Search results

  1. Rory

    Debunked: 120-mile shot of San Jacinto proves flat earth

    I've been having a further look at some of JTolan's footage, since he also provides some really nice shots of the San Bernardino and San Gorgonio ranges in his video (from 3:04). I made this panorama from three screenshots: I think even at first glance it's a beautiful flat earth debunk...
  2. Rory

    Full-Disk HD Images of the Earth from Satellites

    I saw a notice that says GOES-17 is due to become operational this month, replacing GOES-15. I'm looking for source imagery for the Pacific Coast on July 6th, 2015. This was the date of the first DSCOVR photo of the full disk of the Earth: the one that contains the infamous 'sex in the clouds'...
  3. Rory

    The psychology of the CT believers

    That is fascinating stuff, and really something worth thinking about. In a different sphere, I recently came across some fairly obvious but deeply ingrained self-deception, and it was very odd and interesting to deal with. One question that occurs to me might be why nature/evolution/natural...
  4. Rory

    Debunked: 120-mile shot of San Jacinto proves flat earth

    The more I get to use that German panorama maker, the more I'm loving it. I was looking a bit closer at the point at Castle Rocks, and wondering why the line pointing to it went lower than the ridge. There's a really useful 10x zoom tool that let's you check in even closer: This is showing...
  5. Rory

    Debunked: 120-mile shot of San Jacinto proves flat earth

    We've a slight discrepancy somewhere, Mick. If the yellow plane is at 2400m and marks the lowest visible point, that means about 2960 feet of the mountain is visible. My calculator says about 3700 feet, as does the panorama maker above, as well as estimating it using known points on the mountain:
  6. Rory

    Debunked: 120-mile shot of San Jacinto proves flat earth

    It's kind of working now: it really is such a cool tool when looking at these kinds of pictures, and especially for identifying ridges and landmarks. Source: Using this tells me that the ridge is largely the one at about 23.3 miles, 180 or so feet in elevation -...
  7. Rory

    Measuring the Curvature of the Horizon with a Level

    Ah. So that only eliminates the camera? Fortunately he also took footage of some straight lines through the window: Source:
  8. Rory

    Debunked: 120-mile shot of San Jacinto proves flat earth

    JTolan's at it again, providing terrific images to demonstrate that the Earth is a sphere: Source: The measurements in the picture are his own, and are mostly accurate for A-D, but between points E and F he gives an elevation difference of...
  9. Rory

    Explained: Observations of Canigou, Curvature of the Earth & Atmospheric Refraction

    How about sending JTolan there with his infrared filter? He lives just up the road. :)
  10. Rory

    Debunked: The WTC 9/11 Angle Cut Column. [Not Thermite, Cut Later]

    Did anything ever happen with this? For me, this is one of the standout debunks on this site. Did AE911 feed back? Did Gage change his presentations? Was the word put out by others, videos made, AE911 called out, etc?
  11. Rory

    Confirmed Tesla quote; "Today's scientists have substituted mathematics for experiments"

    Just reading the full article for the OP quote, I see that Tesla believed "the idea of atomic energy is illusionary".
  12. Rory

    Debunked: The Lunar Cycle affects birth rates

    This is really beautiful work - I'm well impressed, and will no doubt find it super useful when I get back to my own project on this. Bit busy with other things at the mo but I'm planning to get stuck in again once that passes. Thanks so much for taking up the baton with such aplomb! :)
  13. Rory

    Earth curvature refraction experiments - debunking flat/concave Earth

    I don't think this has been posted yet: a genuine mirage of the Chicago skyline, where the buildings appear upside down: Source: I know this thread is all over the place, and...
  14. Rory

    Recreating the Bedford Level Experiment

    Did you go?
  15. Rory

    Debunked: 120-mile shot of San Jacinto proves flat earth

    Fixed! Thanks for pointing that out. :)
  16. Rory

    Debunked: 120-mile shot of San Jacinto proves flat earth

    I've come across a new tool similar to peakfinder which is great at identifying the obscuring ridges. This is the image it gives us for that shot to San Jacinto...
  17. Rory

    Observations of Pike's Peak

    One modification to that: it turns out that, in this particular shot, different ridges are causing the obstruction for the different models. Here are the updated results for that: The obscuring ridge in reality is one 28.1 miles away from the observer. There's a tool similar to peakfinder...
  18. Rory

    Observations of Pike's Peak

    One thing that was bugging me about the Pikes Peak shot was that I didn't know what the geometrically predicted visible amount was for a sphere earth. Now I do: This is from a calculator I made in excel. The two different figures for the sphere earth are because the second one factors in for...
  19. Rory

    What to do about the Flat Earthers? Debunk, or ignore?

    Yeah, the avatar picture wasn't my best look. ;) Thanks for the props; I appreciate that. I'm gonna do some more and then mostly stop. I'm actually looking forward to Phuket Word coming for a visit - he's gonna have to invent a whole new flerspective to explain that Mount Rainier shot. :)
  20. Rory

    What to do about the Flat Earthers? Debunk, or ignore?

    Also, we mustn't forget that sometimes people just like to butt heads - and even though we might oppose each other vehemently in the moment, we love it really, and can even look back fondly on our 'adversaries' once the dust has settled. Should we avoid that? Shun the beneficial aspects of...