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  1. Rory

    Debunked: media headline "Judea declares war on Germany" [boycott]

    Yep, that makes perfect sense. ("Mrs George Lansbury", by the way, had some quite illustrious descendants: Angela Lansbury (of Murder She Wrote and Bedknobs and Broomsticks) and Oliver Postgate, creator of Bagpuss, the Clangers, Noggin the Nog, and Ivor the Engine, among them.)
  2. Rory

    Debunked: media headline "Judea declares war on Germany" [boycott]

    What is the source for the Express front page in the OP? It's very different to the one in the Express archives. Photoshopped? Cobbled together? Maybe from articles inside the paper?
  3. Rory

    Debunked: media headline "Judea declares war on Germany" [boycott]

    Well I thought that sounded ridiculous - but the Daily Express has an archive site dating back to 1900, and the headline is right. Here's the link to the paper that day:;jsessionid=85BAB3F64EA207CE80FBE8C0E28576FD?is=1 Looking...
  4. Rory

    Jeffery Epstein's Death

    Someone who isn't me was on suicide watch once: it was in a jail, rather than a prison, so somewhat different circumstances, but also perhaps some similarities. The cell was completely bare. The light was on constantly (behind bars, set in a high ceiling). There were no bed clothes or furniture...
  5. Rory

    Jeffery Epstein's Death

    There is: I figured in order to share the link with interested parties I'd need to include something in the article to comply with the "no-click policy". And Giuliani's CT-tinged tweet was something I hadn't seen mentioned yet.
  6. Rory

    Jeffery Epstein's Death

    The BBC posted an article yesterday about Epstein conspiracy theories: Nothing massive to add to the above, other than mention of some tweets from Rudy Giuliani: "What does the word watch mean in the phrase suicide watch?" tweeted President...
  7. Rory

    Toddbrook Dam Collapse, Whaley Bridge, UK

    That looks bad. But if it included the amount of rain that is predicted to fall, it would show how bad. Here's one that does that: 4mm tomorrow, 1.6mm on Sunday, 16.5mm on Tuesday (0.6 inches), and the other days around...
  8. Rory

    TFTRH #14: Rory – Flat Earth Debunking and Spiritual Journeys

    It can be useful, for sure - but also weird and strange, and for that reason I don't really recommend it. I did revisit it about six or seven years ago to see what it would be like with a more mature mind, and it was much more manageable, and not at all scary. It also helped heal my...
  9. Rory

    TFTRH #14: Rory – Flat Earth Debunking and Spiritual Journeys

    […] Used to listen to Ozric Tentacles back in the 90s; good stuff. Though Gong have always been more my cup of tea. ;) To be honest, though, the inner music is far greater and beyond anything I could have found outside me. I'd be surprised if anyone could truly and effectively 'imagine'...
  10. Rory

    I could have spiralled into flat earth belief.

    Introverts feel drained by too much social contact too. Enjoying quiet vs noises and stimulation seems more like a byproduct of maturity. And I'd say avoiding certain people/smalltalk is more a sign of wisdom than anything else. Still, I'm okay with this test since it scored me quite low. :)
  11. Rory

    TFTRH #14: Rory – Flat Earth Debunking and Spiritual Journeys

    Some things I might have added: 1. Mick asked about New Age friends who might also have been conspiracy theorists, and I mentioned a few that believed in a 9/11 inside job and that chemtrails was perhaps the most prevelant theory. Having thought about that, I ponder three things: 1. That New...
  12. Rory

    I could have spiralled into flat earth belief.

    I scored 17. Useful to have the earlier tips (eg, it's about quiet vs stimulation): I generally go to a party with a book in my pocket just in case. Not that I don't like people or socialising, but I tend to find most people say things I've already heard quite a few times, and I'm at that stage...
  13. Rory

    I could have spiralled into flat earth belief.

    Whether to stay in or leave a game - any "game" - is a tough question. Force yourself to leave and a part of you may remain in it, but express itself in even screwier ways. Or you may miss out on learning something important. Or get into even dodgier waters. But sometimes when we take a break...
  14. Rory

    Where and How could the Wallace Experiment Easily Be Repeated?

    Did you see the thread on doing a modern experiment on the actual Bedford Levels?
  15. Rory

    Two problems need help debunking and debating tips? please.

    Totally agree with all of the above. If you're in a debate with people who are raising these ideas, they're almost guaranteed to not be people who are interested in learning anything; or the truth; or in 'fair play' (as far as your interaction goes). So the question then is: why bother? They...
  16. Rory

    Demonstrating the Curve of the Earth with observations of Beachy Head from Worthing

    Yup - though tide levels are generally not too difficult to find, and most often don't make a massive amount of difference (8m seems unusually extreme).
  17. Rory

    TFTRH #8 - Sasha: Chatting with a Flat Earther

    That's for "heavy duty transit buses" (same source): Heavy duty transit buses are buses of more than nine meters in length, and eight metric tons in gross weight. That same page shows the entire of North America has only around 6,000 HDTBs.
  18. Rory

    TFTRH #8 - Sasha: Chatting with a Flat Earther

    And this one says 99% of the world's ~400,000ish electric buses are in China, and that 17% of the buses in China are hybrid/electric: So quick back of a napkin math(s) makes that about two...
  19. Rory

    TFTRH #8 - Sasha: Chatting with a Flat Earther

    This is from a Guardian article talking about Shenzhen (population 13.5 million; about 1% of the country): "All 16,000 buses in the fast-growing Chinese megacity are now electric." Hard to believe...
  20. Rory

    TFTRH #8 - Sasha: Chatting with a Flat Earther

    China has less busssess than California?!? :o