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  1. jarlrmai

    Andrea Themely, Former Air Force Pilot, Breaks Down UFO Footage

    There's a lot of people jumping on these older videos all of sudden..
  2. jarlrmai

    Sphere, Acorn, Metallic Blimp - Three iPhone Photos From an F-18 via Mystery Wire

    What would be cool is a series of iPhone 8 shots at 10 meter intervals from 80 to 140 metres shared as is raw off the camera.
  3. jarlrmai

    F-16 Pilot- Chris Lehto analyses Gimbal footage

    He's just saying what we hear in the video.
  4. jarlrmai

    Identifying this triangular UFO

    A forum dedicated to investigating unidentified phenomena is different to a dinner party. I can imagine if you turns up to new partners family meal and say the father was a mechanic and you made up that your car had a weird knocking noise and asked him what it was back and forth for 40 mins and...
  5. jarlrmai

    Identifying this triangular UFO

    The word UFO here means Unidentified Flying Object. Generally it's more common incorrect usage is using to mean "alien spaceship" rather than that the object was not flying. If you tell us it is a UFO of course people are going to "assume" you saw it flying, in the sky. People put a lot of...
  6. jarlrmai

    NYT: GIMBAL Video of U.S. Navy Jet Encounter with Unknown Object

    Nah you can have optical autotrack and slave at the same time as far as the sim shows: Source: Note in this video the initial track is SLAVED to RADAR L+S and then optical track is performed and the L+S option is still boxed, you would need to probably...
  7. jarlrmai

    F-16 Pilot- Chris Lehto analyses Gimbal footage

    Only the UFO proponents get to assume whatever they want about what may or may not have happened. They also get to decide which parts of whatever TTSA/Elizondo said is true/false depending on whatever suits the case at the time.
  8. jarlrmai

    Identifying this triangular UFO

    If it were a car near the ground, would the headlights not light up the ground, I too want to se a daytime shot of the location from the same POV with or without the car is fine.
  9. jarlrmai

    F-16 Pilot Chris Lehto's Interpretation of the GoFast footage [Focus, Parallax, Inaccurate Range]

    @Mick West Seconded? I was not aware of this for some reason? It would be very helpful.
  10. jarlrmai

    F-16 Pilot- Chris Lehto analyses Gimbal footage

    The moment you go to a lot of effort to specifically call someone out for not talking to pilots like you, then ignore their polite requests to address that issue with you, a pilot, you lose much credence from me. He still has time to address all this of course, I mean he could have posted here 1st.