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  1. Rory

    DHS "Rubber Duck" Footage

    That's a very good point. We're talking highly trained personnel here. They'd have known to give swans a wide berth.
  2. Rory

    DHS "Rubber Duck" Footage

    Though I'm thinking "balloons", the shape of the rubber duckie isn't a million miles from one of these: Picture taken from a story about drug smugglers using microlights to ferry their loads across the border.
  3. Rory

    DHS "Rubber Duck" Footage

    Checking out "drone longest flying time" for the kinds of drones the average person might be 30 minutes seems about the limit, with the longest I saw in a quick search 34 minutes. That was for a $700 drone though; this blog post says that: Some unpiloted aerial smugglers are six- and...
  4. Rory

    DHS "Rubber Duck" Footage

    I've watched the video and it's very obviously a 200mph man-size flying rubber duck. Can we please have the next UAP tracking airplane or drone or whatever actually approach the object instead of just following it from a distance? Or do those videos not get released?
  5. Rory

    How much research does a truther have to do to get any respect around here?

    Your question was: (Italics mine.) My answer was: Note the words "maybe" and "basically". I didn't say "it would only be reasonable" - that's not for me to say - but that "I would understand and accept their position, and grant that [I would feel it was] reasonable for where they were at."...
  6. Rory

    How much research does a truther have to do to get any respect around here?

    The "panel" is in complete agreement that it wasn't controlled demolition, and for the rational layperson I would think that ought to be enough. I imagine top level physicists aren't in complete agreement over the finer details of things - but that they agree on things laypersons can understand...
  7. Rory

    How much research does a truther have to do to get any respect around here?

    Looks like a kind of fun thread but I couldn't read everything. I will have a go at answering the two questions in the OP though. How about: a basic level of research on the explanation of how the towers collapsed (which should make sense and be acceptable to most rational, non-paranoid...
  8. Rory

    Claim: The Indian/Chinese systems of nadis/meridians have been proved by science because of hyaluronic acid and piezoelectricity

    Well, I think this thread is just about done: the aim was to investigate a claim made by a Dr Motoyama (and popularised by Paul Grilley) that "a network of channels rich in hyaluronic acid exists in the body, conducts electricity, and corresponds to the ancient Chinese theory of meridians" and...
  9. Rory

    Claim: The Indian/Chinese systems of nadis/meridians have been proved by science because of hyaluronic acid and piezoelectricity

    That's funny: I wrote 'second' at first and then changed it later to third. Yep, I think it's mostly owned by Auburn University, and Vodyanoy has shares. CytoViva, Inc. is a scientific imaging and instrumentation company that develops and markets optical microscopy and hyperspectral imaging...
  10. Rory

    Claim: The Indian/Chinese systems of nadis/meridians have been proved by science because of hyaluronic acid and piezoelectricity

    Indeed. And I'm pretty sure there are children who know that the plural of phenomenon isn't "phenomenon's" - yes, with the apostrophe - as was found in this 'interesting' paragraph: "Which by now controversially discussed and to go new ways to come over the clutter" indeed. Thanks for...
  11. Rory

    Claim: The Indian/Chinese systems of nadis/meridians have been proved by science because of hyaluronic acid and piezoelectricity

    A believer in the "hyaluronic acid conducts electricity and this is what the meridians/nadis are" theory sent me a few links to try to back up their claims, including a pdf copy of Motoyama's 'Theories of The Chakras'. Luckily, the book doesn't actually contain a reference to hyaluronic acid...
  12. Rory

    Claim: Harriet Hall says that acupuncture isn't "ancient" and maybe doesn't come from China

    Harriet Hall is a skeptic who has written for The Skeptic Enquirer, Quackwatch, and Skeptic. In 2015 she produced a series of videos for the James Randi Foundation criticising alternative medicine. In this one she takes a look at acupuncture, and makes the claim that it's neither "ancient" nor...
  13. Rory

    Debunked: UK undertaker's claim that Covid vaccine is responsible for spike in deaths

    Milton Keynes-based funeral director/undertaker John O'Looney is a vocal Covid denier who has also claimed that he witnessed a massive spike in the death rate once the vaccine began to be administered - something he says he had predicted two or three months previously. Source...
  14. Rory

    The Bunkum Mystification of Quantum Mechanics by Non-Physicists

    Thanks guys, much appreciated. It's all Greek to me - but I get the sense you know what you're talking about and that the passage I quoted has some serious flaws. Boxes ticked. :)
  15. Rory

    The Bunkum Mystification of Quantum Mechanics by Non-Physicists

    I was reading something not related to quantum physics and came across the following passages, and wondered if you guys could comment on whether you think the author's interpretation is right please? As it happens, Lucretius and Newton were mistaken. The fundamental laws of physical reality are...
  16. Rory

    Havana Syndrome: "Sonic Attacks" at the US Embassy in Cuba - Mass Hysteria?

    Long article on the BBC about this today: Concludes: Five years on, some US officials say little more is known other than when Havana syndrome started. But others disagree. They say the evidence for microwaves is much stronger now, if not yet...
  17. Rory

    Dubious Darwin quote

  18. Rory

    Dubious Darwin quote

    Earliest online attribution I can find is this one here: June 13th, 2015
  19. Rory

    Dubious Darwin quote

    Nice work David, seems that you've found the most likely source. I wanted to see the Darwin "sh" poster for myself; found it on the Internet Archive: Pretty cool. :)
  20. Rory

    Explained: Mexico City Earthquake Lights [Power Line Arcing and Transformer Explosions]

    Another earthquake in Mexico near Acapulco happened last night. Several videos were taken of multiple flashes in the sky. Here are a few: Source: Source: Source...