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  1. Rory

    In 1994 Military Helicopter monitors Orb near Crop Circle

    Posters often say things along the lines of "this is what it looks like to me" (ie, speculation). I can't see anything in the PG that says this isn't allowed.
  2. Rory

    In 1994 Military Helicopter monitors Orb near Crop Circle

    Right. But I don't think that's the same as saying "don't speculate".
  3. Rory

    In 1994 Military Helicopter monitors Orb near Crop Circle

    Which part of the video shows the aggression? Where does it say "don't speculate" in the posting guidelines? So far it all seems useful to me - some 'speculate' with wrong ideas and false information and others then point them in the right direction using facts and good information and...
  4. Rory

    In 1994 Military Helicopter monitors Orb near Crop Circle

    These posts do make a really good point that I think a lot of conspiracy theorists and UFO investigators forget: the so-called "military" are mostly just normal blokes like you or I who have their own personalities, quirks, foibles, interests and hobbies, etc. Their job is perhaps a little...
  5. Rory

    In 1994 Military Helicopter monitors Orb near Crop Circle

    He states that, but it doesn't mean they were doing that. The account posted by Easy Muffin is probably the best answer to that question.
  6. Rory

    In 1994 Military Helicopter monitors Orb near Crop Circle

    My feeling on watching the video is that if they were looking for the source of the flashing light - I see no reason to call it an "orb" - and felt there was anything unusual about it they would have stayed longer than thirty seconds.
  7. Rory

    In 1994 Military Helicopter monitors Orb near Crop Circle

    I only watched a bit of the video in the OP, but from what's shown it doesn't look like they're hovering over that patch for very long. Is there a part where the narrator says they were hovering for ten minutes? The narrator is Colin Andrews, who claims to have coined the term "crop circle" in...
  8. Rory

    In 1994 Military Helicopter monitors Orb near Crop Circle

    Nicely done Ivan. I got a bit curious about the crop circle in question - "the CBS eye" - and found that it seems more commonly referred to as "the Eye of Horus". It's this one: Apparently it was found around the 19th or 20th of June - and solstice seems like a very popular time for making...
  9. Rory

    Claim: chinless ghost photographed at a Police incident in Irvine, Ayrshire, Scotland

    I'm pretty sure it's just Demetri Martin: This drawing of him looks even more like 'the ghost':
  10. Rory

    Good to listen,,,,, recommended podcasts ? There are six parts in all.
  11. Rory

    Tic Tac in Greece?

    Based on the figures we have, if it was three-quarters of the way to the ground it would be travelling around 350mph and be around 6 feet in length. Some people might think that's too small to be an alien craft - but what if they're the size of mice? There could easily be a sizeable crew of...
  12. Rory

    COVID-19 Coronavirus current events

    New strain of the virus coming out of South Africa: It has such a long list of mutations that it was described by one scientist as "horrific", while another told me it was the worst variant they'd seen. Prof Tulio de Oliveira, the director of the Centre for Epidemic Response and Innovation in...
  13. Rory

    Tic Tac in Greece?

    I guess to test that hypothesis we could take a video of something like an insect flying very close to a camera. In fact, we've already looked at one like that. As we've seen, the object wasn't clear at all.
  14. Rory

    Tic Tac in Greece?

    Me neither. I was just having a laugh and showing that there are always blurred shapes zooming in front of cameras at seemingly incredible speeds. The interesting thing about that one is we can immediately tell it's a bug because it has a lot of frames of reference, in terms of buildings and...
  15. Rory

    Tic Tac in Greece?

    If it's travelling at 30mph then about 50 feet. If it's travelling at 240mph (based on being halfway to the sea) then about 450 feet. Sure. It goes right across the centre of the screen. It enters here:
  16. Rory

    Pseudoskepticism (and morality)

    At first I thought you were talking about people who ride on the coat-tails of others - like I do with Mick's work when I pretend to understand why chemtrails aren't real, or like YouTube atheists do when parroting the words of Dawkins and Hitchens - but in reading the original paper it seems...
  17. Rory

    Tic Tac in Greece?

    Great spot. That one's moving quite a bit slower, and also appears smaller - consistent with a bird further away. So I guess there are either: two UFOs, one UFO and one bird (and they just so happen to look the same); or two birds. Maybe a question a believer could ask would be: what are the...
  18. Rory

    Tic Tac in Greece?

    The drone is pretty stationary, just rotates a little.
  19. Rory

    What are some tips fpr countering/engaging with "prediction claims"?

    If you're lucky you'll be able to show that they've been faked or dates have been changed or something. But sometimes coincidences happen - a million speculative books are going to hit the mark sooner or later - and I imagine pointing that out probably doesn't get very far. Got an example or two?
  20. Rory

    Tic Tac in Greece?

    Let's nominate someone to ask the videographer for more details. I vote @jarlrmai ;)