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  1. Ravi

    David Grusch's DOPSR Cleared Statement and IG Complaint

    Did mr Nolan ever publish a paper on these materials?
  2. Ravi

    Claim - UFO Crashes near Las Vegas, crash captured on Cop's Body-cam

    I don't trust what mr Poppa is saying one bit.
  3. Ravi

    Claim - UFO Crashes near Las Vegas, crash captured on Cop's Body-cam

    News Nation and Poppa are on a roll. No new evidence whatsoever but a lot of talking heads, as always. Must be nice time for both, al this extra traffic. On April 30, a Las Vegas family claimed something crashed in their backyard, prompting them to call 911 about “nonhuman” beings. Several...
  4. Ravi

    Baltic Pipeline Discussion (Current Events)

    Which is good. I have no examples, which is entirely so because I really don't follow all the events happening..
  5. Ravi

    Claim - UFO Crashes near Las Vegas, crash captured on Cop's Body-cam

    From his last video (12th), I quote I am not sure, but if you want people to leave you alone, surely posting videos will not help?
  6. Ravi

    Baltic Pipeline Discussion (Current Events)

    In this time of war, caution has to be taken with anything in the news. We cannot simply believe anything, as we all know at what lengths both parties (Ua<>Ru) go to try to blame each other. However, we know the pipeline has been blown up, which is a fact. Perhaps we will never see the truth...
  7. Ravi

    Baltic Pipeline Discussion (Current Events)

    Interesting news. Translated excerpt: US warned Ukraine not to sabotage Nord Stream, after MIVD alert The US intelligence agency CIA warned Ukraine not to blow up the pipeline in June last year, three months before the sabotage of the Nord Stream gas pipeline. The Americans did this after...
  8. Ravi

    Claim - UFO Crashes near Las Vegas, crash captured on Cop's Body-cam

    Tiktok is one, but don't underestimate how extremely populair Youtube Shorts are. I hope Mick will never give in and start doing these. It is probably the only way to reach kids today though: make something as short as possible, so that their attention span is not stretched too much. So 20 sec...
  9. Ravi

    David Grusch, Whistleblower, Claims U.S. Has Retrieved Craft and Bodies of Non-Human Origin

    The person that interviewed Mick (forgot his name but also from News Nation), was a lot more skeptical, at least he sounded like it. That person should get more on the forefront, over mr Coulthard who seems to be already convinced..
  10. Ravi

    Claim - UFO Crashes near Las Vegas, crash captured on Cop's Body-cam

    They are so advanced, they are surprised by Earth's gravity. I guess they never passed Jupiter.
  11. Ravi

    Claim - UFO Crashes near Las Vegas, crash captured on Cop's Body-cam

    Perhaps cultural influences play a role. You mentioned Chupa Chups.
  12. Ravi

    Baltic Pipeline Discussion (Current Events)

    Article excerpt: Nord Stream Sabotage Probe Turns to Clues Inside Poland German investigators are examining evidence that suggests a sabotage team used Poland, a European Union neighbor and NATO ally, as an operating base to blow up the Nord Stream pipelines built to transport Russian gas...
  13. Ravi

    David Grusch, Whistleblower, Claims U.S. Has Retrieved Craft and Bodies of Non-Human Origin

    It is merely a suggestion, we live a democracy. :)
  14. Ravi

    David Grusch, Whistleblower, Claims U.S. Has Retrieved Craft and Bodies of Non-Human Origin

    Suggestion: lock this thread until further proof surfaces. I don't think that will happen (opinion), but now we are just arguing back and forth endlessly over non-facts. It is fun, but distracting. Just my 2cts!
  15. Ravi

    Claim: UFO photographed at Torbay Airshow

    You answer the question in the same sentence. "only after the fact in photographs."
  16. Ravi

    Claim: UFO photographed at Torbay Airshow

  17. Ravi

    Claim - UFO Crashes near Las Vegas, crash captured on Cop's Body-cam

    Disagree, respectfully. I am not confident that after you encounter a non-human being, the first thing you think about is to start a new youtube channel named "alien society51". Sounds absurd. But I am not American, perhaps that matters. I don't trust the guy one bit. Story reeks like menure.
  18. Ravi

    David Grusch, Whistleblower, Claims U.S. Has Retrieved Craft and Bodies of Non-Human Origin

    "Light gray figures with praying mantis like features". It does not get any better than this! smh.
  19. Ravi

    David Grusch, Whistleblower, Claims U.S. Has Retrieved Craft and Bodies of Non-Human Origin

    Just watched this video, where mr Kaku is interviewed. Interesting watch. I am not with mr Kaku though, he seems to be almost already convinced.
  20. Ravi

    David Grusch, Whistleblower, Claims U.S. Has Retrieved Craft and Bodies of Non-Human Origin

    I remember that years ago there was a hacker that found lots of top secret cables. I think he always claimed to not have seen any evidence of say, Grusch story or any ufo evidence for that matter. I cannot believe a secret this big can be kept secret, even to hackers.