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  1. Ravi

    Claim: Time-Travelling Humans are Causing Close Encounter Experiences

    Tricky though, to come up with (counter) arguments when we only have the paraphrased conclusions from SkepticSteve. I am sure the book is trying to explain. That said, it is well discussed topic, I think. I am sure many SF books can be found only about this topic, lol.
  2. Ravi

    Strange Lights over Las Vegas April 25, 2023

    I am also pretty certain I have seen similar videos in the past (Cali coast etc) that in the end turned out to be illuminating flares. I am no expert, but I believe some can remain floating for quite a while.
  3. Ravi

    Claim: Ancient Cultures inherited Structures and Artefacts from Pre-Historic Lost Civilizations with Advanced Manufacturing Capabilities

    The guy from the "SGD" channel on YT has a number of videos showing tube drill techniques.
  4. Ravi

    Claim: Ancient Cultures inherited Structures and Artefacts from Pre-Historic Lost Civilizations with Advanced Manufacturing Capabilities

    Came across an interesting article, found here Stone vases I am not going to rephrase what is mentioned, so I quote it here. It is in my view a sound explanation of how these vessels were made. Of course, Graham and Christopher have to show that the vessels cannot be made this way, not the...
  5. Ravi

    Middle East 2022 MQ-9 Observed Apparent Spherical UAP (via AARO)

    Perhaps an idea to stabilize/centre the video on the object? I am not capable myself, but it is an suggestion...
  6. Ravi

    Middle East 2022 MQ-9 Observed Apparent Spherical UAP (via AARO)

    Interestingly, @26 seconds into the clip (from post #100) it seems the scene perspective looks almost stationary. I doubt it now.
  7. Ravi

    Claim: Ancient Cultures inherited Structures and Artefacts from Pre-Historic Lost Civilizations with Advanced Manufacturing Capabilities

    Agreed @yoshy, it is a great channel. The recent ones (the Antiques Travel Guide, where he visits Egypt himself together with Natalie Hilder and a proper camera person) are very interesting and informative and in such high video quality too! It is on a large screen extremely entertaining to see.
  8. Ravi

    Claim: Ancient Cultures inherited Structures and Artefacts from Pre-Historic Lost Civilizations with Advanced Manufacturing Capabilities

    @John J. That last vessel you show is indeed a very interesting one as well. The inside is hollow, but we don't know (from the images) how well it was hollowed out. There is also a possibility that the inside is not very symmetrical at all, but just the mass midpoint is nicely centred. (ps, how...
  9. Ravi

    Claim: Ancient Cultures inherited Structures and Artefacts from Pre-Historic Lost Civilizations with Advanced Manufacturing Capabilities

    Indeed. I am very curious about the other vases's dimensions. From the pictures alone I can tell they are very different. What nags me is the fact we/they don't know the origin of this specific vase.. :confused:
  10. Ravi

    Claim: Ancient Cultures inherited Structures and Artefacts from Pre-Historic Lost Civilizations with Advanced Manufacturing Capabilities

    See Mendel's post above me, he mentions good arguments for not being accidental. But, if it is the only vase that has this, there is a small but real chance it was not on purpose. I don't believe the ancients had advanced machines, and some art work is incredibly well made. I cannot imagine the...
  11. Ravi

    Claim: Ancient Cultures inherited Structures and Artefacts from Pre-Historic Lost Civilizations with Advanced Manufacturing Capabilities

    Thanks. I must admit I hadn't looked at that pdf before. I see your point very well. One can argue about the fits of the curves and diameters of the body of the vessel, but the measurements as performed on the inner/outer diameter of the neck are undeniably accurate. The ratio cannot have been...
  12. Ravi

    Claim: Ancient Cultures inherited Structures and Artefacts from Pre-Historic Lost Civilizations with Advanced Manufacturing Capabilities

    I missed that calculation. Can you show where I can find it? And still, if that would be the case, how precise is the match? Also, do all the other stone vases have similar Pi involvement? I am not certain. Also agreeing with @Ann K here. It all reminds me a lot of this video showing how easy...
  13. Ravi

    Claim: Ancient Cultures inherited Structures and Artefacts from Pre-Historic Lost Civilizations with Advanced Manufacturing Capabilities

    I am uncertain an artisan from those times needed a drawing or design. Would it not be that the person making the vase simple went as it goes? I see plenty of stone vessels (yt videos etc) that are rounder, some are thinner, some are thicker etc. One could argue that they simply reprogrammed...
  14. Ravi

    Claim: Ancient Cultures inherited Structures and Artefacts from Pre-Historic Lost Civilizations with Advanced Manufacturing Capabilities

    It is not the mathematical expression I am tripping over, I am tripping over the circle "fitting" done on the photograph of the vase. That someone can later on play with the math of these constructed circles is no magic.
  15. Ravi

    Claim: Faster than light travel (FTL) can not be discarded with arguments from physics

    I love her videos (just like the ones from the Fermi Lab). She says important things in the conclusions: we don't have a good grasp of quantum gravity yet, and as in the QM physics things go a bit weird, this means that any argument for FTL would probably not survive in the quantum gravity theory.
  16. Ravi

    Claim: Ancient Cultures inherited Structures and Artefacts from Pre-Historic Lost Civilizations with Advanced Manufacturing Capabilities

    With diamond laced tools working an object, the size of the diamond granules and the speed of the tool determines how "rough" a surface will become. At lower speeds, more crystals tend to break out of the surface. So when you have a good quality tool and optimised feed rates and speeds, I am...
  17. Ravi

    Claim: Ancient Cultures inherited Structures and Artefacts from Pre-Historic Lost Civilizations with Advanced Manufacturing Capabilities

    Indeed. It is random geometric fitting and it is thus complete non sense. No other words for this. Give me any shape and I can fit some circles and triangles in it, and it will look awesome. Also the "ratio" R(n) from that diagram is complete non sense. It is the method (playing around with...
  18. Ravi

    Claim: Ancient Cultures inherited Structures and Artefacts from Pre-Historic Lost Civilizations with Advanced Manufacturing Capabilities

    @NorCal Dave Nice. That last video you posted is by "SGD", and he has done extensive practical work in making the actual stone objects himself using simple copper and wood tools. And it worked. Perhaps not as nice as the Egyptians did, but hey, they only had thousands of years practice and...
  19. Ravi

    Claim: Ancient Cultures inherited Structures and Artefacts from Pre-Historic Lost Civilizations with Advanced Manufacturing Capabilities

    Wasn't the origin of the vertical axis chosen to be the centre of a circle fit of the neck diameter? That is what I thought they did.