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  1. Rory

    Episode 54 – Mia Bloom and Sophia Moskalenko: Pastels and Pedophiles

    Okay, so that's useful - I could have interpreted the inclusion of that old quote in any number of ways (that wouldn't have been one of them).
  2. Rory

    Episode 54 – Mia Bloom and Sophia Moskalenko: Pastels and Pedophiles

    I'm sure I agree, but what I thought we were talking about was "lying" - ie, telling them that the content they're looking at was created by Russian trolls when it wasn't. For example: I get that - but that isn't what they wrote in their book. They didn't suggest accompanying Q content with a...
  3. Rory

    Episode 54 – Mia Bloom and Sophia Moskalenko: Pastels and Pedophiles

    I'd like to point out that I: a) haven't watched or read US news for at least the last four months b) haven't heard anything Biden's said since at least before the election c) haven't heard anything Fauci's said for even longer d) don't know anything about 'community outreach people' Remember...
  4. Rory

    Episode 54 – Mia Bloom and Sophia Moskalenko: Pastels and Pedophiles

    From her response to me though, it seems she's more saying "don't mess with mentally unstable and/or paranoid people's minds - they're already messy enough." Which I think is a point that has lots and lots of merit. I mean, if you get lucky they come back to reality and understand why you did...
  5. Rory

    Episode 54 – Mia Bloom and Sophia Moskalenko: Pastels and Pedophiles

    That's an interesting analogy. I will find a gullible English male with unusual beliefs and ask him what effect that would have on him. ;)
  6. Rory

    Episode 54 – Mia Bloom and Sophia Moskalenko: Pastels and Pedophiles

    I might be missing some info here so I'm wondering: are you saying "all lying is bad" or "lying to people who may be susceptible to paranoia is bad (irresponsible, not smart) because if they find out they've been lied to (before they're in a position to see why) it may fuel the paranoia and/or...
  7. Rory

    Episode 54 – Mia Bloom and Sophia Moskalenko: Pastels and Pedophiles

    So true. When I lived in the States in the 90s it was all about public land use and didn't seem at all like it does today. I think I can find my own coat, thanks. :)
  8. Rory

    Episode 54 – Mia Bloom and Sophia Moskalenko: Pastels and Pedophiles

    That report's conclusion: A majority of Americans know nothing about QAnon and fewer than one-in-ten have a favorable view toward it. Furthermore, even among the small group of QAnon supporters, there is not widespread recognition of – or belief in – QAnon conspiracy claims. At the same time, a...
  9. Rory

    Episode 54 – Mia Bloom and Sophia Moskalenko: Pastels and Pedophiles

    Oh, here we go, from the book's blurb on Amazon: So "Pastel QAnon" is a thing: it even has its own wikipedia page:
  10. Rory

    Episode 54 – Mia Bloom and Sophia Moskalenko: Pastels and Pedophiles

    From the NYT: The authors paint a terrifying picture of how suburban white women have pulled QAnon from the internet’s shadowy corners into pastel-hued Instagram squares
  11. Rory

    Episode 54 – Mia Bloom and Sophia Moskalenko: Pastels and Pedophiles

    As for 'Asch Conformity'...reading about that reminded me of a previous occasion I'd come across it, on a TV show, and coupled in with that was a real-life example of the dangers of conformity: the 1979 Woolworth's fire in Manchester that killed ten people. I remember distinctly that it was...
  12. Rory

    Episode 54 – Mia Bloom and Sophia Moskalenko: Pastels and Pedophiles

    Gee, I never even thought about that - but I was: a) only listening; b) playing Tetris at the same time; c) distracted that Mick was pronouncing pedophile [sic] like an American. :D But now you mention it...I haven't a clue why the word "pastel" is there. Is it a reference to the feminine...
  13. Rory

    Episode 54 – Mia Bloom and Sophia Moskalenko: Pastels and Pedophiles

    In Mick's podcast Moskalenko says (from around 59:30), "most people, most of the time will agree with the group on something as ridiculous as 'white is black.'" The phenomenon is known as 'Asch Conformity', named after Solomon Asch who did the first experiments in the 1950s. He found in his...
  14. Rory

    Episode 54 – Mia Bloom and Sophia Moskalenko: Pastels and Pedophiles

    Source: Just finished this one and I thought it was magnificent: a really nice meeting of minds, great conversational flow, and really cool to listen to three experts talk in (what I presume is) a balanced, well-rounded, and extremely well-informed...
  15. Rory

    Claim: The Indian/Chinese systems of nadis/meridians have been proved by science because of hyaluronic acid and piezoelectricity

    That was LilWabbit that said that. But, in any case, I shall pass on your appreciation. :)
  16. Rory

    Claim: The Indian/Chinese systems of nadis/meridians have been proved by science because of hyaluronic acid and piezoelectricity

    PS If anyone's wondering how something non-physical can have a physical location, this should clear it up: “The Heart is used in the Vedas and the scriptures to denote the place whence the notion ‘I’ springs. Does it spring only from the fleshy ball? It springs within us somewhere right in the...
  17. Rory

    Claim: The Indian/Chinese systems of nadis/meridians have been proved by science because of hyaluronic acid and piezoelectricity

    For those interested in the idea of what 'spirituality' means by the "heart", the words of Ramana Maharshi are perhaps fitting here: Heart is usually understood to be the muscular organ lying on the left of the chest. But the Heart of which I speak is non-physical and is only on the right side...
  18. Rory

    Claim: The Indian/Chinese systems of nadis/meridians have been proved by science because of hyaluronic acid and piezoelectricity

    These ideas are quite interesting. Perhaps they deserve their own thread so that they can be properly investigated?