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  1. TheCholla

    Calculating and visualizing Gimbal angles.

    A quick post while I'm on this to illustrate negative and positive vertical offset from the plane boresight. Negative offset, for an AoA of 5deg Positive offset, for an AoA of -8deg What I don't get is what the upper value of this offset means (when it's all the way up the screen). Is it 0...
  2. TheCholla

    Calculating and visualizing Gimbal angles.

    Thanks @Leonardo Cuellar , it explains why the cue dot moves sharply towards the edge when the plane is banking in GoFast. Looking at Gimbal, I think the vertical change of the cue dot is reflecting changes in AoA of the plane. At the end the cue dot is all the way up, meaning there is positive...
  3. TheCholla

    Calculating and visualizing Gimbal angles.

    Situational Awareness Cue. [...] The diamond moves up or down to indicate that the pod has an up or down elevation offset from boresight. [...] The diamond is centered vertically on the screen when the pod is pointed straight down. EDIT : it's way up at the end, can that help determining the...
  4. TheCholla

    Calculating and visualizing Gimbal angles.

    And the same in GoFAST, that can possibly help us understanding what's going on with the cue dot.
  5. TheCholla

    Calculating and visualizing Gimbal angles.

    Here is a cheap method to look at how the cue dot angle compare to the azimuth. It's slightly leading, then more clearly lagging, as Mick showed.
  6. TheCholla

    Calculating and visualizing Gimbal angles.

    @Leonardo Cuellar , could you please explain a bit more what you mean ? What about if you look at different points in the video, do they align better ?
  7. TheCholla

    Calculating and visualizing Gimbal angles.

    Ok I get what you're saying, it makes sense too. This would be a better explanation than the azimuth being relative to ground track because it fits the manual. What I don't get is why this effect increases at the end when the bank angle in fact diminishes. Whatever is the cause for it, I'm...
  8. TheCholla

    Calculating and visualizing Gimbal angles.

    Ok I'll have to think about this more because I'm not sure I follow. I think it's critical to clarify what is the local azimuth angle here.
  9. TheCholla

    Calculating and visualizing Gimbal angles.

    Ok let me explain what I mean using the schematic I posted above, but this time applied to the two options we have refined for explaining the video. First, lets's consider the case of the object being before the intersection point of the LoS Here is what would happen in terms of horizontal...
  10. TheCholla

    Calculating and visualizing Gimbal angles.

    The DCS F18 manual also says : Situational Awareness Cue. This diamond moves left or right from center to indicate that the pod has a left or right azimuth offset from boresight. The diamond moves up or down to indicate that the pod has an up or down elevation offset from boresight. When...
  11. TheCholla

    Calculating and visualizing Gimbal angles.

    I was referring to this comment by Markus. But yes it is unclear which is which. Even if it was the other way around, with cue dot relative to ground track, and azimuth to boresight, the divergence between them is what I want to point out because I think it may tell us something very...
  12. TheCholla

    Calculating and visualizing Gimbal angles.

    I think we know, this is specified in the ATFLIR manual and like @markus noted it makes sense. Azimuth is relative to the ground track, the cue angle is relative to the plane boresight. I don't think this is a coincidence that when this dot is at 0deg, the cloud motion almost comes to a stop...
  13. TheCholla

    Calculating and visualizing Gimbal angles.

    @Leonardo Cuellar : Yes I am going to revisit the potential trajectories with this new information in mind. But this is one more thing that would align with what Ryan Graves describes, and it's starting to be pretty damning if you ask me. I think this effect also explains a mysterious aspect of...
  14. TheCholla

    Calculating and visualizing Gimbal angles.

    The difference with GoFast is that altitudes are very different, so the effect of wind shear is probably greater. If with Gimbal we assume that the wind is about the same for the fighter and the object (which is what have been done so far, because we don't know the wind), then the divergence...
  15. TheCholla

    Calculating and visualizing Gimbal angles.

    @Leonardo Cuellar , isn't this a sign that the two objects go roughly in the same direction in the first 20', and that their directions of flight diverge at the end? Because they are not affected by the wind in the same way ?
  16. TheCholla

    Calculating and visualizing Gimbal angles.

    Yes I see that, You are right at time stamps 0'01, 0'11 and 0'21, the azimuths and velocity vector angles match. Then they diverge a bit. Good catch !
  17. TheCholla

    Calculating and visualizing Gimbal angles.

    If the dot shows the velocity vector angle, this is the angle relative to which origin on the screen ? Center of the screen ?
  18. TheCholla

    Calculating and visualizing Gimbal angles.

    I found the answer to my question looking at this other thread (this debate around Gimbal will go down in history) : The pod has a nice smooth rotation that starts earlier...
  19. TheCholla

    Calculating and visualizing Gimbal angles.

    First of all, thanks @markus for your efforts in explaining your calculations. So you are saying your original model was using the right order for coordinate transformations, but it is wrong because the azimuths are relative to ground track, and not velocity vector. And the second model has...
  20. TheCholla

    The Steven Greenstreet UFO ...

    I'm not advocating for this. I'm only saying we need to keep an open mind and leave room for further interpretations, because of the limited data available. We are guessing on a lot of things, while in science you usually have more solid data to work on. Calling them "Case closed" at this point...