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  1. TheCholla

    Could The Gimbal Video Show an Atlas V Launch?

    I've posted an estimate of the speed for Gimbal in the other thread, based on the time it takes to cross the FOV. At 250 miles (~220Nm), I get a speed of ~17000 km/h. Would that be plausible for the speed of this Atlas rocket ? Would one of you mind making a little summary here ? Does the...
  2. TheCholla

    Gimbal distance and Speed Range Estimates using Lines of Bearing and/or DCS

    @Mauro : Let me read the other thread more carefully :)
  3. TheCholla

    Gimbal distance and Speed Range Estimates using Lines of Bearing and/or DCS

    @jarlrmai : That's exactly the point of my post, it cannot be very far because its speed would be unphysical for a plane. To me there is no question anymore, it's either a relatively close object, or a supersonic object very far, although I have a hard time following the arguments for the...
  4. TheCholla

    Gimbal distance and Speed Range Estimates using Lines of Bearing and/or DCS

    That's something that we have overlooked in my opinion. I have some new results I'd like to share. Here is my line of reasoning. 1) The movement of Gimbal, relative to the background (clouds), that we see, is mostly due to Gimbal motion. Parallax is secondary here because the fighter is behind...
  5. TheCholla

    [HOAX] "Glowing Tic-TaC" UFO in southern France [Possibly a Drone]émi_Gaillard Rémi Gaillard (French pronunciation: [ʁemi ɡajaʁ]; born 7 February 1975 in Montpellier, France) is a French prankster. Well-known for his videos on YouTube, his channel is the 91st most subscribed comedy channel on YouTube with more than 7.2 million...
  6. TheCholla

    [HOAX] "Glowing Tic-TaC" UFO in southern France [Possibly a Drone]

    I mean it takes guts to straight lie like this girl did on national TV. She really is a horse breeder, she is not the one making a living out of it. I hope she got a good pay for that. And this meteorologist from the local weather outlet too.
  7. TheCholla

    [HOAX] "Glowing Tic-TaC" UFO in southern France [Possibly a Drone]

    Remi Gaillard. And he makes a living out of it. Should have thought about it cause this is the region where he makes his pranks.
  8. TheCholla

    [HOAX] "Glowing Tic-TaC" UFO in southern France [Possibly a Drone]

    His videos used to be funny. This one is just wasting everybody's time.
  9. TheCholla

    [HOAX] "Glowing Tic-TaC" UFO in southern France [Possibly a Drone]

    It may very well be CGI then, and explain the questionable part with the light in front of the leaves. And of course the absence of sound in the videos. We'll see.
  10. TheCholla

    [HOAX] "Glowing Tic-TaC" UFO in southern France [Possibly a Drone]

    We will probably have a explanation very soon on this. It turns out it was a hoax, made by the famous (in France) hoaxer Remi Gaillard. That's the region where he and his team are from. I suppose all the witnesses were part of it, or it could not work. He published a teaser on Twitter with the...
  11. TheCholla

    [HOAX] "Glowing Tic-TaC" UFO in southern France [Possibly a Drone]

    I'm going to make devil's advocate against the drone explanation because it has many flaws at the moment . First, the examples of drone that people posted here and on Reddit do not look anything like the Glowin UFO. We can clearly hear their sound, and if not they are far enough that they only...
  12. TheCholla

    [HOAX] "Glowing Tic-TaC" UFO in southern France [Possibly a Drone]

    Can we estimate the altitude it was from what a regular drone size should be ? It has to be high for no sound to be heard, but the higher it is the bigger too.
  13. TheCholla

    [HOAX] "Glowing Tic-TaC" UFO in southern France [Possibly a Drone]

    It's your forum, do as you like. I just think it's a bit premature since the discussion just started, and it orientates people's opinions on it. But yeah among conventional explanations it cannot be anything else than a drone, I agree.
  14. TheCholla

    [HOAX] "Glowing Tic-TaC" UFO in southern France [Possibly a Drone]

    I see my post title has been modified to say "Probably a drone", does it mean the discussion is over here ?
  15. TheCholla

    [HOAX] "Glowing Tic-TaC" UFO in southern France [Possibly a Drone]

    It's pretty obvious (if she is not lying) that she is not talking about the light in her video. She is with someone when they shoot the video, we can hear her say "turn it on!". She of course knows that's her own light. She must be talking about what happened before.
  16. TheCholla

    [HOAX] "Glowing Tic-TaC" UFO in southern France [Possibly a Drone]

    I copy what I posted on Reddit. There was a segment today on the main French national TV channel on this. It's in French but there is an interesting interview of the person (the owner of the farm) who filmed the latest video from yesterday (the one with the cow). She says the UFO was lighting...
  17. TheCholla

    [HOAX] "Glowing Tic-TaC" UFO in southern France [Possibly a Drone]

    [ADMIN: Turns out this was a hoax Source: UFO observed in the sky from Montpellier to Perpignan: a hoax signed by Rémi Gaillard! The Montpellier troublemaker revealed the deception this Saturday. "In 1938, Orson Welles made believe in an invasion...
  18. TheCholla

    DHS "Rubber Duck" Footage

    Could somebody explain what the angle in the upper right corner of the video means ? The HDG value. It is the heading of the camera movement right ? It's changing all the time because the plane and camera are circling around the object, not because the object is going into circles, correct ?
  19. TheCholla

    DHS "Rubber Duck" Footage

    Not sure it's there, or at least not during the whole flight. Here are the positions of the plane at mark 9'01 and 9'09, using the top left values from Dave Falch's video (UAP NY masked the coordinates on his) : It's close to Arivaca, not really in the area of the ball of yarn.
  20. TheCholla

    DHS "Rubber Duck" Footage

    This thing does not go in a straight trajectory right ? The heading on the top right keeps changing, like if it's going in circles. It'd be nice to see a reconstruction of the plane and object trajectories, since we have the exact coordinates and time.