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  1. Rory

    Headline: "Famous Navy UFO video is camera glare hiding something ‘really interesting’, researcher says"

    Attributed to Feynman as well as Einstein and Rutherford, but after a quick search I can't confirm any of them as coining the similar saying.
  2. Rory

    Headline: "Famous Navy UFO video is camera glare hiding something ‘really interesting’, researcher says"

    Workbench explainer was genius. I also felt at the end when other instances of jet engine glare looking like the shape in the Gimbal video were mentioned I would have loved to have seen some quickfire examples. For me, things like that really help the penny drop.
  3. Rory

    Ventura UFO 2020

    I hope nobody's ruling out that there might be aliens hiding behind the advertising banner.
  4. Rory

    Headline: "Famous Navy UFO video is camera glare hiding something ‘really interesting’, researcher says"

    And all the alien believers who dislike Mick's work can say "he doesn't know what he's talking about - it's not hiding anything interesting at all". :D
  5. Rory

    Headline: "Famous Navy UFO video is camera glare hiding something ‘really interesting’, researcher says"

    When I watched Mick's video and heard him say, basically, "who knows? just because it's most likely a standard jet engine glare it doesn't mean there isn't a spaceship hiding behind it" I took that to be a cheeky little gentlemanly pandering to those who wouldn't want the idea dismissed...
  6. Rory

    Ventura UFO 2020

    Our friends at Third Phase of Moon looked at this video in July 2020. Their first analyst says "he thinks he's figured it out" and then after looking at the various objects for a while says: Source: Betcha didn't see that coming. ;) As for lozenges, I...
  7. Rory

    UFO Filmed By Airliner Pilot Over Colombia

    Nah, he "shot down" drone or plane, but for balloon he said "it's extremely rare for a solar balloon to reach this altitude". And "extremely rare" = "not impossible" = "sometimes they reach this altitude" = "possible". This echoes their earlier look at balloons where he says "regular helium...
  8. Rory

    UFO Filmed By Airliner Pilot Over Colombia

    It was a serious question. I wasn't sure who you were referring to (eg, the presenter, one of the "experts", or someone who had shared/commented on the clip).
  9. Rory

    Stand Up to Detect the Curve of the Earth

    No one's doing what? Standing up to see the sun set twice? I did it a few weeks ago. :)
  10. Rory

    Gimbal UFO - A New Analysis

    I remember seeing this a while ago. Don't suppose knowing the WSO was working at the Pentagon by 2019 is much help in narrowing it down though. Great video Mick! :)
  11. Rory

    UFO Filmed By Airliner Pilot Over Colombia

    He also concluded that "it's possibly a balloon" - and his process of elimination led him to going with "unidentified", not "aliens" (obviously kinda clumsy to "eliminate" something it might be - but that's TV for ya). Anyways, I'll just stick with the words. But others are of course welcome to...
  12. Rory

    UFO Filmed By Airliner Pilot Over Colombia

    "Genuine unidentified object" =/= "aliens" "Humans might not be the only pilots up in the sky" =/= "concluded"
  13. Rory

    UFO Filmed By Airliner Pilot Over Colombia

    Full quote: "One theory is that if we were visited by another civilisation they might send a probe ahead of when they actually come." Non-specific theories and "mights" =/= "concluded in this specific case".
  14. Rory

    UFO Filmed By Airliner Pilot Over Colombia

    It's interesting looking up the first of their "experts", the woman who most explicitly brought the idea of an "alien probe" into the discussion, Amy Eskridge, "President of the Institute For Exotic Science". Unfortunately it appears that the institute's website is defunct; its twitter inactive...
  15. Rory

    UFO Filmed By Airliner Pilot Over Colombia

    Who concluded aliens?
  16. Rory

    UFO Filmed By Airliner Pilot Over Colombia

    That's a really great example. Especially to see how dramatically different the apparent shape and colour are, even until very close. I guess the balloon in the OP could be just about any shape or colour.
  17. Rory

    UFO Filmed By Airliner Pilot Over Colombia

    IFO - identified floating object. Silver cube balloons very common: Who's Mike? :p
  18. Rory

    How much research does a truther have to do to get any respect around here?

    You could screenshot: Or here's one that you can copy-paste:
  19. Rory

    Russia and Ukraine Current Events

    Definitely. And it will be interesting to see if the apparent trend indicated by the Navalny polls shows up in the next larger scale and wider spread poll.