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  1. jackfrostvc

    Were Fravor and co in the middle of a test of radar spoofing tech?

    Remember , NEMESIS involves real objects, ie drones So through the event, the radar signals of a fleet of craft could have been false spoofed craft produced by the EW capabilites of the drones. " And the objects seen visually could then have been the drones themselves. Of course this is if it...
  2. jackfrostvc

    Claim: There's an organised group of debunkers who are paid to discredit UFOs

    At 4:30 in the video below , Travis says he got a Astronomy Master degree from the University of Western Sydney in Australia. He goes on to say that as part of his thesis, he discovered 2 exoplanets Anyone know which two planets he discovered? It's cued up: Source...
  3. jackfrostvc

    Explained: Kansas Tic-Tac Shaped UFO [Plane]

    Source: Video on Reddit shows "Tic-Tac shaped object" viewed from a plane over Kansas. Plane Type identified as Embraer E175 (@flarkey) Precise time from Mufon File 2022-09-01T16:07:32-0400, (20:07:32 UTC) (@Mick West) Livery indicated United...
  4. jackfrostvc

    Balwyn, Melbourne UFO picture (1966)

    @johne1618 I think the zig zag different shade sections are IMO, due to the clear film on the polaroid coming off and then ripping off over time. So part of the photo still had the clear film on it, and part didn't. I live in Melbourne, actually once came close to buying a house in North...
  5. jackfrostvc

    Balwyn, Melbourne UFO picture (1966)

    A lot of people have guessed a service bell. The writeup also noted the possibility of it maybe being a pram hub cap from that era
  6. jackfrostvc

    Balwyn, Melbourne UFO picture (1966)

    See my post in that reddit thread. There is more to the story For a longer read:
  7. jackfrostvc

    Calvine Photo Hoax Theories

    @Rory One more for your list. The whole scene could be a diarama inc the fence I don't think it's likely, but , it's an option
  8. jackfrostvc

    Claim: Original Calvine UFO Photo

    I'm torn on what it could be. But my top 4 in order 1) Models hanging from above. 2) Reflection 3) Double exposure of some kind 4) Something painted or stuck on a glass pain near to the camera
  9. jackfrostvc

    Claim: Original Calvine UFO Photo

    IMO, I would say that the story of the Daily Record producing that print is probably true It's a large print, I think (might be wrong) that it may have been expensive back then to get made at a photo processor. It's not something I see someone handing into the Daily Record given it's possible...
  10. jackfrostvc

    Claim: Original Calvine UFO Photo

    I've thought about this before generally. If they would do such a thing , they can kiss their business goodbye. No one would trust them with their film processing. Although I do wonder what they do if they happen across a pic of a crime or something like that. I've often though about the pics...
  11. jackfrostvc

    Claim: Original Calvine UFO Photo

    This 2020 Daily Record article on the Calvine UFO is weird. It references another paper in regards to what they supposedly did. Source:
  12. jackfrostvc

    Claim: Original Calvine UFO Photo

    I noticed the thing sticking out the top of the object today also, when I was fiddling with the image and adjusting the contrast. TBH, seeing this thing under a tree like that, the first thing that comes to mind s a model(s) hanging from a tree. BTW, I heard the Puerto Rico diamond UFO and...
  13. jackfrostvc

    Claim: Original Calvine UFO Photo

    Where was it said the object was silent ? The incident report has no mention of sound as far as I can see
  14. jackfrostvc

    Claim: Original Calvine UFO Photo

    Here is a deblur of it someone did Source:
  15. jackfrostvc

    Claim: Original Calvine UFO Photo

    Here is their new release of what they claim is a high quality copy scan of the Calvine pic Doesn't look any better to me though, But my eyes are not that good, and I have not compared it to the first one they released Source:
  16. jackfrostvc

    Calvine UFO Photo - Reflection In Water Hypothesis

    For reference this is what a real object in the sky with plane looks like. This one was very likely a balloon at Medellin (where they have solar balloon fests). You can see the plane at 1:12 Source:
  17. jackfrostvc

    Claim: Original Calvine UFO Photo

    I must admit, the diamond object does not look metallic, it looks earthy like in texture/coloring.
  18. jackfrostvc

    Claim: Original Calvine UFO Photo

    Anyone know the name of the place the two guys were working at before heading off on their walk?
  19. jackfrostvc

    Claim: Original Calvine UFO Photo

    Would have been nice to see the other pics, as one is noted as having a second plane in it
  20. jackfrostvc

    Claim: Original Calvine UFO Photo

    Looks like they plan to release a clearer scan of the picture Source: