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  1. M

    Fravor's Hypersonic UFO observation. Parallax Illusion? Comparing Accounts

    It's never been clear to me what exactly Dietrich and her WSO saw during this phase of the encounter. A top-down view over the scene ought to be able to rule out the parallax hypothesis. But when Mick proposed it during the impromptu video interview with her, she didn't provide a straight...
  2. M

    "Metapod" UFO. Top voted post of the month on r/UFOs, maybe top of all time

    If you think it's a physical object and not CGI, you need to explain how a physical object can skate around the frame when the camera zooms out.
  3. M

    Calvine UFO Photo - Reflection In Water Hypothesis

    It has been considered, there was a post on reddit about it (now deleted, though): Source:
  4. M

    "Metapod" UFO. Top voted post of the month on r/UFOs, maybe top of all time

    Yet it's stationary before and after the zoom? And it jitters around only during the zoom, in a way that's inconsistent with physical motion, but completely consistent with inaccurate motion tracking during compositing?
  5. M

    "Metapod" UFO. Top voted post of the month on r/UFOs, maybe top of all time

    If the video is footage of a real, physical object, then we need some way to explain why it jitters around the frame when the video is stabilized on the clouds.
  6. M

    Claim: Original Calvine UFO Photo

    A new article in the Scottish Daily Record claims to identify the author of the Calvine photo as one Kevin Russell.
  7. M

    Speculation: Did the US shoot down its own weather balloons over Alaska/Canada?

    It reads to me as if he's discussing three separate options — AIM-120 (which is a radar guided missile), vs. bullets, vs. AIM-9X (infrared guided). The balloons perhaps had too little radar cross-section to make the AIM-120 viable. Modern AIM-9s aren't "heat seeking", they just need some...
  8. M

    Unidentified Objects/Balloons Intercepted by US aircraft

    Possibly relevant is that ice fishing shanties have no floor, so you can sit inside them and, well, fish. So if one broke free of its moorings it would be somewhat like a big paper bag in the wind.
  9. M

    Unidentified Objects/Balloons Intercepted by US aircraft

    An extremely sketchy anonymous source on 4chan, claiming to be Air National Guard stationed at Selfridge Air Base, says the "octagonal", "size of a small car" object with "strings hanging down" was an ice fishing tent that had become lofted by strong winds. To be taken with an extremely large...
  10. M

    Unidentified Objects/Balloons Intercepted by US aircraft

    I've been reading some speculation that the object shot down over Alaska during the recent spy balloon/UFO flap might actually have been a ham radio pico balloon. These consist of very lightweight circuitry and solar panels attached to consumer-grade decorative balloons, and can often make...
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    Mosul "Sphere"

    Interesting that the 2018 aerial image has a dark patch in the same place relative to the building and road. Could that just be something reflecting sunlight? I guess we'll await further frames to see what kind of movement occurs.
  12. M

    The Varginha UFO

    Fox is a true believer though, his motive is proselytising, not profiteering. Although I guess the studio would like to turn a buck.
  13. M

    NIM-A's new logo

    I think it's just a janky illustration and they missed that. The arrowheads aren't symmetrical and the breaks in the arrows around the planes' wings are wonky. Also the grey plane's fuselage is skewed sideways. I don't think anything can be read into flaws like these.
  14. M

    Calvine UFO Photo - Reflection In Water Hypothesis

    Either 24 or 36 exposures was normal. This roll of Ilford XP2 from Wikipedia says "36" on the end of the box. When you got your photos back from being commerically developed and printed, you'd receive a paper envelope containing the prints (usually 6"x4" — 7.5"x5" and 9"x6" were upgrade...
  15. M

    Claim: Original Calvine UFO Photo

    From 30m10s-ish in the Disclosure Team video:
  16. M

    Claim: Original Calvine UFO Photo

    They're recreations from memory of some of the other six frames that were shot, by someone who viewed the negatives at the time.
  17. M

    Calvine: Disclosure Team Q&A

    With a film camera, the limitation on how quickly it could shoot was just how fast you could wind the film. Paparazzi and sports photogs would use motor drives, and you could fit one to an AE-1 — although this would be unusual for an casual user. Four frames per second, 12x AA batteries...
  18. M

    Calvine: Disclosure Team Q&A

    I'd like to know whether Lindsay claims to have seen the other 5 photos, and if so how they differ from the one he kept the print from. I'm not sure if that has been addressed anywhere.
  19. M

    Claim: Original Calvine UFO Photo

    This seems quite dubious, have they applied some selective sharpening in that area? Simple adjustment of contrast/curves etc. etc. doesn't reveal a distinct ring like that.
  20. M

    Calvine UFO Photo - Reflection In Water Hypothesis

    But if we assume their intent was to deceive, then really any of the information that accompanied the photo is untrustworthy. It could even be a diorama built on a kitchen table, unless it can be proved otherwise. The best evidence we can hope for it the other five frames they allegedly shot -...