Search results

  1. Rory

    Wuhan Funeral Urns as an Indicator of Death Rate?

    Wouldn't the fact of life beginning to return to normal in Wuhan and the rest of China be the biggest indicator that the figures are right?
  2. Rory

    COVID-19 Coronavirus current events

    Quite a striking graph, showing claims for unemployment benefit in the US since the late-60s:
  3. Rory

    COVID-19 Coronavirus current events

    I've received a few forwarded messages of advice the last few days from well-meaners. One was a well-known video by "Dr" Dan Lee Dimke telling people to blow their faces with hairdryers. This has been debunked by Snopes and other places: No reputable medical professionals or institutions...
  4. Rory

    COVID-19 Coronavirus current events

    To note: the first picture is actually a page from a 2008 Sylvia Browne book, not Dean R. Koontz as stated. And for the second one, as well as not being in Wuhan but Shanghai, 500 miles away (as already pointed out), "Raccoon City" is only an anagram of "Corona" if you spell it wrong. Plus, in...
  5. Rory

    Isolation: How will you pass the time?

    Gamers be like: isolation; damn; you mean I have to avoid other people and sit indoors alone? I got my second highest score on Tetris listening to 'Tales From the Rabbit Hole': Source: More podcasts please! :)
  6. Rory

    Tales From the Rabbit Hole - A Mick West / Metabunk Podcast

    Awrate, ar Mick. A jus' go' done wi listenin' t' interview wi t'ex fla' earther Johnny. Ee, were right enjoyable, I tell thee. An good to 'ear thee talkin' proper an' all. Champion. :)
  7. Rory

    Debunked: Cooper/Copper family ghost photo

    I think that just proves he had the original photo. That he's Richard Ramsdell, I believe. That he's the boy in the photo, maybe, maybe not (doesn't matter). Do you remember what it was called? Can it be found on
  8. Rory

    Coronavirus Related Shortages in Shops

    Interesting to note the toilet paper shelves empty but plenty of kitchen towel on offer. How long till people get desperate and resort to barbarism and depravity?
  9. Rory

    Identifying the Mountains in JTolan's "Rocky Mountains" IR Video

    This is using Trailspotter's coordinates in Panorama Maker: It's a useful tool for this sort of thing. Have a play with it here: Btw, I've had a look at several of these "JTolan incredible distance shots" and they're always wildly optimistic and poorly...
  10. Rory

    Tales From the Rabbit Hole - A Mick West / Metabunk Podcast

    3. Actually, nothing else to say - just seems like a stream of gobbledygook. Poor chap. He seems nice enough but, alas, if the aliens are coming to visit him, they don't seem to be doing anything helpful as far as clarity of thought goes. :(
  11. Rory

    Tales From the Rabbit Hole - A Mick West / Metabunk Podcast

    Just listening to Michael #37, but don't see a dedicated thread. Thought I'd post some thoughts as I'm listening. 1. Love the bit where he says something like "and then you wake up, and you're levitating, you know?" 2. Not sure I've reached a bit yet where his 'experiences' sound convincingly...
  12. Rory

    Plane Shaped "Drone" Caught on Camera. Mead, NE - Cessna Caravan?

    I got a reply from the Sheriff: Thank you for contacting our office. Our Deputy saw a plane right after the drones went past him on two separate nights. So I guess they still believe they were drones.
  13. Rory

    Plane Shaped "Drone" Caught on Camera. Mead, NE - Cessna Caravan?

    If I change my computer time to CST I get her "with the sheriffs" tweet showing as 6.26pm and her "close encounter!" tweet at 7.56pm. Also, I emailed the Sheriff's Department and pointed them to this thread. Will let you know if I get anything back.
  14. Rory

    Unusual line of lights seen over Baja California Sur, Mexico

    Cool. I knew you guys would get it quick sharp and pronto. Great flat earth test: observers the world over - FE'ers, preferably - follow it as it moves 'above the plane' [sic] and then notice how it appears to disappear off one side and reappear on the other (assuming that's what it does).
  15. Rory

    Unusual line of lights seen over Baja California Sur, Mexico

    First of all - sorry, no picture for this one, but I'll bet there are pictures of it elsewhere, once identified. So I was sitting in the hot springs yesterday morning in El Chorro, Baja California Sur (just west of Agua Caliente, which is just east of Santiago, located between La Paz and San...
  16. Rory

    TFTRH #30 - Tom: 9/11 - Why We Believe and Change

    His ideas about the scientific method were something I would have liked to hear more of. He was saying things like, they shouldn't just give a simple yes or no, they should use the scientific method - and I think there was a point where you elaborated on how they'd come to the yes or no, but it...
  17. Rory

    TED Talk: When a "memory expert" get it wrong....

    Interesting stuff. Business Insider reviewed his talk (very favourably) and repeated his error: On Sept. 11, Fraser himself vividly recalls watching the second tower collapse on TV roughly an hour after the first tower collapse. But that footage wasn't actually available until 24 hours later...
  18. Rory

    Cosmonaut Miroslaw Hermaczewski allegedly says earth is flat - [joke]

    That's a nice story, that. Here's audio of them reporting on what they saw: Source:
  19. Rory

    How to Take a Photo of the Curve of the Horizon

    That'd be by Australian debunker 'Critical Think'. I can't find his original video (within thirty seconds), but here's Wolfie6020's version of it: Source:
  20. Rory

    How to Take a Photo of the Curve of the Horizon

    That's true, and though I included ways to show that the red bars were straight - rotating them; showing along their length; and measuring the distance between them - it was always more a demonstration of what 'doubters' could do for themselves. But as far as I'm aware, no globe denier has yet...