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  1. jarlrmai

    Need help: in analyzing this "uap"

    No they are internal lens reflections, it's not required to be behind a window.
  2. jarlrmai

    Need help: in analyzing this "uap"

    Looks like in lens reflections to me, would need to have the non cropped image of the wide angle (second shot) on it to demonstrate it fully though
  3. jarlrmai

    FLIR Technician Discusses Navy videos and claims to refute Mick's claims

    The ATFLIR sim manual has a section on the ATFLIR becoming gimbal limited. "If the FLIR becomes gimbal-limited with a designation (e.g. the target enters the rear 30 degree field of exclusion), the FLIR will once again snowplow." It's not a stretch to suggest that the warning from the other...
  4. jarlrmai

    FLIR Technician Discusses Navy videos and claims to refute Mick's claims

    Your understanding of how AA missiles are targeted and launched and guided is not possibly accurate, the ATFLIR is not used to guide them to targets. They have their own targeting, the Sidewinder (AIM9x) is IR guided by it's own guidance IR detector. Other missiles use RADAR.
  5. jarlrmai

    FLIR Technician Discusses Navy videos and claims to refute Mick's claims

    Okay can you clarify what is your point? I'm lost now.
  6. jarlrmai

    FLIR Technician Discusses Navy videos and claims to refute Mick's claims

    A picture of it with the airframe in the way of full 360 degree view is not evidence enough for you?
  7. jarlrmai

    FLIR Technician Discusses Navy videos and claims to refute Mick's claims

    My impression is I don't think it was specifically designed to for A/G only, but that is a large part of its use, it's main A/A use is for visual ID of aircraft when the rules of engagement require it, it doesn't seem to be used really for tracking a target during dogfighting (a rare event in...
  8. jarlrmai

    FLIR Technician Discusses Navy videos and claims to refute Mick's claims

    "If it is the pod that is creating rotating glare and bouncing around whilst it does it - it’s a pretty catastrophic failure!" I don't follow, the pod has limits it's a machine most of it's job is for A/G targeting and laser guidance of munitions. This is not a catastrophic failure a few slight...
  9. jarlrmai

    Disc disappears into sky

    Is there any actual vetting of submissions to MUFON?
  10. jarlrmai

    FLIR Technician Discusses Navy videos and claims to refute Mick's claims

    I doubt it is vectoring it's thrust ins all those different directions at the same time, this claim seems like a huge stretch to me. Source: The vectoring seems to point the entire engine nozzle in one direction at a time
  11. jarlrmai

    NYT: GIMBAL Video of U.S. Navy Jet Encounter with Unknown Object

    So I did some digging around and found something to fill in a gap I had with the full symbology of what the ATFLIR was showing. At around 2 seconds into the gimbal video the text ADV-M4 OK appears on the FLIR display above the speed indicators What does this mean I did some digging into the...
  12. jarlrmai

    2004 USS Nimitz Tic Tac UFO FLIR footage (FLIR1)

    The claim is not "this video shows an odd thing that just happens to be behaving like a balloon, jet etc" it's "this video shows a thing behaving oddly for these specific reasons" we know now that they are not behaving oddly. I don't catch your drift re Fravor, what do you mean?
  13. jarlrmai

    2004 USS Nimitz Tic Tac UFO FLIR footage (FLIR1)

    How do you feel about the people who said the videos show odd things still maintaining that when they have been shown to not actually show odd things?
  14. jarlrmai

    2004 USS Nimitz Tic Tac UFO FLIR footage (FLIR1)

    People say there is corroborating data, so far the data they say is corroborating has been shown to not corroborate.
  15. jarlrmai

    FLIR Technician Discusses Navy videos and claims to refute Mick's claims

    He's also blocked Mick on Twitter etc so there can be no conversation about his points.
  16. jarlrmai

    2004 USS Nimitz Tic Tac UFO FLIR footage (FLIR1)

    Formidable doesn't always mean competent on an individual level, how many civilian airliners has the Chilean Navy shot down?
  17. jarlrmai

    2004 USS Nimitz Tic Tac UFO FLIR footage (FLIR1)

    Looking at FLIR/TV footage from military/police footage etc the designers/operators seem to prefer high contrast over everything else which tends to make sense when all you care about is making sure you see the target over the background rather than needing any sort of accurate shades, so with...
  18. jarlrmai

    Rolling UFO and orbs

    They look like balloons tied to the larger inflatable, they sometimes move with it like they are connected.
  19. jarlrmai

    Rolling UFO and orbs

    Looks like it just goes between the darker "front" cloud and the "rear" lighter cloud.
  20. jarlrmai

    2004 USS Nimitz Tic Tac UFO FLIR footage (FLIR1)

    Lets see your data supporting the competence levels of both Navies, maybe we could start with commercial airliners shot down accidentally?