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  1. Rory

    Ramazzini Study on RF effects in Rats

    Fancy language aside, through both my paid work and some of the research projects I've done for hobbies, I've learned to become incredibly wary of the words "statistically significant" and anyone trying to prove anything by typing "p<0.05"; I've seen too many PhD papers, respectably presented...
  2. Rory

    5G Health Claims and Theories

    Gotcha. Thanks for explaining. I guess the way I was seeing it was: Estimated cases of skin cancer in a year (say 2015): ~7.5 million, or about 0.1% of the world's population (for simplicity) 1 in 1000 chance increases by 0.05%: 0.1005% Total yearly skin cancer cases after 5G (hypothetical)...
  3. Rory

    Ramazzini Study on RF effects in Rats

    I would say the same: the incidences among the different types of Schwannoma are very randomly scattered too. Sample size isn't large enough to deduce anything. Probably need to repeat it with at least 10,000 subjects to begin to see if there's any sort of effect.
  4. Rory

    Debunked: "All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the NWO"

    I suppose the title of the thread should be changed back to "Claim" rather than "Debunked"?
  5. Rory

    Debunked: "All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the NWO"

    The continuation of that supposed Ron Paul quote reads: The great crisis is probably still several years off, but even under today's circumstances, some unknown political or economic event could suddenly undermine the weakening confidence that holds the system together. I don't see anywhere...
  6. Rory

    Debunked: "All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the NWO"

    Well, before we debate why he said it, or what he might have meant by it, let's find out if he did actually say it first. ;)
  7. Rory

    Debunked: "All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the NWO"

    These are the issues of Newsweek from January 1991: January 7th - "The 90's: A Survival Guide" (special issue) January 7th - "Saddam's Endgame: More Than Just a Madman" January 14th - "Riding out the Recession" January 21st - "The Path to War" January 28th - "America at War" (special issue)...
  8. Rory

    Debunked: "All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the NWO"

    What 1995 occasion? If you mean the speech at the ambassadors' dinner in 1994, it's not in there. As for the context - news coverage was much more focused on the Gulf War in January 1991. And the above snippet you quoted is from 1994, not 1991. It's the other part of the quote we're looking...
  9. Rory

    5G Health Claims and Theories

    @Dingo - Just wondering if you can show your working out on that one, because something about the math doesn't seem quite right to me.
  10. Rory

    Debunked: "All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the NWO"

    I thought I'd have another look at this quote and see if I could see where it might have come from. Stuck it into google and changed the timeframe to rollback the years and I get a few hits. One, dated to April 19th, 1995, is FINAL WARNING: A History of the New World Order by David Allen...
  11. Rory

    Boris Johnson in ICU with Coronavirus Symptoms

    Ha! So if he gets fine on his own - or dies - or gets better with medication - or is found to have contracted corona from a testing kit - or goes into a coma - or has to leave office because of some subsequent problem - or any other outcome - They're all confirmation of the conspiracy?
  12. Rory

    Debunked: Trees being cut down "because they block 5G" (tree replacement in Belgium)

    Is this a general "trees are being cut down for 5G" thread, or should each particular bunch of trees/program have its own? A friend in Amsterdam has voiced concerns that trees on Rozengracht are being cleared for 5G. Here's a facebook post addressing that: Meanwhile on Rozengracht...the...
  13. Rory

    The "Whistleblowing" Chinese Doctors

    So it's a link to a video and song, posted to quite a few sites in the last few days. Here it is at the CCTV News website, complete with lyrics and credits: Here's one with a working video...
  14. Rory

    The "Whistleblowing" Chinese Doctors

    Yep, everything still accessible. It seems a new post was added yesterday, at 16:03 (timezone I'm not sure of). It simply says "weblink" and leads to this: Source: It's a page on WeChat. Translated to English gives: Despite the arrows...
  15. Rory

    Claim: Spanish flu caused by radio waves

    While looking for a pdf of the book, I came across a more detailed summary. In that, it is stated that: Armies equipped themselves with various high-powered radio transmitters towards the end of the First World War – triggering (as we have seen) the Spanish flu pandemic in 1918, which actually...
  16. Rory

    5G Health Claims and Theories

    Hi Dingo, where do the "0.05%" and "2 million additional cases" figures comes from?
  17. Rory

    The "Whistleblowing" Chinese Doctors

    I see that this story is from April 2nd, and says that she hadn't been seen in the preceding two weeks. One thing to note from her Weibo is that two photos posted on April 1st show her standing in front of a Wuhan hospital monitor displaying that day's date: Sources...
  18. Rory

    Claim: Spanish flu caused by radio waves

    The easiest claim to debunk/look at it is probably #2, claiming that "the first victims of Spanish flu were 1,127 radio operators stationed at Camp Funston, Kansas." The US is noted at wikipedia as being one possible location for the source of Spanish flu, along with France and China, and it...
  19. Rory

    Claim: Spanish flu caused by radio waves

    In light of a number of conspiracy theories linking Covid-19 with the rolling out of 5G, some have also begun to repeat the notion that previous pandemics, epidemics and plagues were linked to changes in technology and the Earth's magnetic field. From what I can tell, one of the main sources...