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  1. Rory

    Debunked: The Lunar Cycle affects birth rates

    I wonder if this is more representative (data from 2007-2017)? I can't remove holidays for the data showing c-sections, or calculate by a daily average, but I can for the 'all births' figure: I guess from that I can arrive at a rough daily ratio for a non-holiday, non-caesarean, 38-40 week...
  2. Rory

    Debunked: The Lunar Cycle affects birth rates

    * - was on t'phone last night and writing from memory. Does this help? That's vaginal vs caesarean for each day of the week by gestational age. It shows the marked difference in caesareans between weekends and weekdays - though it's not as big a difference as I might have...
  3. Rory

    Debunked: The Lunar Cycle affects birth rates

    I shall check that out. On a quick note, I have looked at birth methods (2007-2017) split by day of the week and it comes out (iirc) at about 36% c-sections on a weekday, and 24% on a weekend. I also looked at gestation ages and there's an incredible range either side of 39 weeks. It's all so...
  4. Rory

    Confirmed Tesla quote; "Today's scientists have substituted mathematics for experiments"

    This is the one that does my head in; I see it all the time: "If you want to find the secrets of the Universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.’ I spent the last 50 years doing just that, and my products are a direct result of this investigation." Wikiquote has it down as...
  5. Rory

    Observations of Brighton from Worthing Pier

    The text says 12 feet but the Google Earth data says 15.4 feet. Then the "crouching down" on the beach has the camera at 5.5 feet "above ground". Is the extra footage due to the way Google Earth calculates/works?
  6. Rory

    Observations of Brighton from Worthing Pier

    That is completely bizarre. Regarding his first image: Maybe the guy who can't see just needs to open his eyes? ;)
  7. Rory

    Observations of Brighton from Worthing Pier

    It's a few pixels taller, but also slightly cropped and 'zoomed', which maybe explains why they're not aligned. The best way to tell is that his has much less water at the bottom.
  8. Rory

    Observations of Brighton from Worthing Pier

    I see Dr John claims that you've "purposefully shrunk" his original image: Source: Are they actually very slightly different images? Or is it because his is minutely cropped, and therefore 'zoomed'?
  9. Rory

    Debunked: The Lunar Cycle affects birth rates

    In finishing off this study I continue to be amazed by the way some people - academics, university professors included - handle statistics. Needless to say, I don't know all the Fancy Dan stuff they do - about chi-squares and p numbers, etc - but I do know you need more than 400 people to...
  10. Rory

    Observations of Brighton from Worthing Pier

    Do you know the timestamps for those two images?
  11. Rory

    How To Make Starlite - The Miracle Insulating Material of Maurice Ward

    Looking forward to seeing if your two-week-old samples fare better than Ward's. :)
  12. Rory

    Debunked: Doctor's advice on cow milk

    Carry on, gents: fascinating stuff. Just as an aside: Not all milk or milk products are pasteurised. And the measurements quoted there are specific to the US; but don't mean much to the rest of the world. Would using litres be okay? As a long time non-milk drinker, looking forward to more...
  13. Rory

    Debunked: Movie producer Nathan Folks claims bombing false flag, Voice of Russia says blood too red

    According to his IMDB page, it looks like Mr Folks has moved into environmentally-friendly businesses these last few years, including electric cars and bicycles, as well as paper and plastic made primarily from limestone. He did post this on facebook back in September 2017: But the gofundme...
  14. Rory

    UFOs Filmed from Moving Helicopters and Planes. Not So Fast!

    Brilliant explanatory video that shows so clearly what at first may appear quite perplexing and counterintuitive. Amazing piece of software too! One thing: I was a bit surprised when you rounded 5.5 down to 5m, and 18 inches (45.7cm) up to 0.5m, to give 1/10th, when 1/12th is clear enough...
  15. Rory

    Can You Validate Earth's Curvature with a Drone?

    Seems like a good experiment to propose to flat earthers, for them to carry out themselves. Though if they don't trust theodolites...
  16. Rory

    Debunked: Eric Dubay "Flat Earth Proof" #13

    I went to Camp Vell the other day, was pretty cool to be standing in the spot where Biot and Arago were all those years ago. There's a survey monument on the top: There was also a 60-foot tall fire tower nearby: amazing views from up there, over the entire island. Could just make out the...
  17. Rory

    Debunked: The Lunar Cycle affects birth rates

    I'm having a go at the normalization - and it's definitely more intricate than would first appear, what with birth rates changing depending on which day of the week holidays fall on, days surrounding holidays receiving a boost, and even whether particular days happen to randomly coincide more...
  18. Rory

    How To Make Starlite - The Miracle Insulating Material of Maurice Ward

    Wondered if you'd seen this comment on The Guardian website? Having read a recent article on Mr Ward I've decided to leave a brief & factual synopsis of why Mr Ward's product never came to fruition. Mr Ward came to my lab about a year before his death needing help to turn what was essentially a...
  19. Rory

    Debunked: The Lunar Cycle affects birth rates

    Strangely, two studies on a possible correlation between the lunar cycle and birth rates were published within a few months of each other in 2016 - only this time involving cows. One study was carried out by Professor Tomohiro Yonezawa of the University of Tokyo, and quite widely reported on...
  20. Rory

    Debunked: Study shows link between menstrual cycle and the moon

    Disturbingly high - over 45% in some countries (emergency and recommended rate is around 10-15%). One of my biggest takeaways from researching this is to really question the statistics. A PhD puts out a paper, says "that's statistically significant", and throws in the old "p<0.001" and I might...