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  1. jackfrostvc

    F-16 Pilot- Chris Lehto analyses Gimbal footage

    We don't - he/AATIP did, that's what he said. And no, I don't think he was conflating Fravors account. You were talking about the Gimbal video and he said ""You have the eye witness testimony of the individuals who got up close and personal to this thing as it was rotating" Crystal clear to...
  2. jackfrostvc

    F-16 Pilot- Chris Lehto analyses Gimbal footage

    @Alphadunk @Mendel Watch this interview with Elizondo and someone you are both familiar with. Watch from 46:00 to 47:00 . It's already cued up. Elizondo says they had Gimbal eyewitness testimony "You have the eye witness testimony of the individuals who got up close and personal to this...
  3. jackfrostvc

    F-16 Pilot- Chris Lehto analyses Gimbal footage

    Elizondo said AATIP had investigated the Gimbal event. Are we to assume they never talked to the pilot?
  4. jackfrostvc

    F-16 Pilot- Chris Lehto analyses Gimbal footage

    The thing you are not considering is that it was released by TTSA with Elizondo, Elizondo was the guy who got the video and had access to AATIP's investigation on the event which would have included interviews with the pilot and WSO. If they released the vid with that caption and it wasn't as...
  5. jackfrostvc

    Hypothesis: Fravor's Tic Tac was Kurth's FA18

    The only report we have which was supposedly from the day of the event, is the supposed Event Summary leak on ATS. The user TheFinalTheory leaked the Tic Tac video and an Event Rummary on ATS in Jan 2007 He claimed to have gotten the files from the Nimitz computer directly. If you believe it...
  6. jackfrostvc

    F-16 Pilot- Chris Lehto analyses Gimbal footage

    When it was released by TTSA with Elizondo on board, they had subtitled the video. See below: When you slow it down, he say's "it is a drone bro"
  7. jackfrostvc

    NYT: GIMBAL Video of U.S. Navy Jet Encounter with Unknown Object

    An addition to this post I made here -> The USS Roosevelt from which the Gimbal flight originated from, had the Northdrop Grumman X-47B onboard What a coincidence!
  8. jackfrostvc

    F-16 Pilot- Chris Lehto analyses Gimbal footage

    In this case I'm a fan of believing the Pilot/WSO who say in the video that it's a drone Funny how UFO believers go suddenly deaf when that is said. Believe pilots, except when they say something contrary to beliefs it seems
  9. jackfrostvc

    Gimbal distance and Speed Range Estimates using Lines of Bearing and/or DCS

    @Mick West In your calcs, what is your assumption for what the object is doing, speed, turn and direction wise? Also, to me the wind is a factor, along with what the objects are doing. I don't know if the concept that everything gets blown together by the wind, thus it makes no difference...
  10. jackfrostvc

    F-16 Pilot Chris Lehto's Interpretation of the GoFast footage [Focus, Parallax, Inaccurate Range]

    @Mick West Shouldn't calculations be based on ground speed? Particularly when there was strong winds as called out by the Pilot/WSO (120 Knots to the west) Actually, even ground speed may not work, particularly if the jet is being blown sideways by strong winds. I'm really struggling to see...
  11. jackfrostvc

    F-16 Pilot Chris Lehto's Interpretation of the GoFast footage [Focus, Parallax, Inaccurate Range]

    And yet he uses rough calcs to come up with his distance and bam presto, it's much more accurate than the computer designed to calculate it. I mean, I find this hard to believe.
  12. jackfrostvc

    F-16 Pilot Chris Lehto's Interpretation of the GoFast footage [Focus, Parallax, Inaccurate Range]

    @Mick West What's happening with your debate with Alpha Check? Is it happening? It's been a while now
  13. jackfrostvc

    F-16 Pilot Chris Lehto's Interpretation of the GoFast footage [Focus, Parallax, Inaccurate Range]

    Does the hypothesis that the Gimbal vid object is glare, need it also to be out of focus?
  14. jackfrostvc

    F-16 Pilot Chris Lehto's Interpretation of the GoFast footage [Focus, Parallax, Inaccurate Range]

    Yeah, that's the point , the Gimbal was with an F-18 , and wasn't it a super hornet? How do you tell if the object in the Gimbal did not get radar lock. Is there something on the screen that showed that in the Gimbal video?
  15. jackfrostvc

    F-16 Pilot Chris Lehto's Interpretation of the GoFast footage [Focus, Parallax, Inaccurate Range]

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Ryan Graves recently say somewhere that the Super Hornet has advanced equipment and rabbited on about how they wold know all details of a target as it would pop up details like range, bearing so on. He made it seem the equipment to measure this was top notch...
  16. jackfrostvc

    F-16 Pilot Chris Lehto's Interpretation of the GoFast footage [Focus, Parallax, Inaccurate Range]

    But you see this right there is what bothers me in the UFO community. You hear this, and then the same people will say you must believe pilot witnesses. Well there it is, believe them then, it's a drone - that's what they said If it were 6 miles, where is the TV mode 2 x zoomed footage. Are...
  17. jackfrostvc

    F-16 Pilot Chris Lehto's Interpretation of the GoFast footage [Focus, Parallax, Inaccurate Range]

    Chirs Letho's argument is that if were close like 6 miles as he calculated, then the pilot would have been able to tell what it was . I'm on the fence as to what something would look like at that distance. Basically 10Km away . That said Didn't the Pilot/WSO say in the Gimbal video "it is a...
  18. jackfrostvc

    NYT: GIMBAL Video of U.S. Navy Jet Encounter with Unknown Object

    @Mick West Would a oval heat source create an oval glare, or would it be round still?
  19. jackfrostvc

    F-16 Pilot- Chris Lehto analyses Gimbal footage

    @Domzh Gimbal was on the east coast. San Clemente Isl is on the west coast