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  1. Rory

    COVID-19 Coronavirus current events

    Not at all. I was asking if anyone had been watching them, not suggesting that people should. :)
  2. Rory

    COVID-19 Coronavirus current events

    With that word I was really referring to the scope of the channel as a whole. But I did wonder if it was the right word. I figured it would do but I think I can take from your response that I'd be better off without it - or that I should edit it to more fully explain what I meant (done that...
  3. Rory

    COVID-19 Coronavirus current events

    Has anybody been watching videos posted by a Dr John Campbell, such as this one here? Source: In it he talks to Kyle, an athlete who was left in a bit of a state after receiving his vaccine (allergies, heart problems, other things) and who felt that...
  4. Rory

    Claim: Pfizer sponsors many mainstream TV shows (with the implication being that can lead to bad things)

    Right. Your personal perception. But as we've seen here - and as a few quick online searches show - many other people (including Rogan himself) perceived CNN's intention and meaning quite differently. What their true intention was, and the reasons for choosing that course of action, however, I...
  5. Rory

    Could The Gimbal Video Show an Atlas V Launch?

    There are photos of the launch online, from at least three different cameras. None of the ones I've seen are set to the right timezone, but they're all around four minutes past the hour on the correct day.
  6. Rory

    How to calculate the odds of something being true vs. it being false, given the evidence (Bayesian inference)

    I mean, yes - perhaps - probably not. That would rely on real numbers, real data, and real knowledge to use as input. And even then, as someone who works in analysing quantitative and qualitative data in my job as well as in my hobby, in cases like these I would say "no". ;)
  7. Rory

    How to calculate the odds of something being true vs. it being false, given the evidence (Bayesian inference)

    That's true that some of it did include data - but maybe it's like how anything multiplied by zero is always zero, anything mulplied by guesswork is always guesswork. Like given the data here - - what is the probability that they both overlap? I would say (thinking about UAPs in particular)...
  8. Rory

    How to calculate the odds of something being true vs. it being false, given the evidence (Bayesian inference)

    But angels aren't invisible to those that can see them. ;) The answer is "it's more likely that aliens live among us than invisible aliens live among us - unless we can prove that there are no visible aliens." I can't pretend to be as educated as you guys are in theories of probability - but I...
  9. Rory

    Claim: Pfizer sponsors many mainstream TV shows (with the implication being that can lead to bad things)

    I didn't think of that necessarily, I just thought "why are they calling it a horse dewormer?" Then later when I heard Rogan tell Sanjay Gupta that he had a human dose prescribed by a doctor I thought "ah well, that's different then." So I suppose, unconsciously, I had assumed that he was...
  10. Rory

    Claim: Pfizer sponsors many mainstream TV shows (with the implication being that can lead to bad things)

    I can't prove you wrong, I can only say "that's your interpretation, and it's an interpretation that myself and others feel is a faulty leap in logic and disagree with." You're right that in the second bolded part I should have written "anti-parasitic" - as I have done elsewhere - and that...
  11. Rory

    Claim: Pfizer sponsors many mainstream TV shows (with the implication being that can lead to bad things)

    To be honest, I know nothing about NPR or Rolling Stone's agenda or politics so I can't comment on that. I did look at the facebook of the writer of the Snopes article though and, judging by that and the article itself, I'd say "low quality research". Maybe they're so overwhelmed with all the...
  12. Rory

    Claim: Pfizer sponsors many mainstream TV shows (with the implication being that can lead to bad things)

    I tend to agree with that - especially because they so vehemently persisted. But what about Snopes, NPR, Rolling Stone, and Pfizer themselves? Different reasons for different organisations? Some besmirching, some lazy journalism, some a mixture? I guess it could be that.
  13. Rory

    [HOAX] "Glowing Tic-TaC" UFO in southern France [Possibly a Drone]

    Oh, I didn't know that. I did a quick search and the answers I got seemed to be saying only highend ones could. But now I search again it seems pretty straightforward: I must have chosen better words...
  14. Rory

    [HOAX] "Glowing Tic-TaC" UFO in southern France [Possibly a Drone]

    The rotation of the light and descent in a vertical position is nice. What would they have used to do that?
  15. Rory

    Claim: Pfizer sponsors many mainstream TV shows (with the implication being that can lead to bad things)

    There are a few things I've heard on that last regard: number one, that Rogan attributes his getting Covid to staying out late and getting really, really drunk - ie, he wasn't actually "healthy" when he got it - and, two, he later backtracked on the "advice" he gave in the April 23rd podcast...
  16. Rory

    Claim: Pfizer sponsors many mainstream TV shows (with the implication being that can lead to bad things)

    Just reading a Snopes article debunking the claim that Pfizer's new oral pill Paxlovid is an Ivermectin ripoff I notice that Pfizer themselves were playing similar word games as CNN: A spokesperson for Pfizer told us: Strange that they felt the need to refer to Ivermectin as "an animal...
  17. Rory

    Claim: Pfizer sponsors many mainstream TV shows (with the implication being that can lead to bad things)

    Also, I think you're being very generous with calling what they did merely "a half-truth" while also being rather ungenerous to Rogan in calling his reading and repeating an apparent (but later disputed) scientific paper "a lie". Probably "mistake" or "premature conclusion" is more accurate...
  18. Rory

    Claim: Pfizer sponsors many mainstream TV shows (with the implication being that can lead to bad things)

    Right, but the discussion isn't about Rogan, it's about CNN. I guess the distinction is that you think it's okay for CNN to use polemic and half-truths - among other things - while others think it isn't okay given that they're supposed to be a news network.
  19. Rory

    Claim: Pfizer sponsors many mainstream TV shows (with the implication being that can lead to bad things)

    That's not the difference at all, and I'm very surprised you're not able to see it. Though your following comment leads me to believe that you're still confusing "ivermectin probably doesn't work" with "let's tell everyone this guy's been eating horse pills even though they're also human pills".
  20. Rory

    Claim: Pfizer sponsors many mainstream TV shows (with the implication being that can lead to bad things)

    He's called "Don Le-Mon"? I've been pronouncing it like the fruit. :D