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  1. TheCholla

    GoFast : is the background moving relatively to the movement of the jet ? Or the camera only ?

    Something does not make sense to me in the GoFast video. I apologize in advance if I'm missing something obvious. First observation, the camera angle is tilted to the left of the jet direction, so in the video the jet direction is from the bottom left to upper right of the screen, isn't it ...
  2. TheCholla

    Gimbal distance and Speed Range Estimates using Lines of Bearing and/or DCS

    Ok guys, I had an error in my schematic (previous page). Pt3 and Pt4 were wrongly positioned, underestimating the total turn of the fighter. The total angle of turn of the fighter from Pt1 to Pt4 is ~55°, close to the angle of turn of the camera (52)°. So I think what's happening here is the...
  3. TheCholla

    Gimbal distance and Speed Range Estimates using Lines of Bearing and/or DCS

    Of course the distance is key here. If it's close then it's clearly not a plane, or anything with a clear propulsion signature. Here is my Geogebra model (adapted from Mick) that allows to play with the Gimbal position, and figure the different distance d1/d2/d3/d4 from Point 1/2/3/4 ...
  4. TheCholla

    Gimbal distance and Speed Range Estimates using Lines of Bearing and/or DCS

    Hey guys, I had this feeling that something is wrong with the object being distant, and making more detailed analyses of the geometry confirms that. This is a fun problem to work on ! I started from Mick's Geogebra, but instead of having a constant Rate of Turn, I make it change along the course...
  5. TheCholla

    Gimbal distance and Speed Range Estimates using Lines of Bearing and/or DCS

    Looking at this with the Geogebra schematic, the distance strongly depends on the points that are used to construct the intersection. A strong asumption is that the bank angle is constant, at 30°, but it is clearly changing from points 1 to 4. Here are screenshots of the Gimbal video, with a...