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  1. Edward Current

    Which Gimbal scenario is more likely — 30 NM or 10 NM?

    Barring mistakes on my part, I think that could only be the horizon if the camera angle is lower than –2.5°, and the clouds end along a line that's roughly parallel with the sweep of the picture. Perhaps the position of the horizon can be checked on Sitrec. This line could be a boundary...
  2. Edward Current

    Which Gimbal scenario is more likely — 30 NM or 10 NM?

    I don't think the horizon/sea is visible in the image. Here's what we have about halfway through the sequence, with and without clouds. The orange square is the field of view. From 25,000 feet, the Earth curves away "faster" than the –2° angle of the sightline. If I lower the camera...
  3. Edward Current

    Major UFO experiences are specific to the observer

    Here is a quick attempt to compare 3 lights and 4 lights. On the left side, only 1 "light" moves; on the right, 3 "lights" move. The upper right example creates a strong sense of rotation (which was not my intent) and is considerably more "astonishing" than its 4-light counterpart below it...
  4. Edward Current

    Major UFO experiences are specific to the observer

    This isn't a fair comparison, though — we're talking about the phenomenology of three lights in the sky, not 3 carefully arranged Pac-Men accompanied by 3 carefully arranged V's.
  5. Edward Current

    Major UFO experiences are specific to the observer

    These are great points and make me re-think the neurochemistry hypothesis. Surely at least some of the major, life-changing UFO experiences initiated from ~3 mundane lights in the sky. This is very insightful, and ripe for experimentation. If we have 3 lights in a black field, and 1 or 2 of...
  6. Edward Current

    Major UFO experiences are specific to the observer

    The whole topic of this thread is reports that are not misinterpretations of mundane objects (which "experiences specific to the observer" would preclude).
  7. Edward Current

    Biologist claims to have studied alien bodies (EBOs - Exo-Biospheric-Organisms)

    It means you think there's a pretty good possibility that Bigfoot exists. Haven't you ever heard something like, "I think my boyfriend might be cheating on me"? There's obviously gray area between "I'm certain my boyfriend is cheating on me" and "There's no way my boyfriend is cheating on me."...
  8. Edward Current

    Biologist claims to have studied alien bodies (EBOs - Exo-Biospheric-Organisms)

    I don't know about that. Biology, like most disciplines, is heavily specialized. A geneticist could weigh in on the genetics, a physiologist on the physiology, a molecular biologist, etc. That's why I suggested it was done by a med-school student: it's one of the few cases where people need to...
  9. Edward Current

    Biologist claims to have studied alien bodies (EBOs - Exo-Biospheric-Organisms)

    I may be in the minority here, and I have not gone through it in any detail, but as someone with a biology degree I think this is actually well done. Unless the writer went through an awful lot of (seemingly pointless) autodidactic effort, they have some expertise in physiology as well as...
  10. Edward Current

    Which Gimbal scenario is more likely — 30 NM or 10 NM?

    Yes and no. A couple of years ago I estimated the angular size to be ~50 arc-seconds (in order to compare it to Venus). 0.35° (NAR zoom level 2) is 21 arc-minutes = 1,260 arc-seconds, so, 1/25th of the width of the FOV. The tangent of 50 arc-seconds is .00024. If the actual object is close to...
  11. Edward Current

    Major UFO experiences are specific to the observer

    This kind of firm rejection, a negative bare assertion, is seen again and again with regard to sightings. Within the past year I have seen photos of contrails near the horizon, with the firm rejection "that's not a plane." Within the past year I have seen videos of mylar balloons at sunset...
  12. Edward Current

    Which Gimbal scenario is more likely — 30 NM or 10 NM?

    That's a great question, and something I probably should have checked at the time. I suppose the best way to do that would be set up straight-and-level scenarios at the fringes of the "plane zone," e.g., too fast and too slow (for a conventional plane, anyway). Regarding distance, naïvely one...
  13. Edward Current

    Major UFO experiences are specific to the observer

    Someone on Twitter had a great expression: “Ten cups of weak coffee do not make a pot of strong coffee.” (From a NYT article on the ivory-billed woodpecker.) Bringing this back to the topic, I really don't think seeds flying through the air and whatnot constitutes a major UFO experience. It...
  14. Edward Current

    Major UFO experiences are specific to the observer

    Those are sightings with a lot of witness accounts. They remind me of the Belgium UFO wave of 1989. But I don't see any evidence corroborating anything extraordinary, other than the stories. I'm looking for evidence to that effect. To me, the fact that there's a fair-to-large number of...
  15. Edward Current

    Major UFO experiences are specific to the observer

    What's the most compelling case of a large and/or low-altitude UFO witnessed by multiple independent parties with corroborative evidence? I'm talking about major sightings that leave people astonished and permanently affected, not merely unidentifiable things in the sky.
  16. Edward Current

    Major UFO experiences are specific to the observer

    Maybe a noctilucent cloud or nacreous cloud?
  17. Edward Current

    Major UFO experiences are specific to the observer

    Actually I'd love to see some counterarguments. But saying that advanced aliens would do X to avoid cameras is speculative motivated reasoning, which I referenced in the OP. So, let's get into this. • What are some arguments for why "specific to the observer" isn't the least complicated...
  18. Edward Current

    Major UFO experiences are specific to the observer

    In the last 6 weeks or so of my mother's life, she started seeing things. One day I took her and her dog up to the lake, and when I came back from walking Jackie, she matter-of-factly told me there had been a Viking ship on the lake. I can confidently attest that despite being an avid fan of...
  19. Edward Current

    Major UFO experiences are specific to the observer

    Let's hear about your observation, and what you agree with and disagree with in the premise of this thread. I'm glad you're here to provide a first-hand perspective on the matter.
  20. Edward Current

    Major UFO experiences are specific to the observer

    These visual examples are fascinating and informative. Obviously the "filling in of shapes" is at play in cases like the Twentynine Palms flares, which caused people to imagine a triangular craft behind them, or the recent convergence of Venus and Jupiter, which caused people to "see" a craft...