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  1. Rory

    Discussing 5G EMF Concerns, Theories, and Conspiracy Theories

    Maybe another good analogy could be made using liquids. If we propel a liquid against someone, it's not the type that causes harm - temperature aside - but the strength that it's propelled against them. E.g., gazpacho from a cup vs Tizer from a water cannon; sea water from a tsunami vs Mountain...
  2. Rory

    COVID-19 Coronavirus current events

    That news report was from Saturday 28th March, while the Sky News report was from March 19th, nine days earlier. Also, the footage from Sky was from Bergamo, whereas the CBS guy was in Parma, 70 miles away. Seems to me CBS intercut footage that was in the Sky report with actual footage of...
  3. Rory

    Discussing 5G EMF Concerns, Theories, and Conspiracy Theories

    I guess it's a confusion over "type" and "strength", "frequency" against "amount of radiation". What are we saying in simple terms? That Hz and GHz (etc) refers to the frequency of electromagnetic waves (radio, micro, etc) and that these aren't damaging in and of themselves - that increasing...
  4. Rory

    Discussing 5G EMF Concerns, Theories, and Conspiracy Theories

    A friend just told me she's concerned because "it says the microwave is about 40x greater than 4g. It goes from like 2.5 to 95." I asked her what she was referring to, and she sent me this image: Not really sure how to respond to that. Mick?
  5. Rory

    Measuring 5G EMF and using ICNIRP Guidelines

    I was forwarded an "article" from Scientific American titled "We Have No Reason to Believe 5G is Safe" (it's actually a blog post, situated in the "Opinion" section) written by Joel M. Moskowitz, PhD, addressing some of the concerns around 5G and radiation: Since the FCC adopted the [radio...
  6. Rory

    Claim: UK Coronavirus Bill (HC Bill 122) means "bad things"

    A few people I know have told me that the UK government has introduced a new bill which gives them the power to do "bad things" such as: The petition he's referring to currently has 154,000 signatures. The new measures are summarised there as follows: Forced detention and isolation can be of...
  7. Rory

    The "Whistleblowing" Chinese Doctors

    Perhaps the "claim" that Ai Fen has disappeared/not disappeared is worthy of investigation in its own thread, given how widely it's been reported? Maybe a place to start would be her Sina Weibo account, which is where the social media comments were posted:
  8. Rory

    COVID-19 Coronavirus current events

    Regarding the Czech Republic and their "what we did to significantly flatten the curve was introduce mandatory facemask wearing" video, here's their latest case graph: So it does look like they're doing pretty well. Still, while having everyone wear facemasks outdoors is obviously better...
  9. Rory

    COVID-19 Coronavirus current events

    Or maybe not: "It was an editing mistake," a CBS spokesperson told the Washington Examiner when asked about the footage. "We took immediate steps to remove it from all platforms and shows."...
  10. Rory

    COVID-19 Coronavirus current events

    I wonder where the footage at 1:47 is from, when the narrator is talking about New Jersey? You can hear someone speaking at 1:51, but it doesn't sound like English.
  11. Rory

    COVID-19 Coronavirus current events

    At 2:05 the narrator says "the mayor of Los Angeles says New York could be a preview of what's to come" over images of an old man receiving breathing assistance; the footage is actually from Bergamo, Italy, as originally broadcast in the Sky News report Deirdre linked to: Source...
  12. Rory

    Wuhan Funeral Urns as an Indicator of Death Rate?

    I would think the primary thing would be to look at the evidence, available data, and facts, as it relates to funeral urns, cremations, and coronavirus deaths in Wuhan.
  13. Rory

    COVID-19 Coronavirus current events

    Received this video from a few different friends today, about the benefits of wearing face masks in the Czech Republic: Source: It seems nice, and I'm not arguing with the sentiment, but I have doubts about some of the statements. The actress...
  14. Rory

    Wuhan Funeral Urns as an Indicator of Death Rate?

    I wonder if they work five or seven days a week? A five-day week equals around 14,000 cremations per quarter, which matches the official figures.
  15. Rory

    Wuhan Funeral Urns as an Indicator of Death Rate?

    Okay, I got it: even though the Wuhan report is titled "Statistics for 4th Quarter", the cremation figures are actually cumulative for the year to date. So if you click on "1st Quarter" you get 14,700, and then 29,625 and 42,151 for the 2nd and 3rd Quarters respectively. That's where the 13,856...
  16. Rory

    Wuhan Funeral Urns as an Indicator of Death Rate?

    The National Post figures are actually from a Bloomberg article, which helpfully includes a link to the correct Wuhan website: The figure there for cremations matches the figure from The Japan Times: So where does 13,856 come from? And why did...
  17. Rory

    Wuhan Funeral Urns as an Indicator of Death Rate?

    I see that quite a few news outlets are still looking at the urns issue today. The National Post includes: Source: That contrasts with The Japan Times article mentioned by Mendel above...
  18. Rory

    Wuhan Funeral Urns as an Indicator of Death Rate?

    Agreed. By "figures being right" I was really thinking about the low number of new cases. But wasn't clear about it.
  19. Rory

    Wuhan Funeral Urns as an Indicator of Death Rate?

    Is this story on Radio Free Asia the source of many of the "crematoriums busier than official figures say" features? Since the start of the week, seven large funeral homes in Wuhan have been handing out the cremated remains...
  20. Rory

    Using Mountain Ranges to Predict the Shape of the Earth

    That link is now here: