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  1. M

    Claim: Original Calvine UFO Photo

    The problem with the photo seems to be the amount of film grain. I don’t believe scanning it with more pixels is going to help very much.
  2. M

    Claim: Original Calvine UFO Photo

    Mark McCandlish died of suicide in 2021. Or, dark forces within the military industrial complex had him killed because of his revelations about the “Fluxliner” Alien Reproduction Vehicle, and made it look like suicide. :rolleyes:
  3. M

    "Pyramid" UFOs in Night Vision Footage are Bokeh

    Apologies if this has been discussed already, but I noticed in the comments of that Reddit post, someone claims to have identified the aircraft which was the source of the blinking light. Source: The YouTube video they...
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    Unusual oblong bokeh [Galaxy S20 Ultra Periscope Zoom]

    This recent Reddit post features the usual "blurry light in the sky" trope, but with a very oddly shaped bokeh: (Edit: adding detail, though I'm not particularly interested in this as a UFO sighting, rather just the optics of the bokeh): (End edit) In the comments, someone describes their...
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    Fake Looking UFO Filmed From Airplane Window

    Here's a brier explainer video that summarizes some of the arguments for this being a CGI hoax. The section beginning at 0:25 shows how the view of the plane's wingtip had to have been filmed with a camera pointing rearward from the wing root. From 1:09 there's an examination of the position...
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    Apache UAP video, objects allegedly in a 70G turn

    I don't think the naked eye comes into it as the objects were observed only as white pixels on the IR display (it was filmed at midnight with an almost new moon, so neither jets, bats or birds would have been visible against the sky (unless said jets were illuminated, but there's no suggestion...
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    Queen's Jubilee UFO (2022)

    There are a couple of 3D reconstructions now that demonstrate the curved path: Source: Source:
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    Queen's Jubilee UFO (2022)

    He's going to be even more astonished when he realises that the spacetime distortion around the object is also making buildings in the background bi-locate.
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    Queen's Jubilee UFO (2022)

    From a cursory look, the second video doesn't seem to be in the same place as the first (or show the same thing, for that matter). This is the approximate viewpoint of the first video. (edit: removed google maps links as apparently you can't link to a 3D viewpoint - it looks like they are...
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    El ROsario UFO spawning smaller UFOs- Filmed from two angles simultaneously [CGI]

    I'd suggest taking a look at Alejandro Franz's work linked earlier in the thread. The page is now offline but is archived:
  11. M

    New UAP footage: Miami Air and Sea show

    I wouldn't rule out flapping wings with some wagon-wheel effect from the framerate.
  12. M

    Apache UAP video, objects allegedly in a 70G turn

    Thermal infrared footage of bats. Source:
  13. M

    Apache UAP video, objects allegedly in a 70G turn

    Notably, this footage was shot: Surely too dark in an unlit desert to have made these objects out visually (unless they were jets with afterburners lit, which apparently wasn't the case). The IR camera is tracking the head movements of the gunner, and the camera's image would then be displayed...
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    Apache UAP video, objects allegedly in a 70G turn

    This video from a Debrief article published today shows three small white dots passing by a runway, viewed from a infrared camera (white hot) mounted to an Apache Longbow helicopter as it takes off. Source: Captured by one of the U.S. military’s flagship attack...
  15. M

    2008 UFO Footage From Kumburgaz, Turkey

    You still raise a good point though - if this is a Pepper's ghost effect then it's something relatively near, filmed with a very long lens. Suppose the camera was 10ft from the window, and the source of the reflection was at a similar distance back — then camera would need to resolve an image...
  16. M

    2008 UFO Footage From Kumburgaz, Turkey

    If, as it appears, this is some kind of Pepper's Ghost setup filmed through glass, how would he get the reflection? An angled glass pane with the security monitor pointing upward? Or maybe just a flat window with the monitor turned to face it? Maybe the hard horizontal cutoff at the bottom of...
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    2008 UFO Footage From Kumburgaz, Turkey

    One question about the fisheye lens hypothesis. We'd expect to get some type of "barrel" distortion like the image below. The degree of curvature increases away from the center of the image. Is there any evidence of variation in the curvature of the object in the various Turkey clips, if they...
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    Congress Public Hearings About UFO

    Here's a link to the livestream for those on the edge of their seats: Source: 9am EST
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    Congress Public Hearings About UFO

    The Pentagon press sec answered a question about the upcoming hearing.
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    Fake Looking UFO Filmed From Airplane Window

    I came across this interview with director Gareth Edwards, discussing the making of his film "Monsters". A good example of the effects a single person could do using off-the shelf-software around the period that the "flyby" video dates from. Source: