navy videos and claims to refute Mick's claims

    There are 2 types F/A-18E: 1 person (pilot), F/A-18F: 2 people (pilot and WSO) This is likely a F mostly because they are both talking about the L+S (Launch and Steer target) a reference that only makes sense from the perspective of the operators of the aircraft. We also know this video is...
  6. jarlrmai

    FLIR Technician Discusses Navy videos and claims to refute Mick's claims

    This is a dual seat F/18 both voices (pilot and WSO) are likely sat in the same aircraft looking at the same data on the same size screens. In the cockpit there are "monitors" called MFDs (multi function display) generally one on the left and one on the right, in this config the left screen...
  7. jarlrmai

    FLIR Technician Discusses Navy videos and claims to refute Mick's claims

    All these axis's control where the camera in the pod is looking though. The camera's direction of looking is not fully bound by it's 2 coarse axis's as it has additional methods to control where it is looking. Up until a point where it has to use mains axis. It's the difference between just...
  8. jarlrmai

    Perennial Sensor Fluff (PSF)

    I'm just wondering how you expect to get enough light to use the sensors at the rate you describe?
  9. jarlrmai

    Perennial Sensor Fluff (PSF)

    Have you ever done any photography?
  10. jarlrmai

    Perennial Sensor Fluff (PSF)

    What shutter speed do you think you'll achieve?
  11. jarlrmai

    Perennial Sensor Fluff (PSF)

    "They work at speeds up to 200,000fps and as such are capable of around 879MP equivalent." You're aware that any form of ultra high speed photography requires vastly more light than you'll be able to get from any distant object and line scan cameras require precise alignment with the subject...
  12. jarlrmai

    FLIR Technician Discusses Navy videos and claims to refute Mick's claims

    There's only one person saying that the FoV affects the glare as shown, maybe ask him.
  13. jarlrmai

    FLIR Technician Discusses Navy videos and claims to refute Mick's claims

    The FoV of the ATFLIR system at the various zoom levels is well known. Have you read the original thread through?
  14. jarlrmai

    FLIR Technician Discusses Navy videos and claims to refute Mick's claims

    Am I losing my mind? We say the REAL pod tries to not rotate on the major gimbal axis constantly, only rotating if it cant avoid it and these transfers to different rotations are visible due to the mechanical nature of the system, we get shown a DCS (GAME) video where it appears to as evidence...
  15. jarlrmai

    FLIR Technician Discusses Navy videos and claims to refute Mick's claims

    Found one that references gimbal for the A10 which is apparently a more fully featured pod sim "like gimbal limit issues are not modelled aside in the A10C IIRC" This probably means the pod in the hornet sims can...
  16. jarlrmai

    FLIR Technician Discusses Navy videos and claims to refute Mick's claims

    You imagine? The sim just has to be good enough to be close, the real world pod has to perform physically under limitations. The easiest way to program a good enough pod simulation is to ignore these restrictions. eg they don't even model zooms correctly...
  17. jarlrmai

    FLIR Technician Discusses Navy videos and claims to refute Mick's claims

    I'm not 100% user what your drawings mean but this is the pod, looking at directly us. It can rotate in the green axis and the inner section can rotate on the red axis. the camera entrance is inside the rectangle. If it's tracking something with a pan of the inner section red axis depending on...
  18. jarlrmai

    FLIR Technician Discusses Navy videos and claims to refute Mick's claims

    The problem is the simulator version is not accurate 100% for the physical limits of the pod. The forums for DCS mention that the simulated version often lack the real world problems/flaws of the pods. Eg the older Navy pod has less resolution than ATLFIR but DCS does not simulate this on the...
  19. jarlrmai

    Need help: in analyzing this "uap"

    In this pic I think the 4 white dots are the top of Ursa Major so probalby quite a long exposure/multiple exposure on the phonr camera. The UAP light looks to be a projector spotlight type thing pointed at the sky, maybe from a festival etc