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  1. jackfrostvc

    Queen's Jubilee UFO (2022)

    Looks like the wind speed on June 2nd 1pm London was around 6km/h more or less blowing from the east to the west,-0.002362,11z/date=2022-06-02,13:00,+10
  2. jackfrostvc

    Queen's Jubilee UFO (2022)

    Anyone know the wind speed and direction for that day/time?
  3. jackfrostvc

    Queen's Jubilee UFO (2022)

    The video in the tweet you posted below. Open it up full screen and watch it. Take particular notice of the white dots of the sun glinting of things on the ground. You can see lots as the vikdeo plays out right under the jet to left out the cockpit. That's what you are seeing in the 3rd video...
  4. jackfrostvc

    Queen's Jubilee UFO (2022)

    Someone has had a go at a 3D reconstruction Source:
  5. jackfrostvc

    Queen's Jubilee UFO (2022)

    Hmmm, is that a balloon string?
  6. jackfrostvc

    Henry W. McElroy Jr. and the Eisenhower E.T. meeting

    Notice McElroy mentioned Corso and the Eisenhower briefing, It's too long to post here, but have a read of the below in regards to Corso and the Eisenhower briefing The Eisenhower stuff is under the Bill Moore-MJ-12 heading...
  7. jackfrostvc

    Claim: Pleiadian Craft part of a fleet of 40 with a mothership.

    I think his strongest point was the audio repeating. I didn't pay much attention TBH at what else he said.
  8. jackfrostvc

    Claim: Pleiadian Craft part of a fleet of 40 with a mothership.

    There's a debunk on this UFO video below, it's cued up Basically, the points made by the debunker are 1) The sound is heard but you cant hear the drone noise. 2) He analysed the sound and says it is a repetition 3) The shadows are wrong on the objects Source...
  9. jackfrostvc

    New UAP footage: Miami Air and Sea show

    Seems to be a bug closer to the camera, if it were a bird flying off the ocean, it would be traveling too fast to be a bird IMO I think the bug started in a spot that looked like it was on the ocean, but really was close to the camera
  10. jackfrostvc

    2007 Costa Rica UFO

    If I got a dollar from every person to say "he looks honest , that's why I believe him" . Unfortunately, after investigating in depth multiple UFO cases and talking to the witnesses directly myself, I can tell you more people who claim to witness UFO's lie than you might think. It's something...
  11. jackfrostvc

    2007 Costa Rica UFO

    A $1 dc motor (like in toy cars) and a battery rotating a bottom plate half. Pretty simple IMO
  12. jackfrostvc

    "Pyramid" UFOs in Night Vision Footage are Bokeh

    So the video put out by the Gov of the Bokeh triangle is longer than the clip put out by Corbell on his Youtube channel. Corbell's 18 second video Source: The gov released video is 53 seconds and has a bit at the end where you can see other...
  13. jackfrostvc

    Long Distance Drones, Maybe Foreign, as Possible UFOs.

    Another example of what drones are capable of
  14. jackfrostvc

    Congress Public Hearings About UFO

    UAPTF have no material that is non terrestrial
  15. jackfrostvc

    Congress Public Hearings About UFO

    For those wanting to see the still pic of the object that flys by in that video shown in the Sub committee meeting on UAP. I'm going to guess mylar balloon
  16. jackfrostvc

    Congress Public Hearings About UFO

    I was hoping he'd show Gimbal also And yeah, could have been drones but the triangle object a plane.
  17. jackfrostvc

    Congress Public Hearings About UFO

    Pretty much, said they were UAV's and the triangles were from a combo of being filmed through a camera and the NVG etc
  18. jackfrostvc

    Congress Public Hearings About UFO

    UAV = Drone, otherwise it would have been UAP
  19. jackfrostvc

    Gimbal UFO - A New Analysis

    So , has Marik always written articles for the TheHill? He has written a piece below saying thIs about the Gimba object "In recent months, a small group of UFO sleuths conducted meticulous geometrical analyses of the “Gimbal” incident. They found a highly anomalous flight path for the UFO...