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  1. Rory

    Debunked: Study shows link between menstrual cycle and the moon

    Also, as noted in the OP, the Clue analysis states that: "Statistically speaking, with a random distribution of period start dates, about 1 in 2 women will have their period start ±3 days from either the full or new moon."
  2. Rory

    Debunked: Study shows link between menstrual cycle and the moon

    Have you looked at the raw data for that study? What does "around the new moon" mean? Is there any evidence of bias? Even just going by the abstract, what it shows is: 1. the exact opposite of what Cutler believed she had found; and 2. a disagreement with a sample size of 1.5 million.
  3. Rory

    Need help with calculating vertical speed of ascending shadow at sunset

    Here's a picture with both underlit clouds and a shadow cast by a mountain: Note: As far as I know, of all the flat earthers who have seen this, exactly zero have stopped believing in flat earth. ;)
  4. Rory

    Need help with calculating vertical speed of ascending shadow at sunset

    Doesn't it being a time lapse video kind of mess with that?
  5. Rory

    Debunked: Study shows link between menstrual cycle and the moon

    And, finally, here is the table of data included in Cutler's 1987 paper, which brings together studies from four separate years: As we can see, the numbers involved are not only tiny, but often zero - so it is little wonder that statistical anomalies were found.