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  1. M

    Claim: DNA evidence confirms existence of black panthers in the British countryside

    Completely anecdotal, but growing up in the early 90's a friend's family kept sheep, and knew another local farmer who had found a sheep carcass up a tree on his property. There are no native UK species that ought to be able to pull that off. This was within a couple of miles of where the...
  2. M

    1994 Nellis / Tonopah Test Range UFO (Sightings / Hard Copy)

    The range data does freeze from some point near the end of the video, so does not reflect the actual range estimate during that segment. But otherwise the range is in the thousands of meters, which would rule out a small object such as an insect...
  3. M

    Phoenix Lights

    It was a formation of 5 such aircraft in a rough V-formation, as shown in Terry Proctor's video of the event.
  4. M

    Jellyfish UFO from TMZ's 'UFO Revolution'

    Not the greatest video, but from around 1m20 onward there's a good look at balloon of some kind travelling at a constant speed in the wind, without ascending, or bits of it flapping.
  5. M

    Alleged Flight MH370 UFO Teleportation Videos [Hoax]

    Similar, but it predates the release of Pyromania by around 4 years.
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    Alleged Flight MH370 UFO Teleportation Videos [Hoax]

    Some of the other images from the same photo set can be found on from 2012. Unfortunately was written in a way that prevents anything but the first page being archived, so the exact cloud images used in the hoax can't be located. But at this point some Olympic-level...
  7. M

    Alleged Flight MH370 UFO Teleportation Videos [Hoax]

    Someone on Reddit found the clouds used as the background for the “satellite” video, assets from Source for clouds found (please excuse formatting, I’m on mobile): Here’s a comparison frame with the MH370 video on top, and the cloud texture below: The EXIF data on the texture...
  8. M

    Origin of iconic alien face?

    His occult powers are more powerful than I'd realised.
  9. M

    Alleged Flight MH370 UFO Teleportation Videos [Hoax]

    Two minor observations: * Near the equator a given linear distance will cover approximately as many degrees longitude as it would latitude. * If the display is formatted to a fixed number of total digits, the latitude will have an extra decimal place. (I haven't checked this).
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    Alleged Flight MH370 UFO Teleportation Videos [Hoax]

    It's pretty interesting over there right now, you can watch people descending into the conspiracy rabbit hole in real time. Currently they're trying to witch-hunt the publisher of the Pyromania effects CD ROMs, because he has worked for the DOD/DOE (he has restored old footage from the Trinity...
  11. M

    Alleged Flight MH370 UFO Teleportation Videos [Hoax]

    There's also a full-colour version of BLUESHOC on Pyromania vol3 called DEPTHSHO. Looks like it is the same explosion as SHOCKWV but from a different camera angle.
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    Alleged Flight MH370 UFO Teleportation Videos [Hoax]

    No, you literally have to hit the "previous" arrow hundreds of times (I actually had wrist pain the next day!). There's a huge blob of binary state that gets round tripped to the server each time, you can't hack it to jump to a specific date. It might be easier to contact the owner of Heaven's...
  13. M

    UAPs seen by pilots - shared by Ryan Graves

    He's still squarely on Team "It's Rotating!" over the gimbal video too, which is all you need to know about his actual desire to get to the bottom of things.
  14. M

    Alleged Flight MH370 UFO Teleportation Videos [Hoax]

    That just tells us that the creator did a better job with their tracking markers in this section of the video. I don’t follow your line of thinking here, sorry. To be clear, I was suggesting a putative source video that is already CGI, made by a hobbyist. Perhaps even game footage.
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    Alleged Flight MH370 UFO Teleportation Videos [Hoax]

    That's a lot of hoops to jump through, but the alternatives aren't much better. Either that it's genuine footage where somehow the contrails move independently of the aircraft, or it's all CGI but the artist who went to so much effort somehow failed to attach the camera shake to the contrails...
  16. M

    Alleged Flight MH370 UFO Teleportation Videos [Hoax]

    In the land of rational people, you could, if the helixes from the "orbs" were also jittering relative to the aircraft, maybe make an argument about the video codec paying less attention to low contrast areas of the image. But they're rock steady with the aircraft model, while having even less...
  17. M

    Alleged Flight MH370 UFO Teleportation Videos [Hoax]

    The tracking issues on the contrails here suggest that this was once an authentic video of *some* kind of aircraft leaving contrails, and it has been replaced digitally with a model of a 777 — at the same time that the orbs were added.
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    Alleged Flight MH370 UFO Teleportation Videos [Hoax]

    That looks squashed now, to me. Can you see what it looks like scaled to common screen ratios like 4:3, 5:3 or even 5:4?
  19. M

    Alleged Flight MH370 UFO Teleportation Videos [Hoax]

    Here are some from 2012 - not necessarily the most authentic, though. 2009: