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  1. Edward Current

    Mick West interview with Naval Aviator and F/A-18 pilot Brian Burke

    One big takeaway from that interview is that the Navy doesn't have the time or resources to chase down UFOs and investigate them. UFO zealots seem to think that's all that Navy pilots do, and that after Gimbal for example, that there was a perfect record of who was flying where within a 100-mile...
  2. Edward Current

    Intercept Article on David Grusch's Past - Allegations of a Smear Campaign

    After clicking Reply, just create a hard return inside the quote you're replying to, and type your response. The previous post will continue, like this:
  3. Edward Current

    Intercept Article on David Grusch's Past - Allegations of a Smear Campaign

    Do we need to explain the claims? Lots of people believe odd stuff.
  4. Edward Current

    Intercept Article on David Grusch's Past - Allegations of a Smear Campaign

    If someone says without evidence that the U.S. has alien bodies from other dimensions on ice, or that there are wires poking out of their skin, or that Albert Einstein is sending them personal messages, can other psychological factors really reduce their credibility?
  5. Edward Current

    Do UFOs have to be human-scale in size?

    Does that octopus evolve humanoid form and opposable thumbs? If not, you can forget it, buddy. It's either develop humanoid morphology and opposable thumbs, or suck on sea slugs for all of eternity. The Space Shuttle proves it!
  6. Edward Current

    Do UFOs have to be human-scale in size?

    I don't get this. We survived despite there being predators larger than us, and most extant species are smaller than us, despite having predators/competitors larger than them. Further, if we entertain the trope of replacing our biological bodies with technological bodies, I see no reason why...
  7. Edward Current

    Do UFOs have to be human-scale in size?

    Very insightful. A similar kind of thing could be posited about biology: Due to the physical constraints of size regarding energy requirements, tissue support, tissue nourishment, etc., vs. the physical constraints of size regarding information processing, it's probably more likely that an...
  8. Edward Current

    Do UFOs have to be human-scale in size?

    I am talking about their form — this thread is specifically and only about their size. I am not trying to understand how they'd think.
  9. Edward Current

    Do UFOs have to be human-scale in size?

    Maybe in 200 million years, they will. You could have said the same about vertebrates 200 million years ago. And 100 years ago, that was 10 million and one species. Try to think outside our temporal bubble, folks. Live has been around for 3 billion years. Intelligence, a couple million. Space...
  10. Edward Current

    Do UFOs have to be human-scale in size?

    While I agree with the comments on limits to biological size given what we know of Earthly evolution, y'all are thinking too small, as it were. To me, an independent alien species almost necessarily takes a radically different evolutionary pathway from the start, which may result in different...
  11. Edward Current

    Do UFOs have to be human-scale in size?

    No and I noted that in the post. The Moon and Venus have also been reported as UFOs, and neither are they human-scale :p I might be tempted to say the observation holds true in the case of "legitimate UFOs," but that is problematic....
  12. Edward Current

    Do UFOs have to be human-scale in size?

    One of the things that make me skeptical that any UFOs are non-human or off-world in origin is their size. All UFOs, except perhaps in the most astonishing observer-specific experiences, are firmly stuck inside the scale of humans and their technology. This is epitomized in the classic image...
  13. Edward Current

    Rare things that have been documented much better than UFOs

    Here's one from the other day — 3 whales doing a seemingly coordinated jump: Source: This wasn't captured from multiple angles, and the people filming were expecting to see whales...but still it's...
  14. Edward Current

    Ryan Grave's Description of a 100-Yard Red Square over Vandenberg AFB

    I don't find this image to be useful. What's the field of view angle? How far away is the field? How does that compare with what one would actually see with the naked eye on site from a certain vantage point, or what one would see when directly underneath it? There should be a way to represent...
  15. Edward Current

    Major UFO experiences are specific to the observer

    Unless their anti-gravity tech requires emitting EM radiation in the visible spectrum!
  16. Edward Current

    Rare things that have been documented much better than UFOs

    We often hear that there have been so many up-close encounters with UFOs, there must be something to "the phenomenon." The argument from incredulity is, there's no way that all of those experiencers could be mistaken/lying/delusional! I don't know if it's accurate, but I have seen this number...
  17. Edward Current

    Which Gimbal scenario is more likely — 30 NM or 10 NM?

    I'm not sure what can be done with this, since the 3D modeling shows that the sometimes-visible line is not the horizon; the horizon is lower and hidden by the clouds. Maybe you can work something up and present your findings here? Have you tried doing it on Sitrec?
  18. Edward Current

    Has this "black triangle" video already been debunked?

    Heady stuff indeed. Pass the bong.
  19. Edward Current

    Which Gimbal scenario is more likely — 30 NM or 10 NM?

    The assumption is that –2.6°, on the display, is rounded to –3°, and that –2° on the display reflects anything from –1.5° to –2.5°. We have no reason to believe that –2.6° or –2.9° would be rounded down to –2° onscreen, except perhaps motivated reasoning. Of course, since we're dealing with...
  20. Edward Current

    Which Gimbal scenario is more likely — 30 NM or 10 NM?

    –2° is definitely relative to the artificial horizon, i.e., what is level locally. The beauty of 3D modeling is you don't have to rely on intuition, which apparently in this case is wrong. You put in the data and see what happens; no intuition or thought experiments required. Nobody expected a...