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  1. jackfrostvc

    Fravor's Hypersonic UFO observation. Parallax Illusion? Comparing Accounts

    So this guy did an animation of the the Tic Tac and I think he is trying to say it moves as it did because of Parallax etc. But I'm totally confused TBH, maybe someone can take a look and put into words what he is trying to show, because my brain is not getting it Source...
  2. jackfrostvc

    NYT: GIMBAL Video of U.S. Navy Jet Encounter with Unknown Object

    I don't think so. I believe he knows them, but wont release their names
  3. jackfrostvc

    Explained: The Navy UFO Videos

    The event summary was leaked by the same person who first leaked the Tic Tac video in Jan 2007. If it weren't for that leak, I doubt anything you heard afterwoods re: Tic Tac event would have come out. And the ES does differ from Fravors testimony in some critical ways. 1) No ping ponging...
  4. jackfrostvc

    Explained: The Navy UFO Videos

    The issue with the testimony reports taken from Fravor etc is that they were all taken years after the event. The problem with their testimonies is that it doesn't match the Event Summary which was allegedly taken from the Nimitz computer the day the Tic Tac event happened. This was leaked in...
  5. jackfrostvc

    2004 USS Nimitz Tic Tac UFO FLIR footage (FLIR1)

    I just watched it again as well, and like the 60 minutes interview, she just said two or three snippets like it tumbled, and zipped off. What I want to hear is a much more concise account, and not a couple of snippets. In the written report (from a few years ago) where she is noted as Source (I...
  6. jackfrostvc

    2004 USS Nimitz Tic Tac UFO FLIR footage (FLIR1)

    @deirdre Well she refused to give her account of what she saw in that CNN interview as well which I linked. And on 60 minutes, if I recall correctly her description of what the tic tac was doing throughout the encounter, was limited to a snippet where she said it tumbled like an iphone...
  7. jackfrostvc

    Explained: The Navy UFO Videos

    @banditsat12oclock Yeah, he is just re-spieling what others have said. The thing is , when other have spoken about object going faster than sound without a sonic boom, or going unbelievable speed. From what I have seen, they were always talking about radar data. A lot of time it's in training...
  8. jackfrostvc

    Explained: The Navy UFO Videos

    Got a source link for that? I'm curious to hear where they said the saw objects breaking the sound barrier without sonic boom, as seen in satellite images. Trying to get my head around that
  9. jackfrostvc

    2004 USS Nimitz Tic Tac UFO FLIR footage (FLIR1)

    Yeah, she has done two interviews now, ie on CNN and on San Diego radio (I posted these elsewhere) where she refused to describe what she saw saying she didn't want to say given the effect time has on memory. Also, she has been very elusive to provide the reports/notes, diagrams she supposedly...
  10. jackfrostvc

    USS Omaha "Transmedium" Sphere Descending To the Sea

    Good point, I didn't think about how it was getting real close to the water. I think you are right
  11. jackfrostvc

    USS Omaha "Transmedium" Sphere Descending To the Sea

    At 42 seconds into the Omaha sphere video , someone say's "Woa, it's getting close" Doesn't this go against it being a plane that flies away from them, and goes over the horizon?
  12. jackfrostvc

    2004 USS Nimitz Tic Tac UFO FLIR footage (FLIR1)

    Alex has once again said that she believes the object in the FLIR video is what her and Fravor saw
  13. jackfrostvc

    2004 USS Nimitz Tic Tac UFO FLIR footage (FLIR1)

    I messaged the 2004 commander of the USS Louisville. He actually replied, but when I asked him for his comment on the Tic Tac, he bailed ie no reply. Was hoping since the USS Lousiville was in the area of the Tic Tac sighting doing live fire tests - as per the 2009 AATIP report, that he would...
  14. jackfrostvc

    2004 USS Nimitz Tic Tac UFO FLIR footage (FLIR1)

    I've only heard Fravor mention cross shape. Douglas Kurth said Oval and I think Alex did also, but you'd need to check that re: Alex.
  15. jackfrostvc

    2004 USS Nimitz Tic Tac UFO FLIR footage (FLIR1)

    Alex Dietrich thinks what's in the FLIR video is the same object she and Fravor saw.
  16. jackfrostvc

    UAP disinformation narrative

    You have to ask yourself why the triangle night vision video which was clearly bokeh. Was cut to be 18 seconds long and ended just when you would expect the operator to focus. That seems deliberately done to deceive. Question is, who cut it like that. Was it really only that long, did the...
  17. jackfrostvc

    CBS 60 Minutes Segment on UAPs

    Not sure when we are going to see Alex's reports, pics and diagrams she made of the Tic Tac event back when it happened, judging by the response below She also did a radio interview where she said due to the time that has gone by , it's not really worth her trying to say what she remembers...
  18. jackfrostvc

    CBS 60 Minutes Segment on UAPs

    One of the theories out there is that Fravor was inadvertantly vectored to a live fire test from the USS Louisville. If you believe the Event Summary is accurate, the missile theory would be plausible as it makes no mention of the weird moves and just has an object travelling along and circling...
  19. jackfrostvc

    Explained: The Navy UFO Videos

    Mick was on CNN explaining some of these Navy videos. Start at 1:15 in @Mick West I must say Mick, you were well planned and prepared for that interview, and the demos you gave were on point Source:
  20. jackfrostvc

    CBS 60 Minutes Segment on UAPs

    Event 4 you quoted (that comes after Event 3 - Fravor/Alex Tic Tac encounter) is talking about them doing a air defense excersize (ADEX) in the Missile Range MISR-1 From the location given of MISR-1 below, it puts the area right where the Nimitz and Tic Tac were generally. Also where the USS...