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  1. Rory

    When Conspiracists Psychoanalyze

    Lack of education, experience, information and understanding would be my guess, coupled with a tradition of looking inward (if anywhere). Probably some other things besides.
  2. Rory

    When Conspiracists Psychoanalyze

    The former I'm okay with but I dont know why you would say that I mean the latter (I definitely don't). Are you standing by that "hug a Chinese person" was some scheme to "show the virus wasn't worth being concerned about"? (Also only just noticed that TinkerTailor already addressed that, and...
  3. Rory

    When Conspiracists Psychoanalyze

    Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't "hug a Chinese person" from February 2020 and started in Florence, Italy? And not to show the virus wasn't worth being concerned about but to counter xenophobia and offer moral support to the Chinese?
  4. Rory

    Bugs and Suggestions for

    Meaning from looking at them previously? If yes, it wouldn't be that as I hadn't looked at them before (very rarely dip into 9/11 stuff).
  5. Rory

    Bugs and Suggestions for

    Loaded instantly. And I actually have pretty terrible internet right now.
  6. Rory

    When Conspiracists Psychoanalyze

    Politifact took a look at claims that Biden and Harris cast doubt on the efficacy of the vaccine: I definitely see some very clumsy words that would cause people to become...
  7. Rory

    When Conspiracists Psychoanalyze

    That's a bold claim: that all the Democrats said "don't get the vaccine". Are you sure that's true? As for your explanation of why people believe conspiracy theories: sure, some at the top lie and collude and do dodgy things but I dont think it's all of them. I have friends who are rich, who...
  8. Rory

    Bugs and Suggestions for

    I'm mostly on Android; no probs here. I wouldn't even have time to open a new tab before the metabunk page came up.
  9. Rory

    NIM-A's new logo

    Some of those .mil sites are a bit ropey looking. Are they kind of second level official or something, given to the employees to post things on themselves? They almost seem to full on .gov websites as blog posts are to actual articles - or maybe a level or two down from that.
  10. Rory

    NIM-A's new logo

    The "NIM-Aviation" text is wonky also - doesn't follow the circle - and one of the stars is higher than the other. Fiverr job?
  11. Rory

    Claim: Original Calvine UFO Photo

    Those numbers surprised me. I think the reason might be that they're for Blair Atholl, Australia. ;) Blair Atholl, Scotland had a population of 566 in 1991 (density ~190 per square km). Not sure about now. Also a bit more like 4.5 miles to Calvine, as the crow flies.
  12. Rory

    Claim: Original Calvine UFO Photo

    Very much in agreement with your posts Dave. To note, though: Calvine is a hamlet. Not sure of the exact population but I think somewhere around 10 to 30.
  13. Rory

    Calvine UFO Photo - Reflection In Water Hypothesis

    I figured you would think that and I agree. Which means that isn't quite right. Also: Likewise can't be true because it's very possible it's a model or an image on glass, both much closer than a mile away (also not impossible that it's a bird or a boat as some people have speculated, but I...
  14. Rory

    Comparing flat Earth and spherical Earth from a geometric point of view

    Yep, been gone over 2.5 years. A linked account I had got a couple of copyright strikes and everything connected to it was terminated. Supposed to be three strikes before they do that but all attempts to communicate with them hit brick walls. Yep, that's the one. Has Bobby Shafto's version and...
  15. Rory

    Calvine UFO Photo - Reflection In Water Hypothesis

    You don't think it's possible that it's not a hillside?
  16. Rory

    Calvine Photo Hoax Theories

    August 4th, if the date told to the MoD was correct.
  17. Rory

    Comparing flat Earth and spherical Earth from a geometric point of view

    One nice demonstration I did was to take a long piece of flexible plastic (about 5 metres long) and use it to recreate a photograph of mountaintops. When the plastic was flat the scale model mountain peaks didn't match the photo, but when it was curved by the appropriate amount they did...
  18. Rory

    Calvine UFO Photo - Reflection In Water Hypothesis

    While I agree that the reflection theory isn't massively convincing a few points you made weren't quite right. Not really. It could be that but it could also be something else such as a bit of string. And I think something else is more likely than distant trees and landscape. We dont know...
  19. Rory

    Calvine Photo Hoax Theories

    Fantastic work Dave. If there are better Calvine recreations out there I haven't seen them. Well done!
  20. Rory

    Isolation: How will you pass the time?

    It's ridiculous. I'm doing my recording using a Baby Taylor acoustic with ten year old strings (sometimes into a headphone mic) and the emulators on Garageband make it sound like full on stonking grunge.