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  1. Rory

    How to Take a Photo of the Curve of the Horizon

    The string could for sure work, but I suppose it's more difficult to verify that a string is perfectly straight than it is with a solid bar, as well as to set up. Plus the solid bar has shown to work really well - especially with the option of having one above and one below the horizon. As far...
  2. Rory

    "UFO" Sighting over Downtown San Diego Freeway [DARPA Balloon]

    I see UK tabloid The Daily Star reported on it a couple of days ago: Brief mention of the DARPA balloon at the end: However, many believe the driver captured DARPA's unmanned aircraft tracking system that...
  3. Rory

    Debunked: "Blue Marble" Photos show a Changing Earth

    A lot of the astronauts on the ISS take their own cameras with them and upload the photos to places like flickr; you could check them out. The DSCVR images aren't composites. And obviously there are thousands from the Apollo missions, as above, taken with old school cameras. There was even a TV...
  4. Rory

    Flat Earth Theory Debunked by Short Flights (QF27 & QF28) From Australia to South America

    Hi, and welcome to the forum. In all honesty, I'm reading your post as though you're writing sarcastically: is that what you're doing? I enjoy sarcasm a lot, but it's actually one of the guidelines here to avoid using it, since it can be confusing for some. Also, for any lurkers, the distance...
  5. Rory

    Ufo in Campos Novos - Santa Catarina - Brazil

    It's a shame he didn't go it on the day and discover it was a balloon. But then I suppose when people do that, having gotten all excited about it, they don't post their videos online. Or, if they do, videos like that don't attract much attention.
  6. Rory

    How to Take a Photo of the Curve of the Horizon

    To try and combine all the above: A) Eye level is a flat plane through the eye of the observer - true (could add MW's "and parallel to local down") B) Eye level out in the distance appears as a straight line, as it is part of that flat plane - true C) The horizon on a spherical ocean is a...
  7. Rory

    How to Take a Photo of the Curve of the Horizon

    Maybe a visual, physical representation would be better: take a ball, put a cone on it; the point of the cone is the observer; the rim of the cone forms a circle; that circle is the horizon. I have also had some success explaining it using a bowl analogy: the bowl is curved, but the rim of the...
  8. Rory

    How to Take a Photo of the Curve of the Horizon

    Also, earlier in this thread there are links to Walter Bislin's site ( where we can simulate what the horizon would look like from any given altitude. It is indeed curved, just as we see in reality. The idea that it can't be "higher" in the middle than at the edges makes...
  9. Rory

    Earth's Curve Calculator

    It's here: Source: If you rewind a few minutes you'll see some of your Santa Catalina photos being talked about.
  10. Rory

    Earth's Curve Calculator

    The above point is being discussed right now on a YouTube panel debate. From listening to them, it seems that it would really benefit to define "close" more specifically. One person thinks "close" means six inches but not six feet; another thinks six feet is "close". And there may be others who...
  11. Rory

    Antipodal Flight

    Could you take a few screenshots from the video and then make a gif using (or similar)? You can vary the frame rate.
  12. Rory

    Antipodal Flight

    As above, I think picking one pair of cities - the best pair - would work well (with the addendum that this will work for any pair of antipodal cities). The gif could work well if it 'rotated' a little slower. Counterarguments I would expect from flat earthers would include: there is no flat...
  13. Rory

    Antipodal Flight

    How would you use this in a discussion? Like, let's say a flat earther says to you, "have you got any proof that the world isn't flat?" and you say, "yes, because there are flights that..." And then fill in the blank.
  14. Rory

    Earth's Curve Calculator

    I just saw a flat earther commenting that they were doing some observations over a bay from 20 feet above sea level, and that they were "sure the metabunk calculator 'accounts for atmospheric refraction'" but that it states that "it doesn't work over bodies of water." The text on the calculator...
  15. Rory

    Debunked: 120-mile shot of San Jacinto proves flat earth

    Nice to see how your two different methods reach more or less the same answer: split the difference between Antithesis's results and we get 0.21°; close to Mick's "a bit under 0.25°". And, of course, for purpose it's clear enough: if the geometric prediction is -3.3° (for a plane at 35,000...
  16. Rory

    Debunked: 120-mile shot of San Jacinto proves flat earth

    I've seen JTolan experiment with the Dioptra app before: it's not very accurate, and he doesn't seem very sure about how it works. I did some of my own tests with it (below) and, as other people had found, concluded that it wasn't really up to the task. The Hunter app for the iPhone, though, is...
  17. Rory

    Claim: The Moon's Shadow During The Solar Eclipse Disproves Sphere Earth

    The explanation I've seen most often is that they're simply using knowledge of the Saros Cycle, which has been used since ancient times to predict eclipses. From The Flat Earth Society's 'wiki': Q. But what about NASA's yearly lunar eclipse predictions? They must be based on a geometric model...
  18. Rory

    How Fake News Goes Viral

    Article on the BBC today suggesting an alternate cause for fake news: "misaligned social information interpretation": As Hendricks and Hansen put it, “when you don’t possess sufficient information to...
  19. Rory

    Debunked: "Buddha said, 'Enlightenment is found in the Yoni'"

    It wasn't in there, and Robinson wrote me again to say she originally found it in Dr John Mumford's 'Ecstasy Through Tantra' (1988): As in Tantra, the physical bodies of the participants are regarded as altars or tabernacles made ready by the pure intent of the couple and sanctified by the...