Search results

  1. Edward Current

    Gimbal distance and Speed Range Estimates using Lines of Bearing and/or DCS

    The 0.35° FOV puts significant constraints on the "actual size" of the glare, which presumably is larger than the object causing the glare. In Blender, I set the camera's FOV to 0.35° and roughly recreated the appearance of the glare by putting a sphere at a distance: The glare occupies...
  2. Edward Current

    Gimbal distance and Speed Range Estimates using Lines of Bearing and/or DCS

    Hey guys. Some of you will recall that I did a Blender recreation of GOFAST. I'm now giving GIMBAL a similar treatment. Since it's a different approach from what others on this thread are doing, I hope it will turn up some new or otherwise interesting results. As with last time, I'm analyzing...
  3. Edward Current

    F-16 Pilot Chris Lehto's Interpretation of the GoFast footage [Focus, Parallax, Inaccurate Range]

    Chris commented politely on my GOFAST Blender analysis. He agreed with it mostly, but he rejected my estimate of the object's size. "Absolutely no way a targeting pod can track any moving object two feet across out side of maybe a few hundred feet away," he wrote. So I asked him to confirm that...
  4. Edward Current

    F-16 Pilot Chris Lehto's Interpretation of the GoFast footage [Focus, Parallax, Inaccurate Range]

    The speed of the waves is insignificant. At the surface, a 0.7° field of view at that angle is on the order of 500 feet across, and it takes on the order of one second for features (Derick is correct, large or small features, it doesn't matter) to cross the frame. That's 500 feet per second, and...
  5. Edward Current

    GoFast : is the background moving relatively to the movement of the jet ? Or the camera only ?

    Here's the link to my full video (contents: backstory, clips of Chris Lehto responding to Mick, a look at the onscreen data, Blender model showing animation of sightline and simulation of camera view, size estimate of object ~2 feet)
  6. Edward Current

    GoFast : is the background moving relatively to the movement of the jet ? Or the camera only ?

    Hi Dimebag2, I created a Blender model of the scenario to investigate these questions and posted about it here the other day. I am still refining the findings and will upload a proper YouTube video when I've completed the analysis.
  7. Edward Current

    F-16 Pilot Chris Lehto's Interpretation of the GoFast footage [Focus, Parallax, Inaccurate Range]

    So, Chris Lehto says that the RNG data in the GOFAST video is unreliable. Fine. I wondered what a different approach could tell us, without relying on the RNG data. So I created a model of the scenario in Blender, in order to simulate the camera's sightline, using all other available data...
  8. Edward Current

    2020 US Election - Current Events

    I dunno, does anyone really believe that DJT got 7 million more votes than he got in 2016, if the election was stolen? C'mon, man.
  9. Edward Current

    Claim: Hints of life on Venus: Scientists detect phosphine molecules in high cloud decks

    Now cyclopropenylidene has been found in the atmosphere of Titan. This molecule can be found in interstellar space, but it took CNN only six sentences to get to ALIENS: It's so boring. The press should agree to a moratorium on aliens on other worlds until one of them sends us a picture of...
  10. Edward Current

    Debunked: WTC: Multi-ton steel sections ejected laterally.

    In science, getting serious means doing quantitative analysis. What isn't serious is making bare assertion after bare assertion about what "would" happen based on your own personal thought experiments. Do you think you could build a rocket that gets to the Moon by imagining what would happen if...
  11. Edward Current

    Debunked: WTC: Multi-ton steel sections ejected laterally.

    Then please calculate the minimum necessary force, show your work, and list all of the assumptions that went into the calculation. This is Metabunk, not Facebook.
  12. Edward Current

    What's the best popular account of the WTC collapses?

    Come to terms with the reality that no explanation will satisfy you. This thread has cooked up the idea of a full-length general-audience book comprehensively detailing all three collapses, written by Guy Nordenson, a world-class expert on the structural engineering of tall buildings but not an...
  13. Edward Current

    Needs Debunking: That the GPS does not implement time corrections from Einstein's relativity

    It reminds me of the two contradictory arguments in 7 World Trade Center conspiracy belief: 1. The only way the building could have collapsed in such a straight-down manner is if the supporting columns were explosively severed at exactly the same time. 2. The only way the building could have...
  14. Edward Current

    Needs Debunking: That the GPS does not implement time corrections from Einstein's relativity

    That's a better source than anything I had found. I'm sure they can and do...something about the electric charge of the ionosphere and whatnot. They believe the entire universe is explainable via electricity, after all. And they worship Tesla as a god. As for Hafele–Keating, they will claim...
  15. Edward Current

    Needs Debunking: That the GPS does not implement time corrections from Einstein's relativity

    The Global Positioning System is a common illustration of a practical application of Einstein's special and general theories of relativity: To remain in sync, ground clocks must operate at 10.23GHz and satellite clocks at 10.22999999543MHz. These numbers were arrived at by using a combination of...
  16. Edward Current

    What's the best popular account of the WTC collapses?

    I'm not talking about what caused the disaster. I'm talking about what, specifically, caused the astronauts' deaths — as I understand it, it's quite likely that they survived the explosion. The point that I'm making is, no one cares how they died exactly. They were in a capsule that plummeted...
  17. Edward Current

    What's the best popular account of the WTC collapses?

    I'm glad you brought up the Challenger disaster. As you know, the Challenger astronauts perished. It is not known for certain how long they were alive after the explosion, or what exactly caused their deaths. But that does not mean a conspiracy believer could build a case that they were possibly...
  18. Edward Current

    What's the best popular account of the WTC collapses?

    I suggest one thing that might lead people's intuition astray, and you've already alluded to it: scale. The Twin Towers were, for their size and weight, more fragile than champagne glasses. You've seen a stack of champagne glasses at Ikea or the mall perhaps? Well, at full scale, that would not...
  19. Edward Current

    What's the best popular account of the WTC collapses?

    Point noted, but we are trying to come up with an intuitive mental model or thought experiment, so I think this is a fair "spherical cow" assumption to make for that purpose.