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  1. jackfrostvc

    USS Omaha "Transmedium" Sphere Descending To the Sea

    @Mick West I noticed that as well when I first watched the video. It's very strange @flarkey Had did you get Jul or anything for that matter out of that?
  2. jackfrostvc

    CBS 60 Minutes Segment on UAPs

    Yeah, I was just thinking that . You are spot on IMO
  3. jackfrostvc

    CBS 60 Minutes Segment on UAPs

    Sorry, added that in now. It is consistant with his resignation letter etc. So lines up And judging by his resignation letter where he said his resignation was effective Oct 4th. It seems he resigned , very soon after talking to Alex (email Aug 30). A matter of days probably between him...
  4. jackfrostvc

    CBS 60 Minutes Segment on UAPs

    Here's is some more info. Alex says she first met Elizondo in August 2017 Note Elizondo's title. Seems consistant with what he has said before
  5. jackfrostvc

    Off-Camera Pentagon Press Briefing comment on UAPs as Aliens:

    IMHO, AATIP and the UAPTF are both pet projects created to satisfy the likes in parliament who believe in UFOs and have been pushing for such programs ie Harry Reid through his 30 year friendship with Knapp and Bigelow. It's on record that Knapp got Reid into looking at UFOs. I don't think...
  6. jackfrostvc

    CBS 60 Minutes Segment on UAPs

    Alex Dietrich said she gave an account of what she saw after they landed , I'd guess Fravor did also. I'm going on a limb to say the Event Summary was their supervisors report on what Fravor and Dietrich had told him.
  7. jackfrostvc

    CBS 60 Minutes Segment on UAPs

    I just hope she finds her Tic Tac notes and event diagrams and drawings she says are probably in that storage box. I'd like to see Dave Beaty make a re-creation video from it
  8. jackfrostvc

    CBS 60 Minutes Segment on UAPs

    Alex Dietrich says she has the notes and diagrams she made about the Tic Tac incident when it happened. She has dug it up and hopefully will show it soon.
  9. jackfrostvc

    USS Kidd (and other Ships) "Drones" Encounter, 2019

    Dave Beaty put together this below which charts the USS Kidd in July 2019 . The alien icons denote where it reported drone sightings Source: Source: And hear is the response Dave got from a FOIA request on more info on the July...
  10. jackfrostvc

    CBS 60 Minutes Segment on UAPs

    You can see reports of some of these sightings here in this article. And that area also seems to have a balloon problem...
  11. jackfrostvc

    CBS 60 Minutes Segment on UAPs

    It's interesting we haven't heard from Douglas Kurth for a while. He was after all the first person to see the disturbance in the water from his single seater F/A-18C I still find it odd that Bigelow hired Kurth in Dec 2007 under BAAS. Kurth was then later a Project Leed for the AAWSAP...
  12. jackfrostvc

    CBS 60 Minutes Segment on UAPs

    According to Dave Beaty, Fravor didn't want to be interviewed by him, and then threatened legal action when his name was mentioned in the first cut of Beaty's video. So I'd imagine not
  13. jackfrostvc

    CBS 60 Minutes Segment on UAPs

    A tethered balloon could move 100's feet , depends on the length of the rope.
  14. jackfrostvc

    Long Distance Drones, Maybe Foreign, as Possible UFOs.

    Seems we have a new leader for endurance. These can fly for up to 10 hours and are used by the Chinese, US and other nations mainly for surveillance . It was developed from 2003 to 2005 Source:
  15. jackfrostvc

    CBS 60 Minutes Segment on UAPs

    @LorentzHall I would not call those moves in the clip minor. And that's the issue.
  16. jackfrostvc

    2004 USS Nimitz Tic Tac UFO FLIR footage (FLIR1)

    Does anyone know if flight path data is available for 2004 so we can check what was in the air on Nov 14th in the SOCAL Range Complex?
  17. jackfrostvc

    CBS 60 Minutes Segment on UAPs

    See this is the problem with the whole story, the lack of a clear story of what happened. People are now fixated with this whole Ping Ponging. Some would say it was Ping Ponging all over the place. Yet in the 2009 AATIP report, Fravor says the movements were minor.
  18. jackfrostvc

    Were Fravor and co in the middle of a test of radar spoofing tech?

    Kevin Day was organising an air battle exercise, not sure if it took place though Listen for about 30 seconds, already cued up: Source:
  19. jackfrostvc

    2004 USS Nimitz Tic Tac UFO FLIR footage (FLIR1)

    I couldn't find a dedicated Fravor encounter thread when I looked. There was just this thread which has also been used all the way through to talk about Fravors account as well as the FLIR footage. I would suggest changing the title.
  20. jackfrostvc

    2004 USS Nimitz Tic Tac UFO FLIR footage (FLIR1)

    Then you have this description of the Tic Tacs movements by Fravor from the 2009 report again. As you can see, he said the movements east-west , north-south were minor. This goes back to where I mentioned before the possibility of it being a Tic Tac shaped blimp/balloon used for EW that was...