Search results

  1. Ravi

    Searchlight "UAP" in Wisconsin - Flanders Family Christmas Lights

    Yes. The Flanders likely use a few lamps as made by the company Varilite. This lamp could well be the one. "light engine", I downloaded the manual and it says LED. Formerly, Xe lamps were used.
  2. Ravi

    A Tear In The Sky - Nimitz/Tic-Tac/Catalina UFO Documentary

    Agreed @Gaspa What is just not really scientific about this (I am of the empirical kind), is the "experiment by luck" approach. Scientific studies rarely start randomly measuring, there should be a reason for you to look somewhere. Randomly looking if you can spot something odd is what they...
  3. Ravi

    Searchlight "UAP" in Wisconsin - Flanders Family Christmas Lights

    The little fluffy clouds "blobs" are never exactly on the same altitude, making the projected light look like it is erratically moving.
  4. Ravi

    Searchlight "UAP" in Wisconsin - Flanders Family Christmas Lights

    The changing clouds looks to me an effect of the phonecam. The "auto gain" or "auto white balance" is obviously doing its thing here. You can observe it as she moves the cam: the software abruptly tries to optimise the scene. It is caused by the bright lights everywhere. In your example images...
  5. Ravi

    Searchlight "UAP" in Wisconsin - Flanders Family Christmas Lights

    These LED 360 lights are pretty damn powerful. Also the focus is motorised and programmable. So for instance, you can focus on a cloud layer, making it even brighter.
  6. Ravi

    A Tear In The Sky - Nimitz/Tic-Tac/Catalina UFO Documentary

    @NorCal Dave Yeah, I think I formed my opinion on a too small amount of data to be statistically valid (my bad by not watching the (long) video carefully) :cool:
  7. Ravi

    A Tear In The Sky - Nimitz/Tic-Tac/Catalina UFO Documentary

    I admit I did not watch everything, and skipped indeed the slide bits. Presentations with slides with 90% text are the worst (I learned 'how to present' about 30 years ago and I still remember lesson 1: do not make slides too busy or too much text). Matthew Szydagis sounds a little frustrated...
  8. Ravi

    A Tear In The Sky - Nimitz/Tic-Tac/Catalina UFO Documentary

    Watching it now. I hate to be prejudiced, but the first person speaking is pretty biased (aliens are here). Strange start to a scientific study that should have no bias.. EDIT At the end, when discussing, Matthew Szydagis is saying important things. Like that there is no smoking gun, that...
  9. Ravi

    Clouds over Mount Shasta - Dissipation Trail?

    Thanks for the feedback @Mendel.
  10. Ravi

    Clouds over Mount Shasta - Dissipation Trail?

    @Mkitz Could you please repeat the initial question that you want to discuss? I am lost, completely. I see lots of beautiful images and thanks for that, but what is your goal, because I sense you have one.
  11. Ravi

    Destabilized Sensor Reflections - Squiggly Lines and Dancing Dots

    These are called "ghosts" in optics. It was indeed more an issue in the days before AR coatings. The main back reflection from the sensor is tricky to get rid of, even in modern designs, because of the nature of the material (Silicon).
  12. Ravi

    Clouds over Mount Shasta - Dissipation Trail?

    I guess I am not meteorologically skilled enough to know if your claim is correct. Like mentioned earlier by others, you have to prove it is out of the ordinary using links, references etc.
  13. Ravi

    Clouds over Mount Shasta - Dissipation Trail?

    Sorry, but after 4 pages of (beautiful, yes) pictures I am still unsure what is the main question.. I see interesting cloud formations, likely formed by chaotic turbulent air motions. What else? Is this a prime example of WANTING to see something that is not there? Is this an attempt to convince...
  14. Ravi

    What is that thing on the ground?

    No they don't, it is all perfectly rectangular. Check images on google. They just fold up as a harmonica.
  15. Ravi

    Mid-Atlantic "Racetrack" UFO Cockpit Video [Starlink Again]

    @flarkey The match is (specially at 4:45) fantastic. Good job man. Shows pretty well the "random" directions in which the sats seem to move. I can imagine (as a pilot) you are more used to satellites or planes just moving in a horizontal plane.
  16. Ravi

    What is that thing on the ground?

    As an optical engineer, I am pretty interested in how they were able to create 0.5m resolution with a 10cm cube satellite (DOVE) that has "only" a resolution of 3m (the diffraction limit of 10cm diameter optics is 3m resolution at that distance). Cannot find it on the website.
  17. Ravi

    Mid-Atlantic "Racetrack" UFO Cockpit Video [Starlink Again]

    Just out of interest, this article from 2020 mentions that SpaceX wanted to reduce the apparent brightness of the (future) satellites. Not sure if it actually did so. I think by the way that the flares are caused by the "bottom" of the Starlink sat, which is essentially where the antennas are...
  18. Ravi

    Mid-Atlantic "Racetrack" UFO Cockpit Video [Starlink Again]

    But, pilots also frequent reddit and no, they are not super human, nor are they all seriously looking for truth. I predict this "race tack ufo" stuff will be going on for quite a while.
  19. Ravi

    Mid-Atlantic "Racetrack" UFO Cockpit Video [Starlink Again]

    @flarkey, nice! The problem with Starlink, it seems, is that there are so many of them, and basically all going at the same rate/speed. Thus it is very likely to show up in an identical way to many pilots. Correct?
  20. Ravi

    Mid-Atlantic "Racetrack" UFO Cockpit Video [Starlink Again]

    @flarkey , does that mean it can be also Starlink sats popping up in front of them?