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  1. Rory

    The 27 Club & a BMJ study

    Yep: even though plane travel increased dramatically (blue line) the number of fatalities stayed pretty flat, and has even been on the slide since about 2000:
  2. Rory

    The 27 Club & a BMJ study

    Sorry sir! After careful consideration I classed him as "mostly famous cos dead" rather than "woulda been legendary either way". I could be persuaded on Amy Winehouse though. Or maybe she was the Janis Joplin of her time (and vice versa)?
  3. Rory

    The 27 Club & a BMJ study

    Yep, musicians are dying much less frequently due to accidents (such as car and motorcycle crashes): Source: But making up for it through suicide and getting homicided.
  4. Rory

    The 27 Club & a BMJ study

    Indeed. It's a debunk of the studies, and seeing as this was achieved within the first few posts we're now just chatting about music, musicians and death. Oh, I dunno: he's got some pretty lovely tunes. Though thinking of him - should he be pencilled in as a tentative 24? ;)
  5. Rory

    The 27 Club & a BMJ study

    I think that's true for the most part - though Jim Croce may disagree. I guess we'll never know which early exiters might have been less remembered if they'd stuck around and which would always have been idolised. David Bowie was one who lived long enough to (in the words of Stewart Lee)...
  6. Rory

    The 27 Club & a BMJ study

    Well then, let's settle that once and for all: Van Halen faster, Hendrix "better". :) Also, many more reasons history so treasures Hendrix beyond dying young.
  7. Rory

    The 27 Club & a BMJ study

    I was wondering if Jim Croce's records weren't released in the UK as there was no chart information on Wikipedia. Apparently they were - some originals available on eBay very cheap - though it doesn't look like any of his singles or LPs made the top 75. Never heard of Frankie Lymon - but of...
  8. Rory

    The 27 Club & a BMJ study

    That's very true - and probably it still is true. I guess what some people mean is that it's a meaningful statistical anomaly - ie, something weird's going on. Like if I roll a dice six times and get six straight sixes that would be a statistical anomaly in many people's eyes. But is it...
  9. Rory

    The 27 Club & a BMJ study

    That's a good point - and perhaps if I cast my mind back 30 years or so that's how I would have thought about it when I first heard of these deaths. I do think these days however some people tend to see something mysterious and meaningful in it. A person I recently met in real life, for...
  10. Rory

    The 27 Club & a BMJ study

    Yeah, I considered some of those but I decided they didn't really place among the upper echelon. I guess it would depend on which set of data was being used. The other study on the subject, posted at The Conversation, does include a chi-squared test and also concludes that there's nothing...
  11. Rory

    The 27 Club & a BMJ study

    I would imagine anybody who knows anything about popular and rock music has heard of 'The 27 Club' - the idea that an unusual number of the world's most renowned rock musicians have died at the age of 27. First popularised in the early 70s following the deaths of Brian Jones, Jimi Hendrix, Janis...
  12. Rory

    Planes flight paths [aerial photography for mapping]

    If you have the registration number a site like this might be a good place to start:
  13. Rory

    St Ives Bay UFO On Hayle Beach [Probably a Drone]

    I notice this video was mentioned in The Express back at the time, with quotes from "a popular conspiracy theorist and self-appointed UFO researcher, Scott C. Waring": "The video is just amazing. It shoots across the water, hovers in place, powers up glowing powerfully, then shoots up at...
  14. Rory

    St Ives Bay UFO On Hayle Beach [Probably a Drone]

    I don't think it's strange. Try this: take something else that doesn't move - ie, a bush or a part of the cliff - and examine that zoomed in at several different places in the video. Do the pixels change at all? That'll show ypu it's just stuff going on with the camera/images rather than the...
  15. Rory

    Claim: Pleiadian Craft part of a fleet of 40 with a mothership.

    Probably this is the original. Posted January 2020 on a channel full of CGI UFO videos. Source:
  16. Rory

    St Ives Bay UFO On Hayle Beach [Probably a Drone]

    Sounds normal. Probably most objects return different RGB codes when they change distance, when time passes, or when camera artifacts do different things.
  17. Rory

    St Ives Bay UFO On Hayle Beach [Probably a Drone]

    I wouldn't read too much into the various colours and lights @johne1618. We're talking about a screenshot of a YouTube video from an outdoor webcam. One light is close to the camera and the other is far away, and who knows what their actual relative brightnesses were. Plus the image of the lamp...
  18. Rory

    Claim: Pleiadian Craft part of a fleet of 40 with a mothership.

    YouTube vid states it was taken in September 2018. Have a read of the entire thread, it's all explained therein. And welcome. :)
  19. Rory

    St Ives Bay UFO On Hayle Beach [Probably a Drone]

    Well we're not seeing the drone, we're seeing a light (including glare).
  20. Rory

    St Ives Bay UFO On Hayle Beach [Probably a Drone]

    I just did some quick calculations too. Assuming your equation for figuring out the distance is right (my brain is working very slowly right now and I can't for some reason get my head around it) I came up with this: So I guess we're saying based on rough estimates it seems most likely to be...