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  1. Rory

    Demonstrating How Refraction Helps You See Over The Horizon

    Looking through, his main objections seem to be that sugar in a fish tank can't represent the actual atmosphere we live in, and his idea that the air 0-1km above the sea is less dense than the air above it, therefore refraction actually bends light up (he also shows pictures of lasers bending...
  2. Rory

    How to Take a Photo of the Curve of the Horizon

    I stand corrected. I've seen that term around but didn't know what it meant. Now I do. :)
  3. Rory

    How to Take a Photo of the Curve of the Horizon

    I've knocked up a frame with some bits I found lying around: The idea is that I can locate the horizon in between the two metal bars, so I have a straight edge not only below but above the horizon. Vertically stretched, it looks like this: Pretty good in the centre of the frame, and a...
  4. Rory

    Claim: Seeing The Same Stars All Year Disproves Globe Earth

    Somebody should make a video of your analysis and post it to YouTube.
  5. Rory

    Maui Optical Tracking Facility Five Lights UFO. [Plane + Slow Camera]

    Bruce Maccabee's conclusion: In this case it appears that an airplane would be consistent with the observational evidence. Although I can not prove there was an airplane flying over the telescope, there is no reason to believe that an airplane could not have done so. Since there is no evidence...
  6. Rory

    Observations of Brighton from Worthing Pier

    You mean for making a screenshot? I usually put it on full screen, start it playing seven or eight seconds before the shot I want, and by the time it gets there the title has disappeared and I can screenshot it while it's in motion.
  7. Rory

    Observations of Brighton from Worthing Pier

    He's going to try to do the same thing again? I guess he hasn't been keeping tabs on this thread, where the much easier to do and more conclusive daytime observation was suggested. I also emailed him to suggest a place near Brighton where he could do a Wallace-style Bedford Level observation...
  8. Rory

    Earth curve calculator for obstructions

    Finally got around to 'finishing off' the obstruction calculator. I decided the best way to approach the 'mountainside equation' would be to have it output the predicted visible elevation above sea level at a known distance. This returns the following (using the recent San Jacinto shot as an...
  9. Rory

    Observations of Brighton from Worthing Pier

    The live video shows them on the beach (quite high) and at 21:10 is where they see the laser aimed up into the air: Source:
  10. Rory

    The Conspiracy Theory Spectrum

    In 'Escaping The Rabbit Hole' there's a fair bit of talk about the conspiracy theory 'demarcation line': the idea that we all exist on a 'conspiracy spectrum', and that theories and ideas are either seen as credible or ridiculous depending on where our demarcation line lies. Here's an example...
  11. Rory

    Water Level Showing Mountain and Horizon Dip Due to Curvature

    I was at a spot this evening that gives a nice view of the sunset from about 600 feet above sea level. My water level was a bit rushed to put together, but I got a few half-decent shots, such as this one: Those distant mountains are up to 4600 feet high, so a nice example of far taller...
  12. Rory

    Need Debunking: Video claiming zigzaggin objects and movement prove EVA filmed in pool

    It may just be me but it seems a little difficult here to work out what people are referring to. There are three clips in the OP, so saying which one a particular debunk is of would be helpful. Also, I'm not sure what the reference to "P-Brane using a bad photo" is since he's using video...
  13. Rory

    Where and How could the Wallace Experiment Easily Be Repeated?

    Small scale Wallace Experiment here? It's between Brighton and Worthing:
  14. Rory

    Observations of Brighton from Worthing Pier

    Dark now. Not seeing any action on the beach...
  15. Rory

    Observations of Brighton from Worthing Pier

    If they want to be precisely one metre above the water then where they put themselves is going to be dictated by the tides.
  16. Rory

    Observations of Brighton from Worthing Pier

    I wonder if they've worked out that the tide will be further out than those places?
  17. Rory

    Observations of Brighton from Worthing Pier

    Whereabouts? The only thing I can see that could be in the way are the ruins of Brighton West Pier, but it doesn't seem to be an issue.
  18. Rory

    Full-Disk HD Images of the Earth from Satellites

    I was waiting for a Himawari-8 live image the other day and I think it was a 10 minute delay. Just checked now and it was 24/25 minutes.
  19. Rory

    Observations of Brighton from Worthing Pier

    I guess they're just situated by the piers. I thought the same thing too.
  20. Rory

    Observations of Brighton from Worthing Pier

    The experiment is happening today, from 1500GMT. There'll be livestreams at the following YouTube channels, which may provide an opportunity to make comments: To summarise: 6000 lumens LED torch...