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  1. TheCholla

    Gimbal distance and Speed Range Estimates using Lines of Bearing and/or DCS

    @markus Have you read the latter posts ? The clouds tell us the lines of sight cannot be parallel, they move the wrong way for that, and they stop which is inconsistent with a steady/straight trajectory. The plane hypothesis is not impossible but possibilities are less, with the plane having...
  2. TheCholla

    Roswell UFO witness: Sgt. Melvin E. Brown

    Try flying a saucer with a 600 ft balloon on your windshield
  3. TheCholla

    Roswell UFO witness: Sgt. Melvin E. Brown

    Just for fun, don't take this seriously: What if the saucer hit the Mogul ballon in the air, and both crashed ? That would reconcile the two sides of the story as far as the description of mundane AND exotic debris. :p
  4. TheCholla

    Roswell UFO witness: Sgt. Melvin E. Brown

    @deirdre I know the references you cite, but as much as there is no evidence for exotic material, my point is there isn't either for this flower tape. Which toy company ? If the tape was used for toys, is there any trace of it somewhere ? I know it's old but it was "only" 50 years old when the...
  5. TheCholla

    Roswell UFO witness: Sgt. Melvin E. Brown

    I don't find information on such a coated foil in the description of Mogul, but again there is so much stuff in this report it's hard to navigate. I realized the discussion of alien dummies is in a subsequent report, that's the one I was thinking about ...
  6. TheCholla

    Roswell UFO witness: Sgt. Melvin E. Brown

    Yes they simply had to explain (convincingly) that the debris were from Mogul, and not discuss the bodies at all since it had nothing to do with the Mogul crash site and the original reports. It's almost like if they aimed to create even more confusion on this one.
  7. TheCholla

    Roswell UFO witness: Sgt. Melvin E. Brown

    To be fair, here are some other testimonies from witnesses of the debris, cited in this USAF report. Jesse A. Marcel, MD (son of the late Major Jesse Marcel; 11 years old at the time of the incident). Affidavit dated May 6, 1991.”. . .There were three categories of debris: a thick, foil like...
  8. TheCholla

    Roswell UFO witness: Sgt. Melvin E. Brown

    The USAF report is a fun read : 994 pages of anthropomorphic dummies, technical description of balloon arrays, but not much to answer the witness reports on the weird debris. A strange interview of Sheridan Cavitt too, who was...
  9. TheCholla

    Roswell UFO witness: Sgt. Melvin E. Brown

    They did, if you look at the report from the 90's they spent more time to discuss this than the debris. Found it weird because it had nothing to do with the project Mogul explanation.
  10. TheCholla

    Roswell UFO witness: Sgt. Melvin E. Brown

    What is interesting about Roswell is that as much as the UFO theory is far-fetched with questionable witness reports, the official explanation has never been much clearer. The project Mogul explanation and the associated USAF report has many flaws. For example why not showing pictures of other...
  11. TheCholla

    Could The Gimbal Video Show an Atlas V Launch?

    I agree they look like stratocumulus. But the meteorological data shows there were high clouds in the area too at this time, and I wonder how they would look from above. Searching for "altocumulus plane" in Google Images, I see clouds that do not look very different from what we see in the...
  12. TheCholla

    Could The Gimbal Video Show an Atlas V Launch?

    My post was not related to the rocket, I was just replying to Edward because I think it's a good idea to make a reconstruction using the clouds information.
  13. TheCholla

    Could The Gimbal Video Show an Atlas V Launch?

    We could be in a situation like this, with high clouds (5000m) being at 40-50 NM. With clouds stopping before the line of sight gets under the clouds elevation. What intrigues me is that the FOV of the ATFLIR being so narrow, what are the chances it captures the cloudlines, and not just full...
  14. TheCholla

    Could The Gimbal Video Show an Atlas V Launch?

    @Edward Current, the clouds may be much higher than 7000 ft, if you look at my other thread on the meteorological data on Jan 20-21, there were areas of high clouds, up to 5000m or more. I think these clouds may in fact be the top of cumulonimbus.
  15. TheCholla

    Gimbal distance and Speed Range Estimates using Lines of Bearing and/or DCS

    @Itsme I think the 10 Nm range is consistent with the data we have. I don't know if that's the solution, but it cannot be discarded because it is one of the possible solutions. And if anything, the pilot testimony gives it more weight. I have added a measure of the object's size at PT1 (0'01...
  16. TheCholla

    Could The Gimbal Video Show an Atlas V Launch?

    If we can trust it, the "within 10 Nm" indication is a game changer here.
  17. TheCholla

    Gimbal distance and Speed Range Estimates using Lines of Bearing and/or DCS

    Yes I noticed that too, I have two hypotheses to explain it : - the object is not stationary, it's moving but then stops at the end of the video. I think when Ryan Graves mentions the object being stationary, he may mean that the object was flying at a low speed impossible to achieve for a...
  18. TheCholla

    Meteorological data to help in understanding Gimbal and GoFast (January 20 and 21, 2015)

    This is discussed in this post :
  19. TheCholla

    Meteorological data to help in understanding Gimbal and GoFast (January 20 and 21, 2015)

    I think it may be what Leonardo says above, that it was going 120 Knots against the wind (of 120 Knots), so it was stationary.
  20. TheCholla

    Gimbal distance and Speed Range Estimates using Lines of Bearing and/or DCS

    We were on an interesting path before being distracted by the object possibly being Venus. I suggest we keep going based on what we've learnt so far. The LoS angles that CassiO retrieved using frames (post #179 and before) are very interesting because they can help refine the geometrical...