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  1. Ravi

    Skinwalker Ranch S4 E11 Claims of "Wormhole" from LIDAR Scan with Gap

    @Eburacum Not sure if I agree with your conclusion that a denser point cloud will show a higher "back reflection intensity". I am certain the calibration takes care of any system errors that one can expect. But even so, a denser point cloud is a cloud of individual measurements, thus I/O per...
  2. Ravi

    Ross Coulthart's 'Huge' Buried UFO

    Our group effort is successful! Look, in my homecountry we also found an UFO! We keep it on the ground though, for safety.
  3. Ravi

    Skinwalker Ranch S4 E11 Claims of "Wormhole" from LIDAR Scan with Gap

    No problem, it gives food for thought! BTW the red zone/cirlce may well be a (residual) calibration artefacts from the sensor system, but not sure.
  4. Ravi

    Skinwalker Ranch S4 E11 Claims of "Wormhole" from LIDAR Scan with Gap

    As it was found they seem to use the sensor as mentioned by @Beck in post #36, I looked into the manual of the sensor (Livox MID-70). They use a radial pattern scanning (non moving) method. The pattern the scanner makes, looks like a daisy wheel / Lissajous curve, covering the FoV...
  5. Ravi

    Claim: Ancient Cultures inherited Structures and Artefacts from Pre-Historic Lost Civilizations with Advanced Manufacturing Capabilities

    A youtube channel by the name of "CreativeAbility" uploaded a video recently, showing how they make stone, marble vases. It looks quite obvious that the same method must have been used also in the ancient times, to produce at least some of the vases and other concentric stone artefacts. Below I...
  6. Ravi

    Biologist claims to have studied alien bodies (EBOs - Exo-Biospheric-Organisms)

    So, where is the evidence to dive into and try to debunk? Or is it just a typical reddit style fantastic story.
  7. Ravi

    Why are Starlink "Racetrack" Flares [Mostly] Reported from Planes?

    Perhaps it is an idea to invite them here? Or at least the person you are in contact with. If he does not want to interact over here, I am not sure how serious we need to take them.
  8. Ravi

    Skinwalker Ranch - Season 4 Episode 10 - 3600 MPH UFO Claim

    OpticStudio it's called now.. I am late to the party.. But finding the lens design of the Nikon objective used here, is I think not easy. Also, I have not found the sensor-distance-to-mount values anywhere in the documentation of the camera. This is of course essential to know the FoV as the...
  9. Ravi

    Skinwalker Ranch - Season 4 Episode 10 - 3600 MPH UFO Claim

    And so our Skinwalker friends fail again. This time with a fly. How hilarious do you want to have it. I wonder how many times they want to try to shove their stupid narrative down our throat.
  10. Ravi

    UFO observed - Las Vegas 26 June 2023

    I find these tiktok inclusions a little annoying if I may say so. They never show the actual video, as it is already playing when refreshing the page. What can we do about those situations, mods?
  11. Ravi

    UFO observed - Las Vegas 26 June 2023

    I think the alien had a little too much to drink, last time he visited Las vegas.
  12. Ravi

    UFO observed - Las Vegas 26 June 2023

    In the first video of the OP it looks like the object is "wobbly", as it changes shape from "ellipsoid" to almost circular. This could point perhaps to a blimp/balloon.
  13. Ravi

    UFO observed - Las Vegas 26 June 2023

    Agree. But the speed, is that normal speed for a blimp? It moves quite rapid.
  14. Ravi

    What key data points are required to analyse a UFO sighting?

    Agreed, or (perhaps never happens) a 'stereo image' of the event, two persons with a phone filming the same thing. Then you know exactly how far it is, by analysis. Photogrammetry is perhaps the technique to use for ufo detection..
  15. Ravi

    Meta Materials From UFOs

    Certainly interesting research by Avi and his team. Perhaps he is a bit victim to todays speed, drop it in his blog, as a precursor for a later paper? I find it a bit quick on the draw to claim "interstellar spherules", but that is not what he writes so, fine.
  16. Ravi

    Misleading: Josh Hawley on UFO and David Grusch

    We should not "listen" to anybody, without them having any proof. That is my opinion.. Too many grifters and attention seeking persons on the net. Just like I do not trust any MB member claiming anything without a substantial detailed analysis and corroborative data.
  17. Ravi

    David Grusch, Whistleblower, Claims U.S. Has Retrieved Craft and Bodies of Non-Human Origin

    This thread has gone so much off topic, I don't understand why. I thought it were house-rules to not go off topic, but apparently not. It makes it very hard to keep track, if everyone is discussing other things constantly!
  18. Ravi

    Claim - UFO Crashes near Las Vegas, crash captured on Cop's Body-cam

    Agree, because we should not feed the trolls that might use it to say (in other forums) that "MB does not take things seriously, and ridicules).
  19. Ravi

    David Grusch's DOPSR Cleared Statement and IG Complaint

    Still? I think it has been years now. Is it such a long paper? Sometimes papers don't get through the peers because no corroborative data from other scientists were brought forth. I assume this is such a case. 1 person claiming outlandish things is (in science) shouting in the desert..