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  1. TheCholla

    Gimbal derotated video, using clouds as the horizon

    This discussion has been very helpful in understanding the artificial/real horizon mismatch (at least for me). My take on all this as of now : 1) the whole image is expected to rotate CW, not only during banking episodes, but also from a gradual realignment of the image with horizon indicator...
  2. TheCholla

    Gimbal derotated video, using clouds as the horizon

    How could this effect be missing in a 3D model with observed bank angle, Az, jet pitch? This sounds like a pretty basic 3D perspective effect. This effect changes with jet pitch, as expected, in your sim. Anyway, I'm not going to argue with a wall. Those who want to see things from a different...
  3. TheCholla

    Gimbal derotated video, using clouds as the horizon

    Yes sorry, got things mixed up here, that's why I was saying above the object rotates CCW relative to clouds. Correcting for misalignment makes the object rotates CCW, instead of non-rotating. So it's moving opposite to the clouds, in other words it's rotating in the image frame.
  4. TheCholla

    Gimbal derotated video, using clouds as the horizon

    It's been said the object does not rotate with banking in the first 20s. By about 7-8°, see left plot below. But the artificial horizon is not aligned with real horizon, by about 8°, before it realigns after 20s. So you need to detrend the plot on the left to correct for this offset from real...
  5. TheCholla

    Gimbal derotated video, using clouds as the horizon

    If you take the clouds as the "real" horizon, it rotates CCW. It's not "non-rotating" anymore, as in the 1st observable. Like I said, if I trust Sitrec and pitch is 3-4 deg, horizon and artificial horizon should be levelled. So what's wrong?
  6. TheCholla

    Gimbal derotated video, using clouds as the horizon

    See my post #1, that there is either change in jet pitch, pod roll, or both, to explain the change in cloud angle. If the cloud angle is simply a 3D perspective effect, why is it missing from 3D recreations with standard jet pitch/no pod roll (yours, and Edward's)? And the object has an...
  7. TheCholla

    Gimbal derotated video, using clouds as the horizon

    This plot shows that the clouds themselves are not aligned with banking. I don't know how you can then look at the object's angle with artificial horizon and say it's fixed in the camera frame in the first 20s, with confidence. Especially given how ambiguous it already was due to the difficulty...
  8. TheCholla

    Gimbal derotated video, using clouds as the horizon

    If it's only a 3D perspective effect, it should be seen in Sitrec, no? There is something off with jet pitch here.
  9. TheCholla

    Gimbal derotated video, using clouds as the horizon

    Simply put, let me know where you disagree here: 1/ the clouds rotate CW in the first 15s. 2/ when stabilizing the clouds, the object rotates CCW relative to them. What could cause 1, other than pod roll? And if pod roll causes 1, how can it cause 2?
  10. TheCholla

    Gimbal derotated video, using clouds as the horizon

    I thought that too first, but it's not slopes in the clouds, there truly is a diagonal motion that indicates cloud (real) and artificial horizons are not aligned for ~15s.
  11. TheCholla

    Gimbal derotated video, using clouds as the horizon

    Something that has been overlooked is that the clouds and artificial horizon are not aligned in the first half of Gimbal. Looks at this derotated video, that uses artificial horizon as a reference: The clouds have a diagonal motion for the first 15s, because they are not aligned with...
  12. TheCholla

    Recreating the Gimbal's "Fleet" on the SA Page with Sitrec

    I think so, yes. That's a schematic for the initial configuration, he has always said the fleet broke formation while turning. And with the fleet turning, an offset has to happen between it and Gimbal on the SA. Gimbal was going left to right on SA, and that's what reconstructions from the...
  13. TheCholla

    Recreating the Gimbal's "Fleet" on the SA Page with Sitrec

    Here is what I have that tries to match this description :
  14. TheCholla

    Recreating the Gimbal's "Fleet" on the SA Page with Sitrec

    It's not a question of common sense, there is simply no way to prove the instruments were malfunctioning. They say they didn't, who else would know better? And this is not an isolated event, sightings/radar returns of weird object happened before/after. They would know at this point if their...
  15. TheCholla

    Recreating the Gimbal's "Fleet" on the SA Page with Sitrec

    @jarlrmai Well said, and I also wish we had an easier communication with the pilots directly involved in these events. They show some kind of hedging, that can be interpreted with suspicion. But also it's understandable because as you say, they are seen as some sort of gatekeeper for this...
  16. TheCholla

    Recreating the Gimbal's "Fleet" on the SA Page with Sitrec

    @jarlrmai I could accept this theory if there wasn't so much match between the reconstructed trajectory of Gimbal from the FLIR, and the description of the radar track on the SA. The object stopped on the SA when the lines of sight curve (i.e. the object has no clear horizontal velocity) in the...
  17. TheCholla

    Recreating the Gimbal's "Fleet" on the SA Page with Sitrec

    What do you think of this ? Source:
  18. TheCholla

    Recreating the Gimbal's "Fleet" on the SA Page with Sitrec

    I'm not saying anything, I'm sharing what I got from a short exchange. Why didn't you ask all these questions yourself when you talked with him ?
  19. TheCholla

    Recreating the Gimbal's "Fleet" on the SA Page with Sitrec

    I remember he said in our discussion that L+S is used as a designation among them, not a strict reference to the L+S mode. In other words they would call a locked target the L+S even if the L+S mode is not set up.