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  1. Rory

    Truman: "“I can assure you that flying saucers, given that they exist, are not constructed by ..."

    I wonder what the legitimacy of that document is: the quote after the Ford one is from Jimmy Carter, cited in The National Enquirer.
  2. Rory

    Refraction Variations Over Water to Bell Island

    Hey Wiggles, I heard you a few times on Nathan Oakley's channel and I thought you did well. As for posting on metabunk, the link policy is worth a read: in a nutshell (if I'm getting it right), people should be able to get all (or most of) the relevant information without needing to click on a...
  3. Rory

    Refraction Variations Over Water to Bell Island

    It's a good point: some coordinates and directions would be good. They are sort of visible in one of the screenshots, but something linked and/or cut-and-pasteable would be good. I got him about here: 47.544652, -52.917926, looking north to Bell Island. Let's cut some slack for new guys, huh...
  4. Rory

    TFTRH #8 - Sasha: Chatting with a Flat Earther

    Cheer up, Loki. Everything's pointless, if you think about it. :)
  5. Rory

    What books are you reading ? (conspiracy related, science, etc...)

    That may be a valid interpretation of what those two words might mean. But I don't think that's what Sheldrake means by them.
  6. Rory

    TFTRH #8 - Sasha: Chatting with a Flat Earther

    Totally agree that bringing numbers into it is a good thing - and that it rarely leads anywhere. With the whole pear-shaped earth thing, that's what I ended up trying to do - asking exactly how pear-shaped 'they' say it is (because smarty pants me had looked it up) - but that was never answered...
  7. Rory

    TFTRH #8 - Sasha: Chatting with a Flat Earther

    It's a doozy. Even doctors can become flat earthers. I suppose this supports some kind of point: a golden oldie-style comment I received on one of my JTolan explanation videos: It's amazing to me that things like "the tilt" still do the rounds. Little wonder the more complex stuff finds...
  8. Rory

    TFTRH #8 - Sasha: Chatting with a Flat Earther

    "Why's that, Rory?" I hear you ask. 'Cos she didn't seem interested in any explanations, I suppose, and deeply resistant, and it made me afraid the nice happy vibe between two people that are getting on might get spoiled. There's a big part of me thinks that guests like this, zero (unasked...
  9. Rory

    Tales From the Rabbit Hole - A Mick West / Metabunk Podcast

    Is it all English accents? How about this guy? Source:
  10. Rory

    Refraction Variations Over Water to Bell Island

    At the beginning of the video he's at the parking lot, but the shots he posted in the OP are from later on (note the times) and are much closer to the water, as can be seen at 1:01.
  11. Rory

    TFTRH #8 - Sasha: Chatting with a Flat Earther

    The whole gyroscopes argument was something I didn't get into it: seemed a bit complex, difficult to put across, and, in any case, there were many flat earthers who felt that gyroscopes supported their beliefs, and there didn't seem to be anything compelling on the globe side (video evidence...
  12. Rory

    TFTRH #8 - Sasha: Chatting with a Flat Earther

    When she's talking about the 400mph difference between the UK and India I got the image of an ant on a basketball in my head. If we rotate the ball and say, hey ant, walk to the bottom of the ball please - what's the change in speed of rotation for the ant? How long does it take the ant to walk...
  13. Rory

    A false quote attributed to Aldous Huxley

    That's nice work, digging that up, and it certainly contains many of the same words, themes, and sentiments. That said, it's still not the same quote.
  14. Rory

    What books are you reading ? (conspiracy related, science, etc...)

    Any bored materialist debunkers should read this book: it's a veritable compendium of experiments, reports, assertions, and data that seem to support the 'whacky' notion that there's more to life than bricks, flesh, and eternal nothingness. Just unpacking the stuff about pets picking up on...
  15. Rory

    Why do spacesuit-wearing astronauts need blankets after returning to Earth?

    They landed on May 13th, 2013. It could have been below freezing, though the May average for the Kazakh Steppe is between 5 and 19 degrees C. Clothes I guess can generally tell us something about the temperature, but may not always be a reliable indicator. They could be hardy souls. Or I...
  16. Rory

    A real-life 2D curvature analogy and a few thoughts regarding scale

    That's very good. Well done. :)
  17. Rory

    Demonstrating the Curve of the Earth with observations of Beachy Head from Worthing

    I've had a quick look, but I seem to remember from before that it wasn't immediately easy to find good elevation information for Bell Tout. So far I've seen figures ranging from 270 to 295 feet (and one of 350, that I think can be discounted). Interestingly, if they had a way of measuring it...
  18. Rory

    Debunked: 120-mile shot of San Jacinto proves flat earth

    I'm not sure about the logic of that. The mountain peak is 10,834 feet above sea level. The amount we see isn't necessarily directly related to that figure, it depends on the intervening terrain, the prominence, etc. One would have to take those things into account first. I'd also be very...
  19. Rory

    Demonstrating the Curve of the Earth with observations of Beachy Head from Worthing

    That would be my first check: Google Earth can sometimes be very inaccurate on elevations. For the US, I was using For England, maybe the Ordnance Survey or something similar. Or probably there's an accurate figure on a page detailing the lighthouse itself.
  20. Rory

    Earth's Curve Calculator

    I've noticed a few people have recently posted screenshots of the calculator where the order is still geometric -> refracted, such as here: Source: I wonder why that is?