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  1. M

    CBS 60 Minutes Segment on UAPs

    The "Event Summary" appears to be a kind of standardised report made for every training exercise, e.g. From an air defense exercise later that day: Event Side Narrative ADEX 4A1,4B1,4D1 111, 212,201, 413 FAST EAGLES (BLUE), CAMELOTS (RED), AND HOBOS (BLUE) PERFORMED ADEX IN OPAREA...
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    2004 USS Nimitz Tic Tac UFO FLIR footage (FLIR1)

    It could be argued that much of that statement that hinges on the definition of a "weapon".
  3. M

    USS Omaha "Transmedium" Sphere Descending To the Sea

    Is there zero vertical camera movement? I looks to me like the horizon is higher on the right hand image, but that could be an optical illusion. Could you re-upload that example without the pink line, and with the columns switched around?
  4. M

    1971 Lake Cote / Lago de Cote UFO Aerial Photo

    The Reddit pic's height and width in pixels are exactly 4x larger than those of this image: Plus it contains tell-tale signs of "AI" upscaling. Edit: the Reddit user H-M-1 confirmed via chat that he uses VanceAI. Here's the...
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    1971 Lake Cote / Lago de Cote UFO Aerial Photo

    The Reddit image is very likely AI-upscaled by the poster, from a quarter-resolution version that can be found elsewhere on the web. See earlier in this thread for that discussion. We can't see the plane's shadow either, so the lack of shadow would only tell us that a putative object was close...
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    The Pentyrch UFO Encounter

    Here's US special forces performing a HALO jump from a C-130H at night, wearing red lights on their bodies: Source video here: Source: Here's another where they're jumping from an RAF aircraft. It's in night vision but the lights on their helmets...
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    The Pentyrch UFO Encounter

    Is it possible that paratroopers have red lights on them when dropping during an exercise like this? My first thought when she described the large triangle was that she was seeing three lines of troops dropped from the transport planes. All the stuff about investigating the woods and the broken...
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    1971 Lake Cote / Lago de Cote UFO Aerial Photo

    I think you're right about this. The author of that Reddit post also runs a subreddit called "CelebsUHD", which seems to contain a number of upscaled images. The text of the Reddit post is copy-pasted from a Costa Rican news site, so it doesn't appear that very much effort was put in...
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    Claim that the Nimitz FLIR1 object could not be a plane because it would have been Identified

    Removeddit caught some but not all of his deleted responses. A couple of interesting comments, though it's all completely unsubstantiated, of course - dbar58 8 points 2 weeks ago Was it clear on the radar? fizzlehack (deleted by user) 3 points 2 weeks ago No, it wasn't.
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    Claim that the Nimitz FLIR1 object could not be a plane because it would have been Identified

    (Off topic, but - Matt Parker did a good video on the likelyhood of events with extremely low probabilities actually occuring Source: )
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    NYT: GIMBAL Video of U.S. Navy Jet Encounter with Unknown Object

    Worth noting that, per Ryan Graves, the 'fleet' refers to the 'little guys' - the types of contacts they'd been seeing regularly, and had been observed once visually as a 'cube inside a sphere' object. Lt Graves says the Gimbal video is just part of a longer, higher resolultion video he was...
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    The "Highly Trained Expert" Fallacy - Counterexamples?

    The Sally Clark murder trial illustrates the egregious misapplication of statistical data by a supposed expert. Clark's first son died in December 1996 within a few weeks of his birth, and her second son died in similar circumstances in January 1998. A month later, Clark was arrested and tried...
  13. M

    "Pyramid" UFOs in Night Vision Footage are Bokeh

    I realised that after I posted the workings-out above. If they do mean 700ft above sea level, and it's at approximately 45º above the horizon, then it's also 700ft away laterally. That gives roughly 1000ft of total distance: 100 * √(49+49). So about 6ft across at that distance. A bit less if...
  14. M

    "Pyramid" UFOs in Night Vision Footage are Bokeh

    17.2º according to previous posts in this thread, calculated from the visible stars. That's gives the diameter of the visible circle as 212 feet at that distance.*+700+*+tan+(17.2/2+degrees)= So divide the apparent size of the object by the size of the circle...
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    "Pyramid" UFOs in Night Vision Footage are Bokeh

    I'd put money on Puthoff and Eric Davis being involved.
  16. M

    Sphere, Acorn, Metallic Blimp - Three iPhone Photos From an F-18 via Mystery Wire

    I had a look last night, time based searches on Google and Twitter. The main thing that happened was Pharrell Williams announced a music festival in Virginia Beach, but it was just a press release and pre-made video. It was a Monday afternoon around 3pm, not a holiday - I guess a child's...
  17. M

    "Pyramid" UFOs in Night Vision Footage are Bokeh

    It's not a hypothetical, it's more or less exacly what happened with the infamous "Chilean Navy UFO" case: A Chilean government agency within the civil aeronautics directorate, the Comité de Estudios de Fenómenos Aéreos Anómalos (CEFAA), released a video taken by a Navy helicopter of a...
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    "Pyramid" UFOs in Night Vision Footage are Bokeh

    Example here at 4m55: (Note how the rolling shutter cuts out half the flash sometimes - depending on shutter speed there's potential for some flashes to fall between frames, in other videos.) I've seen references to the double flash being an "Airbus thing" in various places – a Google search...
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    "Pyramid" UFOs in Night Vision Footage are Bokeh

    We've already had the kettle logic of simultaneous claims that "the flashing doesn't match any known aircraft" and "the flashing is a reflection of lights from a helicopter on the deck", per Corbell. That said, there may be value in trying to figure it out. I think Airbus is ruled out as the...