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  1. Edward Current

    Could The Gimbal Video Show an Atlas V Launch?

    The water is moving a lot faster in GoFast than in Gimbal, something in the neighborhood of one field per second, whereas in Gimbal there were only about 9.5 fields of clouds total. That introduces more uncertainty. We're seeing the GoFast surface at an angle, so this further complicates how the...
  2. Edward Current

    Gimbal Blender Simulation with Clouds

    Crazy, isn't it? There are so many counterintuitive things in this case, it's no wonder everyone gets thrown off course at some point, so to speak. This is very impressive but you really ought to have the work peer-reviewed in a predatory journal. ;) The elevation starts at –2.20 and ends at...
  3. Edward Current

    Which Gimbal scenario is more likely — 30 NM or 10 NM?

    I agree that an existing vehicle probably couldn't do it. But if you wanted to build something that could follow this trajectory, I think you could, with existing technology (multiple orientable jet engines of some kind, GPS, and a computer that controls the jets), and a lot of money and effort...
  4. Edward Current

    Which Gimbal scenario is more likely — 30 NM or 10 NM?

    Scenario 1 isn't extraordinary. It's unexpected, and unlikely to occur on any given day, but not extraordinary, except through an appeal to incredulity. (I keep forgetting that Graves et al. suggest 6–8 NM. I've never done those scenarios, but they are going to be even weirder than at 10 NM...
  5. Edward Current

    Which Gimbal scenario is more likely — 30 NM or 10 NM?

    One result from my Gimbal simulation with clouds is that the object could have taken a straight and level trajectory at around 30 nautical miles. Another result is that it could have taken an increasingly upward, hook-shaped trajectory at 10 NM. Since I uploaded my video on the simulation...
  6. Edward Current

    Could The Gimbal Video Show an Atlas V Launch?

    I don't know for certain, but I think the main assumption for passive ranging is that the object isn't moving, as something on the ground would be. That's the only way such a measurement could be made. When I modeled GoFast (less precisely than I did Gimbal), there was a pivot point on the...
  7. Edward Current

    Could The Gimbal Video Show an Atlas V Launch?

    Some people who claim to be knowledgable about this have said that it was slaved to radar, or acquired, or whatever the language is. This is not my area. Can the DCS folks weigh in? I believe that in GoFast, the range number was a passive calculation based on trigonometry. IIRC, one pilot said...
  8. Edward Current

    Does the beginning part of Gimbal debunk the claim that the object rotates?

    I use the term loosely to describe a UFO enthusiast who believes that at least some UFOs are breakthrough technology, or believe that Earth has been visited by ETs in our lifetime. "UFOlogist" being a bit like an astrologist — there aren't really experts in astrology, either. Some UFOlogists...
  9. Edward Current

    Headline: "Famous Navy UFO video is camera glare hiding something ‘really interesting’, researcher says"

    People are still trying to argue that the P is the O. Just today someone DM'd me that the rotation we see is the thing turning around and going back in the opposite direction à la Graves: It's bad enough that they won't give up on Gimbal being something extraordinary, they won't even give up...
  10. Edward Current

    Could The Gimbal Video Show an Atlas V Launch?

    I think we need to give up on the Atlas hypothesis. At large distances (like, >120 NM), in pretty much all of the scenarios, the object starts moving to the F-18's left but is accelerating to the right. So, moving in a straight line but slowing down (pretty much just like the clouds do), or...
  11. Edward Current

    Gimbal Blender Simulation with Clouds

    Thank you. My real name is Karl Coryat. Feel free to look me up.
  12. Edward Current

    Gimbal Blender Simulation with Clouds

    At long last, here's the video summarizing the methods and findings of my Blender simulation with clouds. Thank you to everyone on Metabunk for contributing to this project! Source:
  13. Edward Current

    A Gimbal Glare Explainer

    It looks like he's already responded to several people there. I feel like a subreddit on UFOs is not the place to expect honest and critical discussion of the matter. Consider this ridiculous exchange, noting the up/downvotes:
  14. Edward Current

    Gimbal - 3D analysis

    Geogebra is a 3D program, and modeling this incident is a 3D geometry problem, complex and dynamic though it may be. Why wouldn't a sphere be used to model the upper surface of the clouds in Geogebra or any other 3D program? Now might be a good time to do that.
  15. Edward Current

    Gimbal - 3D analysis

    Throughout the 34-second clip, the cloud tops are parallel to the horizon indicator. So, we actually have evidence of its uniformity on larger scales, which means it is necessarily spherical. No, the particular cloud layer in the video (presumably) doesn't cover the entire planet. For...
  16. Edward Current

    Gimbal - 3D analysis

    Those are cumulonimbus clouds. The clouds in the originally video are on larger scales "flat" (tops at a constant altitude, plus or minus their particular small-scale relief). With a spherical earth, that makes the upper surfaces generally spherical across a scale of miles.
  17. Edward Current

    Gimbal - 3D analysis

    It's more frustration than hostility. I'm sure my analysis is full of error. Anyone's analysis will be. It's a question of the width of that error window to a particular degree of uncertainty. I would argue that mine is relatively narrow compared to the various other attempts here on Metabunk...
  18. Edward Current

    Gimbal - 3D analysis

    Yes. No, it's not. That assumes that you can convert the banking angle to a turn rate exactly. If that turn rate is off by .01° per second, you'll get wrong results.
  19. Edward Current

    Ukraine National Guard dip bullets in pig fat

    Pershing wrote in his autobiography that "The bodies [of some Moro outlaws] were publicly buried in the same grave with a dead pig." This treatment was used against captured juramentado so that the superstitious Moro would believe they would be going to hell. Pershing added that "it was not...
  20. Edward Current

    Ukraine National Guard dip bullets in pig fat

    This is an old trope that goes back to before World War I. There is a legend that in the Philippines, General John "Black Jack" Pershing dipped bullets in pig blood to spiritually own Muslim Moro tribesmen who were to be executed. The story resurfaced when Donald Trump re-told it as the "proper"...