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  1. Rory

    Claim: Pfizer sponsors many mainstream TV shows (with the implication being that can lead to bad things)

    I shall defer to you on that one: lucky for me my lifetime total of watching CNN is probably less than 60 minutes. :)
  2. Rory

    Could The Gimbal Video Show an Atlas V Launch?

    Mauro loves his probabilities. ;) I'll go 100% that more information would be nice - and maybe 50% that Mick West is right this moment busying himself investigating this new angle.
  3. Rory

    Claim: Pfizer sponsors many mainstream TV shows (with the implication being that can lead to bad things)

    So I guess we started out wondering whether the video in the OP was real and now we're wondering if companies like Pfizer maintain some sort of direct impact on the content and agenda of purported news channels like CNN. I suppose the jury's out on that one, even if it does seem clear they were...
  4. Rory

    Claim: Pfizer sponsors many mainstream TV shows (with the implication being that can lead to bad things)

    Ah. Like they're saying "we don't like it that he has sown doubt in the vaccines made by our sponsors so we're going to go after him with some low blows and try to sow doubt in him"? Good spot.
  5. Rory

    Claim: Pfizer sponsors many mainstream TV shows (with the implication being that can lead to bad things)

    Honestly, calling it a "horse dewormer" - especially to the extent that CNN did - is pretty silly. One might as well insist we lambast people for eating "horse food" when they sit down to a bowl of porridge in the morning. It makes as much sense as handwavingly dismissing ketamine therapy...
  6. Rory

    Claim: Pfizer sponsors many mainstream TV shows (with the implication being that can lead to bad things)

    Could be that. And could also be that the sponsors have put some pressure on the bosses and the bosses have put some pressure on the hosts.
  7. Rory

    Claim: Pfizer sponsors many mainstream TV shows (with the implication being that can lead to bad things)

    I mean, yeah, but I don't quite see the logic in that (ie, it's a bit of a strawman). And Joe Rogan had his ivermectin prescribed by a doctor, and took the "for human" variety (if there's a difference). Hence why CNN's curious crusade seems all the more puzzling and bizarre - unless, of course...
  8. Rory

    Claim: Pfizer sponsors many mainstream TV shows (with the implication being that can lead to bad things)

    Here's a compilation video of US TV shows purportedly being sponsored by Pfizer: Source: The shows featured are: Good Morning America, CBS Health Watch, Anderson Cooper 360, ABC News Nightline, Making A Difference, CNN Tonight, Early Start...
  9. Rory

    WTC Collapse Simulation using Unity/Besiege

    I think there are plenty of videos showing simulated planes hitting simulated towers, so it's not like they're not already out there. I would say "go ahead": I quite enjoy watching them myself, so I'd be interested to see how yours looked.
  10. Rory

    COVID-19 Coronavirus current events

    Thanks. And when you say "today's news has conspiracy folks think they are winning again" and "I found this news myself on a conspiracy page with also this chart and the text: 'So, now it is 50/50. Wonder when we declare pandemic of vaccinated?'" where does that come from?
  11. Rory

    COVID-19 Coronavirus current events

    Can you translate the table please Pena? And include the source of where you found it.
  12. Rory

    Friend has fallen into COVID-conspiracies

    Unfortunately it appears that you are falling into your own rabbit hole. Just as he is becoming lost in a world of conspiracy theories, you appear to be becoming lost in trying to make sense of his madness and the mad things he sends you. Repeatedly posting conspiracy theories here isn't doing...
  13. Rory

    Claim: Covid vaccines contains self-aware aluminum parasites

    That's a good point. Saying "high level of confidence" or "high probability" is not the same as saying "I found".
  14. Rory

    Claim: Covid vaccines contains self-aware aluminum parasites

    I would say words like "conclusive", "unequivocal", "unambiguous" are very committal and not guarded at all. The sentence in the last paragraph - "out of a total of 110 scanned objects unambiguous signals for the presense of graphene oxide have been found in 8 objects" - states very clearly that...
  15. Rory

    Friend has fallen into COVID-conspiracies

    I think his arguments are poor and that there isn't anything you can do to help him. I imagine he will be like this for years, and maybe the rest of his life, and that probably it will get worse. So my advice for you is to contemplate that possibility and figure out what will work best for you.
  16. Rory

    Claim: Covid vaccines contains self-aware aluminum parasites

    I dunno. Do you not think that him writing that the presence of graphene oxide in vaccine samples is "conclusive" and "unequivocal" is pretty committal?
  17. Rory

    Claim: Covid vaccines contains self-aware aluminum parasites

    Dr Campra has recently published his results of further tests on the vaccine, in both Spanish and English. He states that objects found in vaccine vials "unequivocally correspond to GRAPHENE OXIDE." From the abstract: We have carried out a random screening of graphene-like nanoparticles...
  18. Rory

    Explained: Reddit UFO Los Angeles lights in the sky [Light on Pole]

    Interesting thing here to me: my knee jerk reaction might be to shake my head and laugh at the tat people are posting and discussing over at reddit - but I followed the link and scrolled through some comments and it seems like 99% are either (gently) ridiculing the photographer and anyone who...
  19. Rory

    Size of "the Pile"

    Either I'm confused or this is how this conversation is going: 1. In 2016 a couple of truthers questioned the size of the pile 2. The questions were answered and one poster disappeared and the other was banned 3. Then a few days ago @investigating911 posted detailed objective info about the...