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  1. Rory

    Can White Swans exist?

    Most of the pages where he talks about refraction aren't available on my preview. Are they on yours?
  2. Rory

    Can White Swans exist?

    Can you find a quote of one rejecting refraction? How do they do that? How do they explain what causes the distortions we see in photographs?
  3. Rory

    Can White Swans exist?

    Ok. Not so. You're ignoring refraction. You can't ignore refraction. Incorrect. You can't just drop refraction. That would be like insisting a swan weighs x kilos and when challenged on that saying "well I only included the feathers". You haven't weighed the whole bird. You've missed out...
  4. Rory

    Can White Swans exist?

    It seems to me that you might be playing "devil's advocate" somewhat - ie, voicing the flat earther's argument, even if it's not something you believe. The problem there is that can be confusing for people, since the words used do actually make it sound like your own personal assertions and...
  5. Rory

    Beautiful Photographs that show the Earth's Curvature

    Credit: Andrew McCarthy While this does show our beautiful round shadow, it's actually a bit misleading. Earth's umbra (the darker portion of the shadow) is much smaller than our planet's diameter, so in composites like this it doesn't truly show the scale of our planet. The dark part of the...
  6. Rory

    Can White Swans exist?

    Flat earth debunking site - with a handy link to a metabunk thread about those very oil rigs: I hadn't seen that thread (though probably Mendel linked to it earlier in this conversation)...
  7. Rory

    Can White Swans exist?

    I quite like that way of thinking: given the possibility of footage of those oil rigs showing the effects of refraction it's quite a clever question to ask the flat earther "what is causing them to move?" If they say refraction they shoot themselves in the foot, no? Is there footage of those...
  8. Rory

    Can White Swans exist?

    The pigeon is the most appropriate bird for this conversation I think. And games of chess with em. :)
  9. Rory

    Calvine UFO Photo - Reflection In Water Hypothesis

    Check the OP in the main Calvine thread, I think there should be links to both in the summary. If not, I can find them.
  10. Rory

    Claim: BRT/Buses has better capacity than rail

    Hypothetical rail could run underground, ten tracks wide with kilometer long double decker trains traveling over a hundred miles an hour. Your move, hypothetical buses with your city-sized terminals.
  11. Rory

    Can White Swans exist?

    Oh for sure there's a cleverness about it: I wouldn't ever argue with that. But it's still goobledygook. :)
  12. Rory

    Can White Swans exist?

    I checked in on him this morning for the first time in a few years. I really don't think there's very much to understand, it's just very peculiar (and forceful) gobbledygook without any semblance of self-awareness or critical examination. One might as well be frustrated at not being able to...
  13. Rory

    Isolation: How will you pass the time?

    Not heard of Cardiacs; I'll check em out. And thanks for the compliments, much appreciated. To be honest I was a bit sad that mine were sounding muddy too, despite spending way too much time on them, but a bit of EQing (had forgotten about that) and, more than anything, using an online mastering...
  14. Rory

    2004 USS Nimitz Tic Tac UFO FLIR footage (FLIR1)

    There's what appears to be a good collection of the varying radar accounts here: According to this: The UAP initially appeared on the radar at an altitude of...
  15. Rory

    New UAP footage: Miami Air and Sea show

    Hadn't noticed this thread before either. But my first thought before reading any of the comments was it looks exactly like a bug. Also looking at where it enters the frame, on the right about half-way up: for those who thought it came out of the water, if that was the case it was right by...
  16. Rory

    Can White Swans exist?

    I don't think you need the word geometric in front of plane or sphere. Unless you can show me a non-geometric sphere? ;) Have you thought about asking Nathan Oakley to explain what he means by all these words?
  17. Rory

    Can White Swans exist?

    Taking it one sentence at a time: Can he lose the "geometric sphere" and just say "it is asserted that we live on a physical spheroid which is subject to physical limitations"? I think we'd all agree to that. No it's not. Unless he's redefining what "white swan" means in the context of the...
  18. Rory

    Claim: Original Calvine UFO Photo

    I'd imagine so. If the witnesses' story was that it was stationary then I would think that's what the pictures would have shown. Little also says the same thing and it doesn't seem there's any record of it not being stationary. No, the UFO is in all the frames. Are you confusing it with the...
  19. Rory

    Claim: Original Calvine UFO Photo

    From the MoD's 'Loose Minute' of Sep 14 1990: But clearly I did read it, since I was the one who wrote it down. ;) Interesting revisiting that part of the conversation: Clarke says "I understand one of them was a keen birdwatcher" - but this also follows right after he was talking about his...
  20. Rory

    Claim: Original Calvine UFO Photo

    Are you sure? I don't remember reading/hearing that. Against the bird theory: we're pretty sure there were 6 photos. Chances of a bird looking like the same UFO in all six, while another bird (or two) also looked like a plane?