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  1. Rory

    2022 are conspiracy beliefs increasing

    Why does QAnon go higher than conspiracy in the second one? Timeframe is interesting. If the claim is "conspiracy theorists have increased" then the question is "since when?" Here's an article that states: There is no arguing that [conspiracy] theories have seen a revival on the extreme right...
  2. Rory

    2022 are conspiracy beliefs increasing

    This is a tricky one. My bias is towards "beliefs in conspiracy theories are increasing" and so if the evidence contradicts that I will look for ways that the evidence might be wrong. One way might be in saying: even if the proportion is the same the overall strength of belief is higher. In the...
  3. Rory

    2022 are conspiracy beliefs increasing

    The public is convinced that beliefs in conspiracy theories are increasing, and many scholars, journalists, and policymakers agree. True. I guess if it's just belief in general - ie, proportion of the population rather than overall strength - and the evidence contradicts that then that's fine...
  4. Rory

    When Conspiracists Psychoanalyze

    I feel like I understand it - or at least understand it in the way that I understand it (to me it's about broadening one's vision, putting oneself in another person's shoes, understanding that their perspective is perfectly rational given their view of the world, and contemplating the bigger...
  5. Rory

    When Conspiracists Psychoanalyze

    And I suppose in particular, based on your closing section, to note that this is what conspiracy theorists are doing, that it makes perfect sense to them given their worldview, and that in understanding and respecting this it should help us in our interactions with them. Perhaps my observation...
  6. Rory

    2022 are conspiracy beliefs increasing

    I wonder if there's anywhere that measures the quality of the beliefs. For example, there's a big difference between simply having a vague suspicion that the moon landings didn't happen and then the higher levels of activity such as watching videos, promoting moon landing hoax theories in...
  7. Rory

    When Conspiracists Psychoanalyze

    Maybe I'm mis-reading but it seems to me that this thread is about: a) the psychologies of debunkers; and b) what conspiracy theorists think about the psychologies of debunkers (ie, the way they rationalise and explain our mindsets, drawing similarities with the ways we rationalise and explain...
  8. Rory

    Earth Curvature Simulation by Walter Bislins

    Nope, definitely not. Here's a photo of the curvature from the cockpit of a plane at 46,000 feet: "Just flat wrong" is exactly right. Sometimes deGrasse Tyson's statements are just kind of idiotic.
  9. Rory

    (Claim) Courtney love secretly murdered Kurt Cobain and the shotgun was planted to frame it as suicide

    Famous people should start killing themselves on video and in front of their fans if they want to stop the inevitable conspiracy theories that follow - seems that even the fact of the suicide note that was found at the scene isn't enough for them: In the 2015 documentary Soaked in Bleach...
  10. Rory

    Debunking Humor...

    BBC weather reporting subliminally preparing us for Flat Earth Disclosure:
  11. Rory

    Best video editor for stepping through videos?

    I've been using AVS for years. Looks like it's currently free (but puts a logo on the video if actually producing).
  12. Rory

    What's Inside ?.....5g protection devices, radionic wish machines, etc...

    So to summarise @markus, they are misusing/misunderstanding terms like "scalar energy", "scalar fields", "Maxwell's equation", and Tesla's apparent discoveries how? Or is it a case of "not even wrong"?
  13. Rory

    What's Inside ?.....5g protection devices, radionic wish machines, etc...

    How about a short summary that tackles the main relevant points of the thread in layman's terms and then the long technical explanation inside spoiler tags?
  14. Rory

    What's Inside ?.....5g protection devices, radionic wish machines, etc...

    Who knows? Tis is an interesting story though, taken at face value (naturally we skeptics must immediately fight it off at all costs). The "What is Scalar?" page on the Blushield website makes for very interesting reading: Sounds like a bunch of...
  15. Rory

    What's Inside ?.....5g protection devices, radionic wish machines, etc...

    Here's an interesting story on the subject: To summarise: A rural property in Australia put up a wifi booster in November 2016 "Around this time" the egg production of the chickens went from around 28 eggs per day to around one egg...
  16. Rory

    What's Inside ?.....5g protection devices, radionic wish machines, etc...

    Screenshot of an Amazon review of two older Blueshield devices (original no longer online afaict). Close up of those photos for electrician boffins to look at and figure out: It's apparently a rejigged 5V power supply: 5V 3A usb power supply for...
  17. Rory

    What's Inside ?.....5g protection devices, radionic wish machines, etc...

    An associate of some friends has been recommending one such device of late - one made by Blushield. I notice that it ticks some of the boxes of mentions listed by Leifer (particularly "Tesla" and "scalar energy") and promises "this new multi-wave scalar waveform configuration offers the best...
  18. Rory

    Body bags leaving the White House?

    I think it was probably recorded and then the recording was played back and filmed (which is what we see). If you go to the webcam the formatting, font, layout, etc of the time and date display is exactly the same as seen in this clip.
  19. Rory

    Body bags leaving the White House?

    Sure, but dealing in "abject nonsense" is most of what we do here at metabunk. Are you suggesting we merely answer every question about things like 9/11 and UFOs, etc similarly and don't bother trying to explain them?
  20. Rory

    Body bags leaving the White House?

    Some likely candidates?